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Define and lead a project, carrying out planning and follow-up, and drawing on the resources necessary for the success of the project, while adjusting its implementation with the aim of continuous improvement.


  • M1 ():

  • M2 ():

  • M3 ():

AAv List (38)

  • 01_XAIS1-AAv1 (25H): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to speak individually in front of a small audience a written text not previously known, while being aware of their emotions, their voice and their body in space.

  • 01_XAIS1-AAv2 (7H): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to receive with an open mind and collect on an audio medium the point point of view of a person different from them on an imposed subject.

  • 01_XAIS1-AAv3 (12H): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to produce short written materials offering imaginary scenarios and/or using new formal codes as sources of inspiration.

  • 02_XAIS1-AAv1 (25H): At the end of IS1b, students will be able to interact with many classmates and a large audience made up of strangers in the framework of a fictional scenario (based on a text, a framework or pure improvisation), in which they will each participate thanks to the voice and body techniques previously acquired.

  • 02_XAIS1-AAv2 (10H): At the end of IS1b, students will be able to produce an audio support which sorts and punctuates the information collected during the first two sessions, over a limited duration.

  • 02_XDAUT-AAv7 (8H): The student will be able to integrate and participate correctly in the collective work required of the team within the framework of the two automation projects (one on the wired control part, one on the programmed control part). He/she will motivate, take the initiative and discuss with all team members to move the project forward in line with the milestones set by the teacher.

  • 02_XDEDM-AAv1 (15H): In a given context and with a given mechanical functionality, the group must be able to report on its work in writing and oral, as the sessions progress and in summary at the end of the semester

  • 02_XDIPI-AAv1 (20H): An S2 student, at the end of IPI, is capable of implementing the major stages of a development cycle of around thirty hours, of interactive software (for example a game) structured by a simulation loop and abstract types of data in the paradigm of procedural programming, with the help from a supervisor who validates or proposes the broad outlines of each of the stages of this cycle.

  • 03_XASHI-AAv1 (15H): At the end of the fourteen weeks of course, students will be individually able to connect through different logical links the main cultural concepts of the geographical areas to which the countries eligible for their mobility belong: Scandinavian countries / Latin American countries / (China? &) South Korea / Maghreb

  • 03_XASHI-AAv3 (20H): At the end of the fourteen weeks of courses, students will be able to imagine in small groups (3-4) ordinary professional situations taking into account the meaning given to work and life by future colleagues from a culture different from theirs. This imaginative story will take the form of short fiction (short story or comic strip of four to ten pages, videos of 3 to 5 minutes).

  • 03_XDAUT-AAv7 (8H): The student will be able to integrate and participate in the collective work required of the team. He/she will motivate, take the initiative and discuss with all team members to move the project forward according to the milestones set by the teacher.

  • 04_XASHI-AAv1 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to individually describe in detail the working relationships established during their worker internship.

  • 04_XASHI-AAv2 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to compare their own worker internship experience with that of two to three classmates, i.e. -say

  • 04_XDEDM-AAv1 (10H): In a given context and with a given mechanical functionality, the group must be able to report on its work

  • 04_XASHI-AAv1 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to individually describe in detail the working relationships established during their worker internship.

  • 04_XASHI-AAv2 (20H): At the end of s4, each student will be able to compare their own worker internship experience with that of two to three classmates, i.e. -say

  • 05_XASHI-AAv2 (20H): At the end of the human sciences course in semester 5, the student must be able to fully design a feasible action that responds to a societal or environmental need previously identified and to define the conditions for its success.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv3 (12H): At the end of the course, students will be able to use project management tools: Git, development cycle, agile methods, task management over time. For Git, students will be able to create and clone a repository, add and remove files, update a local and remote repository, create and merge branches.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv6 (30H): At the end of the course, students will be able to work in a team to develop an object-oriented program using project management tools (GIT, planning, project monitoring).Students will be able to present the results of their work in the form of an oral presentation within a given time limit.

  • 06_XIIS3-AAv2 (30H): At the end of the 9 days of training, students must be able to lead a group and manage a project from conception to completion.

  • 06_XSZG6-AAv5 (10H): contribute to a given project (pre-calibrated), in a collaborative and organized manner, in an imposed team and adjust the organization put in place according to the progress of the project.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv3 (12H): At the end of the course, students will be able to use project management tools: Git, development cycle, agile methods, task management over time. For Git, students will be able to create and clone a repository, add and remove files, update a local and remote repository, create and merge branches.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv6 (30H): At the end of the course, students will be able to work in a team to develop an object-oriented program using project management tools (GIT, planning, project monitoring).Students will be able to present the results of their work in the form of an oral presentation within a given time limit.

  • 06_XIIS3-AAv2 (30H): At the end of the 9 days of training, students must be able to lead a group and manage a project from conception to completion.

  • 05AOASHI-AAv2 (20H): At the end of the fourteen-week course, students will be able to imagine very general professional situations, taking into account the meaning given to the notion of work by future colleagues from another culture. This imaginative work will take the form of short fictions (short stories or comic strips of four to ten pages, videos of 3 to 5 minutes).

  • 06POASHI-AAv2 (10H): At the end of the humanities course, students must be able to design in full or present a feasible action that meets a previously identified societal or environmental need and define the conditions for its success.

  • 06PODCPO-AAv2 (12H): At the end of the course, students will be able to use project management tools: Git, development cycle, agile methods, task management over time. For Git, students will be able to create and clone a repository, add and remove files, update a local and remote repository, create and merge branches.

  • 06POGPRP-AAv1 (26H): At the end of the fourteen-week course, students will be able to describe the interactions between the different blocks of an articulated system, between this system and humans, and between the different participants in their work group, in a written document of around 10 pages, written by three or four people in a language accessible to non-specialists.

  • 06_XIIS3-AAV1 (10H): At the end of the 8 days of activities, students must be able to lead a group and manage a project from conception to completion.

  • 07_X-GES-AAv2 (8H): At the end of S7, the student will be able to establish and analyze a cash budget and propose balancing solutions in writing.

  • 07_X-IPS-AAv6 (5H): Group work in an unselected group. At the end of this teaching, the students of the seventh semester will be able to demonstrate their ability to work in a group that was imposed on them by drawing lots.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv1 (14H): Situation: in a given context and with given multidisciplinary specifications, The student group must be able to effectively organize the restitution of teamwork by defining tasks, assigning them to resources, planning their executions over time and presenting in a synthetic manner the work carried out based on summary documents and technical proof of operation.

  • 08_SHES-AAv_SF_optionnel (30H): At the end of the 30 hours of training, the students will be able to imagine collectively (3 to 5 people) a prospective scenario telling a future that will give them seems desirable, specifying what place science and technology would occupy, for example through the production of a short film.

  • 08_SHES-AAV_QQE_optionnel_1_SMQ (18H): In a group, the student will design a strategy for developing a quality management system. In particular, he will be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a fictitious company, propose and carry out a quality action plan to improve its products in the long term.

  • 08_X-ST8-AAV5 (300H): At the end of the assistant engineer internship, the student will be able to implement a design process for a technical system, in the fields of electronics , IT and/or mechatronics. The student will document all design stages while respecting company standards in order to ensure that the work is taken over by another employee.

  • 09_X-PER-AAv4 (10H): correctly apply a project management method

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv1 (14H): Situation: in a given context and with given multidisciplinary specifications, The student group must be able to effectively organize the restitution of teamwork by defining tasks, assigning them to resources, planning their executions over time and presenting in a synthetic manner the work carried out based on summary documents and technical proof of operation.

  • 10_X-S10-AAv4 (300H): At the end of the engineering internship, the student is able to propose a design process for a technical system, in the fields of electronics, IT and/or mechatronics, meeting given specifications and the environmental and societal issues imposed by the sponsor and/or the company. This design will be documented in compliance with company standards and will allow work to be resumed by another employee.