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Clearly formulate the requests and needs expressed, applying appropriate methods, and have the project sponsor validate the reformulation of their request/need.


  • M1 ():

  • M2 ():

  • M3 ():

AAv List (29)

  • 01_XAIS1-AAv2 (7H): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to receive with an open mind and collect on an audio medium the point point of view of a person different from them on an imposed subject.

  • 01_XDEDM-AAv1 (15H): Situation: at the end of the course, the group must be able to represent a system in 3D from its orthogonal projection in 2D and reciprocally

  • 02_XAIS1-AAv2 (10H): At the end of IS1b, students will be able to produce an audio support which sorts and punctuates the information collected during the first two sessions, over a limited duration.

  • 02_XDEDM-AAv2 (30H): Based on a user need, the group must be able to follow an imposed mechanical design methodology and propose a solution to the expressed need and a functional prototype

  • 02_XDIPI-AAv1 (20H): An S2 student, at the end of IPI, is capable of implementing the major stages of a development cycle of around thirty hours, of interactive software (for example a game) structured by a simulation loop and abstract types of data in the paradigm of procedural programming, with the help from a supervisor who validates or proposes the broad outlines of each of the stages of this cycle.

  • 03_XDBDD-AAv1 (9H): At the end of the BDR training, students know how to SPECIFY in a formal manner (relational calculation and algebra, query tree) a query corresponding to a search for information (expressed in French) on a known database.

  • 03_XDBDD-AAv3 (16H): At the end of the BDR training, based on needs expressed by a client, students know how to DESIGN in a structured way a relational database satisfying these needs. This design will be based on the formalisms seen in class (Entity-Association, UML).

  • 04_XASHI-AAv1 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to individually describe in detail the working relationships established during their worker internship.

  • 04_XDEDM-AAv2 (24H): Based on a user need, the group must be able to follow a mechanical design methodology and propose solutions to the expressed need, in particular:

  • 04_XASHI-AAv1 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to individually describe in detail the working relationships established during their worker internship.

  • 05_XASHI-AAv1 (10H): At the end of the human sciences course in semester 5, the student must be able to identify and explain in a prescribed format a societal or environmental need included in the objectives of the sustainable development on its scale.

  • 05_XCOBJ-AAv5 (4H): At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to describe software functions using a use case diagram, within the framework of guided exercises .

  • 05_XDASA-AAv1 (15H): At the end of the semester, students will be able to model in the form of an exploitable transfer function a linear and time-invariant system (SLIT) with one input and an output (SISO) described by a system of mechanical and/or electrical equations, and to criticize the domain of validity of this modeling.

  • 05_XDASA-AAv5 (15H): At the end of the semester, students will be able to synthesize using a frequency method (Black Nichols) an analog corrector of type P, PI, PID, to control a SLIT system in respecting the constraints of a specification. Students will be able to validate the performance of their corrector with simulation software.

  • 05AOCEDM-AAv1 (3H): Situation: at the end of the course, the student must be able to represent a system in 3D from its orthogonal projection in 2D and vice versa

  • 05AODOBJ-AAv5 (4H): At the end of the UML course, a fifth semester student will be able to describe software functions using a use case diagram, as part of exercises guided.

  • 05AOGASA-AAv1 (15H): At the end of the semester, students will be able to model a one-input linear and time-invariant system (SLIT) in the form of an exploitable transfer function and an output (SISO) described by a system of mechanical and/or electrical equations, and to criticize the domain of validity of this modeling.

  • 05AOGASA-AAv5 (15H): At the end of the semester, students will be able to synthesize using a frequency method (Black Nichols) an analog corrector of type P, PI, PID, to control a SLIT system while respecting the constraints of specifications. Students will be able to validate the performance of their corrector with simulation software.

  • 06POASHI-AAv1 (10H): At the end of the humanities course, students must be able to identify and explain, in an imposed format, a societal or environmental need in line with the objectives of sustainable development on their own scale.

  • 06PODBDD-AAv1 (9H): At the end of the BDR training, students know how to SPECIFY in a formal manner (relational calculation and algebra, query tree) a query corresponding to a search for information (expressed in French) on a known database.

  • 06PODBDD-AAv3 (16H): At the end of the BDR training, based on needs expressed by a client, students know how to DESIGN in a structured way a relational database satisfying these needs. This design will be based on the formalisms seen in class (Entity-Association, UML).

  • 07_O-CAI-AAv1 (13H): At the end of the "Interactive Application Design" module, students are able to RECALL the fundamental principles (definition, history and issues) of Human-Computer Interaction and (approach , steps, methods) of User Centered Design in their own words and examples

  • 08_SHES-AAV_QQE_optionnel_3_Outils_Qualité (12H): The student will recall the different tools used in the industry, throughout the life cycle of a product to evaluate and improve product quality.

  • 08_X-ST8-AAV1 (100H): At the end of the assistant engineer internship, the student will be able to analyze the needs of a sponsor with regard to existing solutions and to propose, while being guided by the supervisor, a translation of the needs expressed into specifications that are sufficiently precise and consistent with a standard solution. He will have previously consulted and assimilated the scientific resources provided to enable him to fully understand the technical context. This knowledge will be presented in the written report at the end of the internship.

  • 09_X-PER-AAv5 (10H): Correctly write the customer's needs (evolving specifications) or correctly write a functional specification based on the needs expressed by a customer

  • 07_O-CAI-AAv1 (13H): At the end of the "Interactive Application Design" module, students are able to RECALL the fundamental principles (definition, history and issues) of Human-Computer Interaction and (approach , steps, methods) of User Centered Design in their own words and examples

  • 09_O-REV-AAv3 (30H): Each student is able, using a 3d description language and a 3d library, to design a 3d model of the specified world and create a program simulating interactive exploration and time real of this model.

  • 09_O-REV-AAv4 (32H): Each student is able to choose a suitable animation model for each specified behavior and create the software modules that implement them within a simulation platform.

  • 10_X-S10-AAv1 (100H): At the end of the engineering internship, the student is able to analyze the needs of a sponsor with regard to existing solutions and to propose a rapid and efficient translation needs expressed in specifications that are sufficiently precise and consistent with a standard solution. He will have previously researched, consulted and assimilated scientific resources allowing a good understanding of the technical context. This knowledge will be presented in the written report at the end of the internship.