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Identify the cause or causes of a prototype or product's malfunction by implementing debugging, measurement or other appropriate actions and applying appropriate solutions.


  • M1 ():

  • M2 ():

  • M3 ():

AAv List (101)

  • 01_XBALR-AAv1 (8H): At the end of the 1st semester, students are able to execute step by step algorithms comprising variables, conditional, iterative structures and function calls and in determine their results without error

  • 01_XBALR-AAv3 (12H): At the end of the 1st semester, students must be able to verify the validity of an algorithm (it performs exactly the task for which it was designed) and its robustness (it is protected from abnormal conditions of use)

  • 01_XBALR-AAv5 (7H): At the end of the 1st semester, students must be able to use a language to execute a computer program and be able to analyze error messages and propose solutions. adapted corrections potentially based on documentation

  • 01_XDCAO-AAv4 (36H): The student will be able to create a parameterized part or assembly.

  • 01_XDCAO-AAv5 (18H): The student will be able to create a part or a physical assembly using one or more rapid prototyping means from the Forge (3D FDM or resin printer, laser cutter) .

  • 02_XSZG2-AAv5 (18H): At the end of ZG2, the group of students must be able to use the modeling and simulation of a physical system with an iterative approach to solve an engineering sizing problem, respecting given specifications. The entire iterative process will be summarized in a document to be completed.

  • 02_XSZG2-AAv7 (20H): At the end of ZG2, the group of students will be able to build a system from elementary bricks (discrete component and microprogrammed technologies ) in the field of measurement acquisition, based on specifications, to implement and test it.

  • 02_XDAUT-AAv4 (15H): Using the wiring diagrams and/or PLC program previously developed, the student will be able to validate* the control system's performance by experimenting. He/she will connect the inputs/outputs of his/her control system to the sensors and preactuators on the trainer, so as to test compliance with the specifications. They will also correctly* integrate the safety aspect (taking into account the Kas safety relay and its associated contacts).

  • 02_XDAUT-AAv6 (16H): Using automation software and a PC grafcet, the student will be able to correctly* create the PLC program using industrial languages (LD, SFC, ST), making sure it is consistent with the grafcet.

  • 02_XDIPI-AAv2 (20H): An S2 student, at the end of IPI, is capable of efficiently programming, on his personal computer, one or a set of simple-to-use software functionalities. starting from a prior written design or an oral exchange on algorithmic principle.

  • 03_XDAUT-AAv2 (16H): Starting from an operating part and a hierarchical structure of grafcets specifying the operation of a programmed control system and complying with a pre-established CoP, the student group must be able to program the PLC and test its operation in relation to the operating part.

  • 03_XDAUT-AAv3 (4H): using an automated machine with hard-wired safety devices and its own program, the student group must be able to demonstrate compliance with hard-wired and programmed procedures for handling any faults.Non-compliance with these procedures must be corrected.

  • 03_XDAUT-AAv4 (12H): Based on an operating part controlled by a PLC with an existing program, the student team must be able to propose a functional HMI.

  • 03_XDAUT-AAv5 (16H): Starting from an operating part controlled by a PLC with an existing program, the student team must be able to propose a functional supervision:

  • 03_XDAUT-AAv6 (8H): Based on a PLC-controlled operating part with an existing program, including HMI and supervision, the student group must be able to create and display real-time production indicators on a PC.

  • 03_XDPRG-AAV2 (21H): At the end of this course, a student is able to describe in a report an informal testing approach for their work, identifying malfunctions, reporting the observed performance, and indicating the adjustments made.

  • 04_XBPRG-AAv2 (14H): At the end of this course, students in the fourth semester will be able to use the main common types of the Rust language (arithmetic or elaborated).

  • 04_XCCEL-AAv2 (53H): At the end of the semester the student has created from a microcontroller and elementary electronic components (resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, LEDs, potentiometers) at least one multitasking project described by specifications.

  • 04_XDSUP-AAv7 (14H): From a PLC program and given ergonomics, the student group must be able to program the operation of the interface by integrating safety locks, with a view to implementation and a critique of ergonomics.

  • 04_XSZG4-AAv5 (15H): Correctly create an experimental test protocol, implement it and identify the causes of malfunctions to validate system operation:

  • 04_XCPRC-AAv2 (40H): At the end of the semester, students will be able to write a program in C using functions, variables including pointers, and control structures.

  • 04_XCPRC-AAv3 (9H): At the end of the semester, S4 students will be able to write a program that manipulates the peripheral registers visible in the addressable space of a microcontroller, and performs masking operations.

  • 04_XCPRC-AAv4 (2H): At the end of the semester, S4 students will be able to use the microcontroller development chain to compile, download and debug a program on a hardware target.

  • 04_XBPRG-AAV2 (24H): At the end of this course, a student is able to perform unit tests and measure performance.

  • 05_XCMIP-AAv1 (36H): The student of the microprocessors course, at the end of the semester, will first be able to develop the model of an elementary microprocessor, in vhdl language, then a program , in the assembly language of this microprocessor, the overall architecture of which will have been previously explained and provided in the form of a set of interconnected functional blocks, each to be modeled in VHDL, and with which an assembly instruction simulator is associated, provided and explained, then will verify, by simulation of the architecture for certain relevant execution cycles of the developed assembly program, that the contents of the registers and the memory conform to the expected values.

  • 05_XCMIP-AAv2 (30H): The student of the microprocessors course, at the end of the semester, will be able to compose and test a program, written in ARM assembly language alone or mixing assembly language and C language , using development tools, for the compilation and visualization of registers and memory contents, respecting the AAPCS standard, in order to execute a calculation or character string processing program on an STM32 microcontroller.

  • 05_XCMIP-AAv3 (33H): The student of the microprocessors course, at the end of the semester, will be able to interact an STM32 microcontroller with LEDs, push buttons and a request signal. interruption external to the microcontroller by implementing the GPIO peripheral of the microcontroller, first by direct use of its registers then by use of a GPIO management API to be developed in C language, with the exception of the initialization function provided, in order to control LEDs, retrieve the state of push buttons and interrupt the current program to execute the interrupt service routine associated with the external request.

  • 05_XDASA-AAv6 (25H): At the end of the semester, students will be able to master measurement and testing methods using an oscilloscope, and will be able to design a linear corrector of type P, PI or PID to control a physical SISO system. They will also be able to check the performance of the corrector.

  • 06_XASHI-AAv1 (10H): At the end of the Humanities course in semester 6, students must be able to identify the presuppositions in an argument, analyse the validity of a line of reasoning and identify logical errors.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv1 (20H): By the end of the course, students will be able to understand the concepts of object-oriented programming. In particular, students will be able to explain the concepts of inheritance, interface, dynamic binding and static binding, object and parametric polymorphism, and static methods.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv2 (8H): At the end of the course, students will be able to apply the concepts of object-oriented programming. In particular, students will be able to choose and use the concepts of inheritance, interface, dynamic binding and static binding, object and parametric polymorphism, and static methods.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv6 (30H): At the end of the course, students will be able to work in a team to develop an object-oriented program using project management tools (GIT, planning, project monitoring).Students will be able to present the results of their work in the form of an oral presentation within a given time limit.

  • 06_XCMIP-AAv4 (24H): The student of the microprocessor course, at the end of the semester, will be able to use a timer to control a timer or the period of periodic interrupts or generate a pulse width modulation signal, modify its duty cycle and apply it to a physical pin of the STM32 microcontroller, using, in a guided framework, the timer's register interface, then completing an API to encapsulate the timer's functionality, written in C language, to obtain a duration or a PWM signal in accordance with that expected.

  • 06_XCMIP-AAv5 (36H): At the end of the semester, the student of the microprocessors course will be able to communicate by serial link, RS232, I2C or SPI, an STM32 microcrontroller with an external digital system by developing a simple PLC (RS232) or by using a simple PLC, supplied and known, (I2C, SPI), written in C language, allowing the transmission and reception of a set of bytes in order, on the one hand, to transmit and receive ASCII character strings without error and without loss from and to a terminal (RS232) and, on the other hand, to generate I2C or SPI frames, compatible with the addressed digital circuit, with the aim of configuring it and reading or writing data.

  • 06_XCMIP-AAv6 (15H): At the end of the semester, the student of the microprocessors course will know how to use an energy saving mode of an STM32 microcontroller and will know how to make a peripheral communicate directly with the memory (DMA), by configuring registers dedicated to energy management and by implementing, in a guided framework, a DMA peripheral of the STM32 microcontroller in order to put the processor to sleep during its periods of inactivity and to exchange data without the intervention of the processor.

  • 06_XDSIG-AAv6 (22H): At the end of the semester, the student must be able to implement these basic digital signal processing techniques in an interpreted language such as python, matlab or octave, and implement them on a hardware target (digital processing unit).The student will have consulted and assimilated the scientific resources required for the work to be carried out.

  • 06_XECAO-AAv1 (40H): The student will be able to create a parameterised part or assembly.

  • 06_XSZG6-AAv3 (12H): set up a test protocol for a non-mobile mechatronic system with two self-controlled axes, implement it and evaluate the results

  • 06_XASHI-AAv1 (10H): At the end of the Humanities course in semester 6, students must be able to identify the presuppositions in an argument, analyse the validity of a line of reasoning and identify logical errors.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv1 (20H): By the end of the course, students will be able to understand the concepts of object-oriented programming. In particular, students will be able to explain the concepts of inheritance, interface, dynamic binding and static binding, object and parametric polymorphism, and static methods.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv2 (8H): At the end of the course, students will be able to apply the concepts of object-oriented programming. In particular, students will be able to choose and use the concepts of inheritance, interface, dynamic binding and static binding, object and parametric polymorphism, and static methods.

  • 06_XCCPO-AAv6 (30H): At the end of the course, students will be able to work in a team to develop an object-oriented program using project management tools (GIT, planning, project monitoring).Students will be able to present the results of their work in the form of an oral presentation within a given time limit.

  • 06_XCMIP-AAv4 (24H): The student of the microprocessor course, at the end of the semester, will be able to use a timer to control a timer or the period of periodic interrupts or generate a pulse width modulation signal, modify its duty cycle and apply it to a physical pin of the STM32 microcontroller, using, in a guided framework, the timer's register interface, then completing an API to encapsulate the timer's functionality, written in C language, to obtain a duration or a PWM signal in accordance with that expected.

  • 06_XCMIP-AAv5 (36H): At the end of the semester, the student of the microprocessors course will be able to communicate by serial link, RS232, I2C or SPI, an STM32 microcrontroller with an external digital system by developing a simple PLC (RS232) or by using a simple PLC, supplied and known, (I2C, SPI), written in C language, allowing the transmission and reception of a set of bytes in order, on the one hand, to transmit and receive ASCII character strings without error and without loss from and to a terminal (RS232) and, on the other hand, to generate I2C or SPI frames, compatible with the addressed digital circuit, with the aim of configuring it and reading or writing data.

  • 06_XCMIP-AAv6 (15H): At the end of the semester, the student of the microprocessors course will know how to use an energy saving mode of an STM32 microcontroller and will know how to make a peripheral communicate directly with the memory (DMA), by configuring registers dedicated to energy management and by implementing, in a guided framework, a DMA peripheral of the STM32 microcontroller in order to put the processor to sleep during its periods of inactivity and to exchange data without the intervention of the processor.

  • 06_XDSIG-AAv6 (22H): At the end of the semester, the student must be able to implement these basic digital signal processing techniques in an interpreted language such as python, matlab or octave, and implement them on a hardware target (digital processing unit).The student will have consulted and assimilated the scientific resources required for the work to be carried out.

  • 06_XECAO-AAv1 (40H): The student will be able to create a parameterised part or assembly.

  • 05AODPRC-AAv1 (6H): At the end of the programming course, a fifth semester student will be able to execute step by step algorithms comprising variables, conditional, iterative structures and function calls and determine their results without error

  • 05AODPRC-AAv3 (8H): At the end of the programming course, a fifth semester student will be able to verify the validity of an algorithm (he carries out exactly the task for which he been designed) and its robustness (it is protected from abnormal conditions of use)

  • 05AODPRC-AAv6 (14H): At the end of the programming course, a fifth semester student will be able to use the main common types (arithmetic or elaborate ).

  • 05AOEMIP-AAv1 (30H): The student of the microprocessor course, at the end of the semester, will know how to compose and test a program written in ARM assembly language using development tools, to the compilation and visualization of registers and memory contents, respecting the AAPCS standard, in order to execute a program for calculating or processing character strings on an STM32 microcontroller.

  • 05AOEMIP-AAv2 (33H): The student of the microprocessors course, at the end of the semester, will be able to interact an STM32 microcontroller with LEDs, push buttons and a request signal. 'interruption external to the microcontroller

  • 05AOEMIP-AAv3 (24H): The student of the microprocessors course, at the end of the semester, will be able to use a timer to control a timer or the period of periodic interruptions or generate a pulse width modulated signal, modify its duty cycle and apply it to a physical pin of the STM32 microcontroller, using, in a guided framework, the timer register interface, then completing an API encapsulation of the timer functionalities to obtain a duration or a PWM signal conforming to that expected.

  • 05AOGASA-AAv6 (25H): At the end of the semester, students will be able to master measurement methods using an oscilloscope, and will be able to design a linear corrector of type P, PI or PID to control a physical SISO system.

  • 06PODCPO-AAv1 (20H): At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the concepts of object-oriented programming. In particular, students will be able to explain the concepts of inheritance, interface, dynamic binding and static binding, object and parametric polymorphism, and static methods.

  • 06POESIN-AAv6 (17H): At the end of the semester, the student must be able to implement these basic digital signal processing techniques in an interpreted language such as python, matlab or octave, and implement them on a hardware target (digital processing unit). The student will have consulted and assimilated the scientific resources required for the work to be carried out.

  • 06POGEMB-AAv1 (42H): At the end of the semester, the student of the microprocessors course will be able to communicate by serial link, RS232, I2C or SPI, an STM32 microcrontroller with an external digital system by developing a simple API (RS232) or by using a simple API, supplied and known, (I2C, SPI) allowing the transmission and reception of a set of bytes in order, on the one hand, to transmit and receive ASCII character strings without error and without loss from and to a terminal (RS232) and, on the other hand, to generate I2C or SPI frames, compatible with the addressed digital circuit, with the aim of configuring it and reading or writing data.

  • 07_X-CRS-AAv2 (29.25H): At the end of this course, seventh semester students will be able to understand and apply low-level implementation (without resorting to third-party libraries hiding the essential) of programs communicating according to the protocols of the TCP/IP model (UDP and TCP clients and servers).

  • 07_X-CRS-AAv3 (36H): At the end of this course, seventh semester students will be able to understand and apply low-level implementation (without resorting to third-party libraries hiding the essential) of programs communicating according to the protocols of the HTTP model (HTTP clients and servers, HTTPS, WebSocket).

  • 07_X-CRS-AAv5 (33.75H): At the end of this course, the students of the seventh semester will be able to create and coordinate a network of sensors around the CAN bus.

  • 07_X-IPS-AAv2 (16H): Electronic CAD. At the end of this course, the seventh semester student will be able, in a group of 4 to 5 students, to design, assemble, test and validate a functional double-sided electronic card (without metallized hole).

  • 07_X-IPS-AAv3 (26H): Autonomous implementation of a microcontroller for an instrumentation application. At the end of this course, the seventh semester student will be able, in a group of 4 to 5 students, to implement a digital system allowing the instrumentation of a physical system (for example a motor, heating, pendulum, actuator shape memory alloy ...).

  • 07_X-IPS-AAv9 (13H): Modeling for the vector control of a synchronous motor. At the end of this course, the seventh semester student will be able, in pairs, to establish a model in order to implement the vector control of a synchronous motor, with current and speed controls. The development context will lead to mastery of rapid prototyping tools in order to switch from a simulated model to functional code for the target.

  • 07_X-IPS-AAv10 (12H): Speed ​​variation. At the end of this course, the seventh semester student will be able, in pairs, to design a program allowing a speed variator to be controlled via a fieldbus in order to respect the different operating modes.

  • 07_X-SEN-AAv1 (27H): At the end of semester 7, the student will be able to explain, during an oral interview, using the code developed in a guided framework, to an ARM Cortex-M architecture, the operating principle of a system call, task switching, blocking tasks by semaphore, and the use of semaphores to achieve synchronization of tasks with hardware devices.

  • 07_X-SEN-AAv2 (9H): At the end of semester 7, the student will be able to write a driver for a simple operating system to allow a task to communicate optimally with a device of his choice and demonstrate its proper functioning using a test program that he has written.

  • 07_X-SEN-AAv3 (30H): At the end of semester 7, the student will be able to design an application on an STM32 microcontroller in which the The entire work to be carried out was divided into several tasks, respecting specifications and adding the synchronization elements necessary for the exchange of data between tasks and with peripherals. He will be able to program his solution using FreeRTOS primitives.

  • 07_X-SEN-AAv4 (30H): At the end of semester 9, the student will be able to structure an embedded project in such a way as to ensure optimal operating security.

  • 07_X-SEN-AAv5 (30H): At the end of semester 7, the student will be able to deploy a secure communication solution to transmit and exploit data from sensors in the cloud.

  • 07_O-TSI-AAv7 (15H): At the end of the semester, the student will be able to effectively apply one or more classic processing and image algorithms to an input image. image analysis. He must be able to optimize the parameterization of each algorithm and analyze the relevance and limits of the results obtained.

  • 07_O-TSI-AAv8 (12H): At the end of the semester, the student will be able to design, analyze and implement a processing and analysis chain of images in response to specifications reflecting the needs of a new computer vision application. This involves in particular: (1) finding the right preprocessing operator with regard to the nature of the noise in the image (Gaussian, impulsive or uniform), (2) making a justified choice on the method and on the segmentation operator to use, (3) know how to identify the right characteristic attributes for the analysis and exploitation of the information present in the image, (4) choose an object recognition algorithm adapted to the problematic, (5) implement the algorithms in an interpreted language such as matlab or octave and finally (6) carry out the necessary tests to validate the proposed solution and critically evaluate the results obtained.

  • 07_O-TSI-AAv9 (6H): At the end of the semester, the student will be able to use the tools of the openCV library and implement the implementation of a processing and analysis solution images on a microcontroller type card connected to a camera.

  • 07_O-MSI-AAv3 (20H): At the end of the teaching, a student will be able to use a Framework. In particular, a student will be able to develop a REST application using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern

  • 07_O-CAI-AAv4 (38H): At the end of the "Interactive Application Design" module, students are able to PRODUCE an HMI (based on the principles of event-driven programming) using different libraries of graphic components, by respecting the requested specifications and making them aware of basic ergonomic criteria (example: guidance, control, adaptability)

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv3 (14H): At the end of teaching, in a given multidisciplinary context, with an imperfect, partially documented and possibly non-functional existing system , and with given disciplinary specifications, the student group must be able to implement a complete design approach: analysis of needs, justified choice of solutions, design and sizing, production, validation and documentation.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv4 (13H): At the end of this course, the group of students must be able to implement a digital system allowing the measurement of quantities physics necessary for the study and characterization of the vibrations of a mechanical system.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv5 (12H): At the end of this teaching, the group of students must be able to control a rotating motor making it possible to excite a vibrating system.

  • 08_X-ST8-AAV6 (200H): At the end of the assistant engineer internship, the student will be able to propose and implement tests to validate a design responding to a given functional representation. The results of these tests will be presented in a complete, synthetic and efficient manner so as to allow their analysis. The student will then also be able to propose modifications to be made to the design to make the prototype functional and in line with expectations.

  • 07_O-TSI-AAv7 (15H): At the end of the semester, the student will be able to effectively apply one or more classic processing and image algorithms to an input image. image analysis. He must be able to optimize the parameterization of each algorithm and analyze the relevance and limits of the results obtained.

  • 07_O-TSI-AAv8 (12H): At the end of the semester, the student will be able to design, analyze and implement a processing and analysis chain of images in response to specifications reflecting the needs of a new computer vision application. This involves in particular: (1) finding the right preprocessing operator with regard to the nature of the noise in the image (Gaussian, impulsive or uniform), (2) making a justified choice on the method and on the segmentation operator to use, (3) know how to identify the right characteristic attributes for the analysis and exploitation of the information present in the image, (4) choose an object recognition algorithm adapted to the problematic, (5) implement the algorithms in an interpreted language such as matlab or octave and finally (6) carry out the necessary tests to validate the proposed solution and critically evaluate the results obtained.

  • 07_O-TSI-AAv9 (6H): At the end of the semester, the student will be able to use the tools of the openCV library and implement the implementation of a processing and analysis solution images on a microcontroller type card connected to a camera.

  • 07_O-MSI-AAv3 (20H): At the end of the teaching, a student will be able to use a Framework. In particular, a student will be able to develop a REST application using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern

  • 07_O-CAI-AAv4 (38H): At the end of the "Interactive Application Design" module, students are able to PRODUCE an HMI (based on the principles of event-driven programming) using different libraries of graphic components, by respecting the requested specifications and making them aware of basic ergonomic criteria (example: guidance, control, adaptability)

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv3 (14H): At the end of teaching, in a given multidisciplinary context, with an imperfect, partially documented and possibly non-functional existing system , and with given disciplinary specifications, the student group must be able to implement a complete design approach: analysis of needs, justified choice of solutions, design and sizing, production, validation and documentation.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv4 (13H): At the end of this course, the group of students must be able to implement a digital system allowing the measurement of quantities physics necessary for the study and characterization of the vibrations of a mechanical system.

  • 07_O-CMV-AAv5 (12H): At the end of this teaching, the group of students must be able to control a rotating motor making it possible to excite a vibrating system.

  • 09_O-CNO-AAV2 (20H): The student of the CNO module, at the end of the module, in pairs, will be able to use the functionalities of the optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) to carry out the static experimental characterization (losses, gain, SMSR, OSNR, NF) of the components of an optical communication chain comprising a DFB laser, a modulator, an optical fiber of any length and an optical amplifier, and to write a report of studies.

  • 09_O-CNO-AAV3 (10H): The student of the CNO module, at the end of the module, will be able to dimension and design a communication chain optical communication corresponding to precise and provided specifications and to validate it by means of simulations with dedicated software (for example OptisystemTM from Op-tiwave).

  • 09_O-CNO-AAV8 (15H): The student of the CNO module, at the end of the module, will be able to analyze, implement and study the performances (in EVM, SER, BER) of a simple single-carrier (M-QAM, M-PSK) or multi-carrier (CP-OFDM) digital communication chain for a Gaussian or selective additive channel in stationary frequency. The student will also be able to implement some classic algorithms at the receiver level using preamble and pilot symbols (carrier frequency offset correction, synchronization, zero-forcing equalization, linear LMS equalization).

  • 09_O-CSP-AAv1 (15H): The student of the CSP module, at the end of the module, will be able to use the development chain of a programmable system on chip (Intel-FPGA) to design a digital system, from modeling in VHDL language of a specific digital circuit to operation of the complete system on a hardware target when generic files to adapt or files to complete, of known format, are provided

  • 09_O-CSP-AAv2 (36H): The student of the CSP module, at the end of the module, will be able to propose the synthesizable model of a synchronous digital circuit, in VHDL language , and featuring both combinatorial and sequential functional blocks of a complexity comparable to those seen in the digital circuits course

  • 09_O-CSP-AAv3 (15H): The student of the CSP module, at the end of the module, will be able to connect a compatible digital circuit to an Avalon interface and will be able to specify the cycle format reading and writing adapted to this digital circuit allowing optimal data exchange

  • 09_O-CSP-AAv4 (42H): The student of the CSP module, at the end of the module, will be able to design the architecture of a structured, synchronous digital circuit into a processing unit and a control unit, possibly themselves hierarchical, corresponding to specifications provided, with signals and functional blocks clearly identified and specified and minimizing the risk of a metastable state due to the presence possible asynchronous signals or clock domains

  • 09_O-CSP-AAv5 (15H): The student of the CSP module, at the end of the module, will be able to organize a control unit in a hierarchical and structured form in order to facilitate its development and its test allowing the control of all the elements of the associated processing unit to obtain correct overall operation, processing and control

  • 09_O-CSP-AAv6 (21H): The student of the CSP module, at the end of the module, will be able to develop in C language a driver (or API: Application Programming Interface) adapted to a given digital circuit in order to be able to use it in a software application written in C language without knowing the details of its hardware implementation

  • 09_O-CCM-AAV3 (12H): At the end of this course, the student will be able to build a state observer and synthesize a state feedback control observed on a SISO linear system meeting specifications (stability, precision, speed, robustness).

  • 09_O-CCM-AAV4 (12H): At the end of this course, the student will be able to model the uncertainties of modeling a discrete-time dynamic system and the uncertainties observation of the state of the system, with a view to an adaptive estimation of the state which it will carry out by Kalman filtering for the case of linear systems.

  • 09_O-CCM-AAV5 (20H): At the end of this course, the student will be able to linearize a dynamic process or an observation law in order to carry out an adaptive state estimation by extended Kalman filtering (EKF filter) and perform a comparison with an Unscented Kalman filter (UKF).

  • 09_O-CCM-AAV6 (16H): At the end of this course, the student will be able to control a linear system by feedback state according to a quadratic optimization criterion: LQR command or LQG command when the state is only partially observed

  • 09_O-CCM-AAV8 (42H): At the end of this course, the student will be able to implement, set up and adjust some system control solutions non-linear: linearizing control, control by flatness, control by Lyapunov function,…

  • 10_X-S10-AAv5 (200H): At the end of the engineering internship, the student is able to write all the tests making it possible to validate a design responding to a given functional representation, implement these tests in a manner autonomous and analyze the experimental results in order to propose modifications to make the prototype functional and consistent with expectations.