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Interact using sound argument, while adapting to established goals and the context of the interaction.


  • M1 ():

  • M2 ():

  • M3 ():

AAv List (404)

  • 01_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S1, the student will be able, without having to resort to digital linguistic aid tools, to express themselves in a non-complex and sufficiently detailed way. written and to explain and comment on the main points of an idea or a problem orally, on various subjects of daily life. The language used will conform to usage, without errors likely to hinder the understanding of the reader or the interlocutor.

  • 01_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S1, the student will be able, without resorting to digital linguistic aid tools, to choose the appropriate expressions from a defined thematic vocabulary of daily life and to integrate them appropriately into their writing practice (comprehension and production). The appropriate expression will be one among those in use, the use of the expression will be appropriate as long as it suits the context.

  • 01_XASHI-AAv2 (13H): At the end of the semester the student must be able to produce a complete oral synthesis in a professional manner (adapted to the requested communication situation and intended to be retained) using all the resources of communication.

  • 01_XAIS1-AAv1 (25H): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to speak individually in front of a small audience a written text not previously known, while being aware of their emotions, their voice and their body in space.

  • 01_XAIS1-AAv2 (7H): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to receive with an open mind and collect on an audio medium the point point of view of a person different from them on an imposed subject.

  • 01_XAIS1-AAv3 (12H): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to produce short written materials offering imaginary scenarios and/or using new formal codes as sources of inspiration.

  • 01_XDEDM-AAv1 (15H): Situation: at the end of the course, the group must be able to represent a system in 3D from its orthogonal projection in 2D and reciprocally

  • 01_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 01_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 01_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 01_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 01_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 01_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 01_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 01_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 01_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 01_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 01_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 01_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 01_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 01_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 01_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 01_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 01_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 01_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 01_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 02_XSZG2-AAv3 (14H): At the end of ZG2, each student will be able to succinctly describe, in writing, orally and by means of a projected presentation the multidisciplinary work of their group , in interaction/on good terms with the members of his group, respecting a given structure.

  • 02_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S2, the student will be able, without resorting to digital linguistic aid tools, to produce detailed, elaborate and precise descriptions in writing and explain and debate the main points of an idea or a problem orally, on various subjects of daily life or the professional environment. The language used will conform to usage, without errors likely to hinder the understanding of the reader or the interlocutor.

  • 02_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S2, the student will be able, without resorting to digital linguistic aid tools, to choose the appropriate expressions from a defined thematic vocabulary of everyday life and the environment and to integrate them appropriately into their written and oral practice (comprehension and production). The appropriate expression will be one among those in use, the use of the expression will be appropriate as long as it suits the context.

  • 02_XASHI-AAv3 (5H): At the end of the semester, the student must be able to carry out research work in a team, to collectively present the research using all means of communication and to self assess

  • 02_XAIS1-AAv1 (25H): At the end of IS1b, students will be able to interact with many classmates and a large audience made up of strangers in the framework of a fictional scenario (based on a text, a framework or pure improvisation), in which they will each participate thanks to the voice and body techniques previously acquired.

  • 02_XAIS1-AAv2 (10H): At the end of IS1b, students will be able to produce an audio support which sorts and punctuates the information collected during the first two sessions, over a limited duration.

  • 02_XDAUT-AAv7 (8H): The student will be able to integrate and participate correctly in the collective work required of the team within the framework of the two automation projects (one on the wired control part, one on the programmed control part). He/she will motivate, take the initiative and discuss with all team members to move the project forward in line with the milestones set by the teacher.

  • 02_XDEDM-AAv1 (15H): In a given context and with a given mechanical functionality, the group must be able to report on its work in writing and oral, as the sessions progress and in summary at the end of the semester

  • 02_XDIPI-AAv1 (20H): An S2 student, at the end of IPI, is capable of implementing the major stages of a development cycle of around thirty hours, of interactive software (for example a game) structured by a simulation loop and abstract types of data in the paradigm of procedural programming, with the help from a supervisor who validates or proposes the broad outlines of each of the stages of this cycle.

  • 02_XDIPI-AAv2 (20H): An S2 student, at the end of IPI, is capable of efficiently programming, on his personal computer, one or a set of simple-to-use software functionalities. starting from a prior written design or an oral exchange on algorithmic principle.

  • 02_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 02_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 02_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 02_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 02_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 02_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 02_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 02_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 02_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 02_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 02_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 02_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 02_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 02_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 02_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 02_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 02_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 02_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 02_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 03_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S3, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to successfully carry out various procedures, in writing and orally, and to express oneself on subjects, concrete or not, in one's field, by linking a series of elements into a linear sequence. The language used will conform to usage, without errors likely to hinder the understanding of the reader or the interlocutor.

  • 03_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S3, the student will be able, without resorting to digital linguistic aid tools, to choose the appropriate expressions from a defined thematic vocabulary of practical life and to integrate them appropriately into their writing practice (comprehension and production). The appropriate expression will be one among those in use, the use of the expression will be appropriate as long as it suits the context.

  • 03_XASHI-AAv3 (20H): At the end of the fourteen weeks of courses, students will be able to imagine in small groups (3-4) ordinary professional situations taking into account the meaning given to work and life by future colleagues from a culture different from theirs. This imaginative story will take the form of short fiction (short story or comic strip of four to ten pages, videos of 3 to 5 minutes).

  • 03_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 03_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 03_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 03_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 03_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 03_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 03_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 03_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 03_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 03_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 03_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 03_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 03_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 03_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 03_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 03_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 03_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 03_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 03_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 04_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S4, the student will be able, without resorting to digital linguistic aid tools, to express their thoughts, in writing or oral, on an abstract or cultural subject. The language used will conform to usage, without errors likely to hinder the understanding of the reader or the interlocutor.

  • 04_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S4, the student will be able, without having to resort to digital linguistic aid tools, to choose the appropriate expressions in the vocabulary of social life and professional environment and to integrate them appropriately into their writing practice (comprehension and production). The appropriate expression will be one among those in use, the use of the expression will be appropriate as long as it suits the context.

  • 04_XASHI-AAv1 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to individually describe in detail the working relationships established during their worker internship.

  • 04_XASHI-AAv2 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to compare their own worker internship experience with that of two to three classmates, i.e. -say

  • 04_XDDYN-AAv5 (10H): Correctly explain the team's work orally

  • 04_XDDYN-AAv6 (10H): Correctly analyze your written work (activity report)

  • 04_XDEDM-AAv1 (10H): In a given context and with a given mechanical functionality, the group must be able to report on its work

  • 04_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 04_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 04_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 04_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 04_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 04_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 04_XIIS2-AAv2 (20H): At the end of the worker internship, the student will be able to integrate into a team while being aware of the roles/ranks of each of the interacting employees.

  • 04_XSZG4-AAv6 (10H): Correctly explain the team's work orally

  • 04_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S4, the student will be able, without resorting to digital linguistic aid tools, to express their thoughts, in writing or oral, on an abstract or cultural subject. The language used will conform to usage, without errors likely to hinder the understanding of the reader or the interlocutor.

  • 04_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S4, the student will be able, without having to resort to digital linguistic aid tools, to choose the appropriate expressions in the vocabulary of social life and professional environment and to integrate them appropriately into their writing practice (comprehension and production). The appropriate expression will be one among those in use, the use of the expression will be appropriate as long as it suits the context.

  • 04_XASHI-AAv1 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to individually describe in detail the working relationships established during their worker internship.

  • 04_XASHI-AAv2 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to compare their own worker internship experience with that of two to three classmates, i.e. -say

  • 04_XAIS2-AAv2 (20H): At the end of the worker internship, the student will be able to integrate into a team while being aware of the roles/ranks of each of the interacting employees.

  • 04_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 04_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 04_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 04_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 04_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 04_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 04_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 04_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 04_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 05_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S5, the student will be able, in a context of daily or professional life, and without resorting to digital linguistic aid tools, to comment reliably non-specialized informational documents and to interact by qualifying one's remarks and justifying them in a relevant manner. The language used will conform to usage, without errors likely to hinder the understanding of the reader or interlocutor.

  • 05_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S5, the student will be able, without having to resort to digital linguistic aid tools, to choose the appropriate expressions in vocabulary linked to pre-life. professionally and to integrate them appropriately into their writing practice (comprehension and production). The appropriate expression will be one among those in use, the use of the expression will be appropriate as long as it suits the context.

  • 05_XASHI-AAv3 (10H): At the end of the human sciences course of semester 5, the student must be able to present with professionalism (adapted to the professional communication situation) a project with specifications to orally in a limited time and in writing in the form of a file and to express reliability indicators (dates, locations, supervision, financing, etc.)

  • 05_XEENM-AAv5 (5H): Synthetically reproduce oral work using a presentation support

  • 05_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 05_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 05_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 05_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 05_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 05_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 05_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 05_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 05_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 05_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 05_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 05_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 05_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 05_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 05_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 05_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 05_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 05_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 05_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 05_XIIS3-Aav1 (25H): At the end of Is3a, students have experienced scientific mediation and are able to transmit scientific-type information to an audience of young children (cycle 1 and 2 ). They attest to competence through a reflective approach on lived experience.

  • 05_XIIS3-Aav4 (5H): At the end of IS3, the students had an immersive experience in an alternative engineering structure (low tech), they were introduced to the main principles of the low tech approach. tech. They attest through a reflective approach how this lived experience nourishes the perception of their future profession.

  • 06_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): By the end of S6, students will be able to produce clear, detailed texts, without recourse to digital linguistic aids, by synthesising and evaluating information and arguments taken from a variety of sources in written form, and to use complex information and opinions to cooperate with interlocutors on a wide range of subjects relating to their professional role in oral form. The language used will be in accordance with accepted usage, with no errors likely to interfere with the reader's or listener's understanding.

  • 06_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): By the end of S6, students will be able to choose appropriate expressions from a defined thematic vocabulary of the professional world and to integrate them appropriately into their written practice (comprehension and production), without having to use digital linguistic aids. The appropriate expression will be one of those in common use, and its use will be appropriate to the context.

  • 06_XASHI-AAv2 (10H): At the end of the Humanities course in semester 6, students should be able to construct a reasoned and logically correct argument to present an opinion or a project within a communication framework chosen by the teacher.

  • 06_XASHI-AAv4 (10H): At the end of the humanities course in semester 6, students must have implemented their project of commitment to a positive impact on the environment and society, and be able to present their work in a forum (pitch), leave a record of it for future students (website) and evaluate their success.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv6 (30H): At the end of the course, students will be able to work in a team to develop an object-oriented program using project management tools (GIT, planning, project monitoring).Students will be able to present the results of their work in the form of an oral presentation within a given time limit.

  • 06_XEMOD-AAv 5 (10H): Give a correct oral presentation of the work done by his/her team and the project schedule; correctly document the team's work and personal contribution to the project.

  • 06_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 06_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 06_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 06_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 06_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 06_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 06_XSZG6-AAv4 (7H): explain orally in a group in English or French the work carried out as part of the project, adapting to the audience

  • 06_XAANG-AAv2 (20H): By the end of S6, students will be able to produce clear, detailed texts, without recourse to digital linguistic aids, by synthesising and evaluating information and arguments taken from a variety of sources in written form, and to use complex information and opinions to cooperate with interlocutors on a wide range of subjects relating to their professional role in oral form. The language used will be in accordance with accepted usage, with no errors likely to interfere with the reader's or listener's understanding.

  • 06_XAANG-AAv3 (20H): By the end of S6, students will be able to choose appropriate expressions from a defined thematic vocabulary of the professional world and to integrate them appropriately into their written practice (comprehension and production), without having to use digital linguistic aids. The appropriate expression will be one of those in common use, and its use will be appropriate to the context.

  • 06_XASHI-AAv2 (10H): At the end of the Humanities course in semester 6, students should be able to construct a reasoned and logically correct argument to present an opinion or a project within a communication framework chosen by the teacher.

  • 06_XASHI-AAv4 (10H): At the end of the humanities course in semester 6, students must have implemented their project of commitment to a positive impact on the environment and society, and be able to present their work in a forum (pitch), leave a record of it for future students (website) and evaluate their success.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv6 (30H): At the end of the course, students will be able to work in a team to develop an object-oriented program using project management tools (GIT, planning, project monitoring).Students will be able to present the results of their work in the form of an oral presentation within a given time limit.

  • 06_XEMOD-AAv 5 (10H): Give a correct oral presentation of the work done by his/her team and the project schedule; correctly document the team's work and personal contribution to the project.

  • 06_XFALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 06_XFALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 06_XFALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 06_XFALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 06_XFCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 06_XFESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 06_XFPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 06_XFITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 06_XFITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 05AOAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S5O, the student will be able, in an everyday or professional context, and without recourse to digital linguistic aids, to comment reliably on non-specialised informational documents and to interact by justifying his/her remarks in a relevant manner.

  • 05AOAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S5O, students will be able to choose appropriate expressions from a vocabulary related to pre-professional life and integrate them appropriately into their written practice (comprehension and production), without having to use digital linguistic aids. The appropriate expression will be one of those in use, and the use of the expression will be appropriate if it suits the context.

  • 05AOASHI-AAv1 (15H): At the end of the fourteen-week course, students will be able to compare their culture with that of their classmates, i.e. :

  • 05AOASHI-AAv2 (20H): At the end of the fourteen-week course, students will be able to imagine very general professional situations, taking into account the meaning given to the notion of work by future colleagues from another culture. This imaginative work will take the form of short fictions (short stories or comic strips of four to ten pages, videos of 3 to 5 minutes).

  • 05AOCEDM-AAv1 (3H): Situation: at the end of the course, the student must be able to represent a system in 3D from its orthogonal projection in 2D and vice versa

  • 05AOHALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 05AOHALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 05AOHALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 05AOHALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 05AOHCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 05AOHCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 05AOHCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 05AOHCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 05AOHCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 05AOHCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 05AOHESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 05AOHESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 05AOHESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 05AOHESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 05AOHESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 05AOHESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 05AOHPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 05AOHITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 05AOHITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 06POAANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S6O, students will be able to produce structured texts on subjects related to their field in written form and to make progress in collaborative work orally, without using digital language aids. The language used will be standard, with no errors likely to interfere with the reader's or listener's understanding.

  • 06POAANG-AAv3 (20H): At the end of S6O, the student will be able, without the use of digital linguistic aids, to choose appropriate expressions from a defined thematic vocabulary of the professional world and to integrate them appropriately into his/her written practice (comprehension and production). The appropriate expression will be one of those in use, and the use of the expression will be appropriate if it suits the context.

  • 06POASHI-AAv3 (5H): At the end of the humanities course, students must be able to present a synthesis on a given subject in a professional manner (adapted to the professional communication situation).

  • 06POFRDM-AAv5 (5H): Correctly explain the team's work orally.

  • 06POFRDM-AAv6 (5H): Correctly analyse your work in writing (activity report)

  • 06POGPRP-AAv1 (26H): At the end of the fourteen-week course, students will be able to describe the interactions between the different blocks of an articulated system, between this system and humans, and between the different participants in their work group, in a written document of around 10 pages, written by three or four people in a language accessible to non-specialists.

  • 06POHALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 06POHALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 06POHALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 06POHALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 06POHCHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 06POHCHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 06POHCHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 06POHCHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 06POHCHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 06POHCHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 06POHESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 06POHESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 06POHESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 06POHESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 06POHESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 06POHESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 06POHPOR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 06POHPOR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 06POHPOR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 06POHPOR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 06POHPOR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 06POHPOR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 06POHPOR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 06POHPOR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 06POHPOR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 06POHITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 06POHITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 06_XIIS3-AAV2 (10H): At the end of the 8 days of activities, students must be able to work as a team on projects requiring them to take into account (listen to and interact with) other people in all their dimensions (human, social, hierarchical) and interact with different audiences (scientific mediation and also "caisse a clou", differences, etc.).

  • 07_X-ANG-AAv1 (20H): At the end of S7, the student will be able to transmit complex and abstract ideas within the framework of a discussion with several interlocutors and to facilitate cooperation in interactions with peers, with the aim of moving the discussion forward, both in a formal discussion or meeting and in an informal discussion, and in a language that is sufficiently varied, idiomatic, precise and correct grammatically and phonologically so as not to create tension or cause misunderstandings with your interlocutors. Students will not use any digital language assistance tools during their work.

  • 07_X-ANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S7, the student will be able to take part in a debate with their peers on abstract and complex subjects by developing their point of view in a structured and argued, taking into account the contributions of his interlocutors and in a language that is sufficiently varied, idiomatic, precise, and correct grammatically and phonologically so as not to create tension or provoke misunderstandings with his interlocutors. Students will not use any digital language assistance tools during their work.

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 07_F-POR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 07_F-POR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 07_F-POR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 07_F-POR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 07_F-POR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 07_F-POR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 07_F-POR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 07_F-POR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 07_F-POR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 07_F-ITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 07_F-ITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 07_X-IPS-AAv7 (5H): Written summary (in a format of your choice, but of a limited size). At the end of this course, the seventh semester student will be able, in a group of 4 to 5 students, to produce a summary document presenting the measurement system that they designed, created and tested. The type of document is free: scientific article, poster, website, video mixing film and text plate. The only constraint is that the document must be concise and present only the points marking their achievement.

  • 07_X-IPS-AAv8 (5H): Oral summary in group. At the end of this course, students in the seventh semester will be able to synthesize orally in a short time (10 minutes) the measurement system that they designed, created and tested.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv1 (14H): Situation: in a given context and with given multidisciplinary specifications, The student group must be able to effectively organize the restitution of teamwork by defining tasks, assigning them to resources, planning their executions over time and presenting in a synthetic manner the work carried out based on summary documents and technical proof of operation.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv2 (14H): At the end of the semester, the group must be able to present in writing and orally, the objectives to be achieved, the work approach and the results obtained by choosing the most appropriate supports.

  • 08_SHES-AAv_SF_optionnel (30H): At the end of the 30 hours of training, the students will be able to imagine collectively (3 to 5 people) a prospective scenario telling a future that will give them seems desirable, specifying what place science and technology would occupy, for example through the production of a short film.

  • 08_X-ST8-AAV8 (80H): At the end of the assistant engineer internship, the student will be able to provide proof of the skills acquired through a written report meeting an imposed formal framework and 'an oral restitution. These skills will include the description of the managerial and economic model of the company and of course the technical skills acquired or consolidated during the internship.

  • 09_X-PER-AAV3 (15H): At the end of the PER module, students must be able to publicly and professionally justify a technical choice orally and in writing.

  • 09_F-ANG-AAv1 (20H): At the end of S9, the student will be able to transmit complex and abstract ideas within the framework of a discussion with several interlocutors and to facilitate cooperation in interactions with peers, with the aim of moving the discussion forward, both in a formal discussion or meeting and in an informal discussion, and in a language that is sufficiently varied, idiomatic, precise and correct grammatically and phonologically so as not to create tension or cause misunderstandings with your interlocutors. Students will not use any digital language assistance tools during their work.

  • 09_F-ANG-AAv2 (20H): At the end of S9, the student will be able to take part in a debate with their peers on abstract and complex subjects by developing their point of view in a structured and argued, taking into account the contributions of his interlocutors and in a language that is sufficiently varied, idiomatic, precise, and correct grammatically and phonologically so as not to create tension or provoke misunderstandings with his interlocutors. Students will not use any digital language assistance tools during their work.

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV1_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to talk about themselves (origins, family situation, hobbies, school and university career, professional and personal projects), to present themselves and communicate in everyday life situations.

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV2_AllA2_opt (15H): After having acquired level A2, the student must be able to speak and mobilize their knowledge (e.g. adequate vocabulary) on topics related to a trip. For example, he must use a document in context, write an email to find accommodation.

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV4_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1 the student must be able to request information and introduce themselves by telephone. Take part in a dialogue conversation in a professional context. Simulation of telephone interviews and situations related to the job search/internship (relaunch, housing search, job interview, etc.)

  • 07_F-ALL-AAV5_AllB1_opt (10H): After having acquired level B1, the student must be able to express themselves orally on professional environment subjects. Comment on the main points, argue and express your opinion using appropriate vocabulary. He must design a power-point presentation in German.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_debutant (20H): At the end of the beginner level, the student masters the basics of oral Chinese (4-tone pronunciation, pronunciation of 150 words) to express themselves about the person, the family, the work, leisure activities related to everyday life and to apologize.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_consolidation (20H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, is able to express oneself orally with appropriate tones during a conversation, a vocabulary of around 300 words and using the lexical bases and grammatical to make comparisons, obtain or give information (tourism).

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_intermediaire (40H): At the end of the "consolidation" level, the student is able to express himself spontaneously in Chinese on a variety of subjects. Learners can extract key information from dialogues in daily life, in studies, and in studies. They can describe, explain and compare familiar subjects. They have a general knowledge of Chinese culture and a general cross-cultural sense from an international perspective.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv1_expert (20H): Master the pinyin phonetic transcription system; have generally correct and natural pronunciation and intonation in everyday conversation. interests, personal tastes, social life of China

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv2_expert (20H): Express yourself without preparation and with ease in good Chinese, be able to communicate and express yourself in a structured way on familiar subjects, be able to make a simple description of a phenomenon or a situation.

  • 07_F-CHI-AAv3_expert (20H): being able to speak about Chinese culture with precision and fluency about protocol and customs and the social life of the Chinese.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv1_DEB_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv3_DEB_OPT (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Spanish, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv1_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Spanish on simple subjects that go beyond their familiar world to open up to diverse cultures.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv3_INT_option (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct medium to long utterances in Spanish, demonstrating the use of relatively precise vocabulary without the help of digital language assistance tools.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv1_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, without resorting to digital language aid tools, to make a clear and detailed description and presentation in written and spoken Spanish, on a wide variety of topics related to their area of ​​interest.

  • 07_F-ESP-AAv3_Av_option (10H): At the end of the course, advanced level, the student will be able, in Spanish, to deepen the ideas of others, ask questions and propose solutions on related subjects to their interests, justifying ideas with relevant examples and other points of view.

  • 07_F-POR-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to write a short message (email, SMS, etc.); write brief statements about yourself and your immediate environment; know how to answer a questionnaire (name, nationality, age, etc.); understand familiar words or simple expressions about yourself (what belongs to you, place of residence, relationship, etc.)

  • 07_F-POR-AAv2_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to understand short and simple texts (email, invitation, etc.). Recognize ideas from clear and brief content. Understand familiar words or simple expressions about your immediate environment (talk briefly about current events, various situations, etc.); be able to reproduce frequently used expressions, introduce yourself or someone using classic expressions and express everyday needs (hunger, thirst, etc.)

  • 07_F-POR-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of this course, each beginner level student must be able to ask for information on typical situations (finding your way at the airport, finding out about a person, etc.). ). Understand information to locate and orient yourself and precise and brief questions and instructions. Know the rules of politeness and speaking conventions and have basic notions of Portuguese-speaking culture.

  • 07_F-POR-AAv1_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if it is familiar things at work, school, leisure, etc. Be independent in most situations encountered while traveling in a region where the target language is spoken

  • 07_F-POR-AAv2_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to produce simple and coherent speech on familiar subjects and in their areas of interest; know how to recount an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly present reasons or explanations for a project or idea

  • 07_F-POR-AAv3_int (10H): At the end of this teaching, each intermediate level student must be able to understand the essential content of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical discussion in its speciality ; communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker; express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of subjects, express an opinion on a current subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities

  • 07_F-POR-AAv1_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings; express oneself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words too much; use the language effectively and flexibly in social, professional or academic life

  • 07_F-POR-AAv2_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and demonstrate their control of linguistic tools of organization , articulation and cohesion of the discourse; effortlessly understand virtually everything read or heard

  • 07_F-POR-AAv3_av (10H): At the end of this course, each advanced level student must be able to reproduce facts and arguments from various written and oral sources by summarizing them coherently. Express yourself spontaneously, very fluently, precisely and make fine nuances of meaning distinct in relation to complex subjects

  • 07_F-ITA-AAv1_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to express themselves in Italian in short sentences to give factual information about their identity and on subjects of daily life. orally and in writing.

  • 07_F-ITA-AAv3_deb (10H): At the end of the course, the student will be able to construct simple statements in the present and near future in Italian, by correctly conjugating verbs and using the vocabulary at their disposal , if necessary using digital language assistance tools.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv1 (14H): Situation: in a given context and with given multidisciplinary specifications, The student group must be able to effectively organize the restitution of teamwork by defining tasks, assigning them to resources, planning their executions over time and presenting in a synthetic manner the work carried out based on summary documents and technical proof of operation.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv2 (14H): At the end of the semester, the group must be able to present in writing and orally, the objectives to be achieved, the work approach and the results obtained by choosing the most appropriate supports.

  • 09_O-IAS-AAv6 (40H): At the end of the module, students will be able to work in a team and independently in the design and implementation of a system solving a given problem using appropriate AI techniques of their choice.

  • 10_X-S10-AAv7 (80H): At the end of the engineering internship, the student is able to provide proof of the skills acquired through a written report meeting a formal framework imposed and an oral restitution. These skills will include a description of the economic issues of the project developed by the company, its managerial and economic model, an evaluation of the company's CSR-CDR approach and of course the technical skills acquired or consolidated during the internship.