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Digital servo-controls (06_XDASN)

  • Coefficient : 3
  • Hourly Volume: 70h (including 36h supervised)
    CTD : 18h supervised (and 3h unsupervised)
    Labo : 18h supervised (and 3h unsupervised)
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 28h

AATs Lists


  1. Sampled 1st and 2d order linear systems.
  • digital transfer functions ;
  • model of ideal DACs and ADCs, influence of BOZ ;
  • time and frequency regimes ;
  • Pole transformations by sampling: reading in the plane.
  1. Discrete and looped systems
  • stability (geometrical criteria, pole placement) ;
  • accuracy analysis.
  1. Synthesis of digital correctors
  • discrete PI correctors (synthesis and implementation) ;
  • polynomial corrector synthesis (compensation).

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures: 10, C1] : Students will be able to model, in the form of a Z transfer function, a closed-loop system comprising a digital corrector, NA (with or without BOZ) / AN converters, and a continuous system to be controlled.

  • AAv2 [heures: 20, B3, C3, D3] : Students will be able to analytically determine the time response of a discrete-time SISO SLIT system when a digital signal is sent to its input, and to determine the main characteristics of this response.

  • AAv3 [heures: 10, B2] : Students will be able to digitise a common analogue corrector (P, PI, PID) using a discretisation strategy and express its digitised version as a Z transfer function or recurrence equation.

  • AAv4 [heures: 20, C1, C3, D3] : Students will be able to synthesise a digital corrector using a frequency method to control a SLIT system in contained time in accordance with the constraints of a specification. The students will be able to validate their corrector with simulation software and criticise the performance obtained

  • AAv5 [heures: 10, D1] : Students will be able to implement and run a digital P, PI and PID corrector on a microprocessor using a programming language such as C.

Assessment methods

One long continuous assessment (coefficient 2), average of several short continuous assessments in CTD (coefficient 1) and in LABO (coefficient 3).

Key Words

Sampled systems, digital control and regulation, closed loop, stability, synthesis of digital correctors.


Continuous servo systems (system analysis and corrector synthesis). Mathematical tools for continuous signals (Laplace transform, transfer function, convolution). function, convolution). Notions of system modelling.


Course handouts and texts for tutorials and laboratory work.