Operational Research (06_XBROP)
- Coefficient : 2
- Hourly Volume: 40h (including 18h supervised)
- CTD : 9h supervised (and 1.5h unsupervised)
- Labo : 9h supervised (and 1.5h unsupervised)
- Out-of-schedule personal work : 19h
AATs Lists
- Graphs:
- Elements of theory: Eulerian graphs, Hamiltonians, adjacency matrix.
- Graph traversal: width, depth, finding the shortest path in a valuated or non-valuated graph.
- Operations research:
- Application of shortest path search
- Computation of the maximum flow
- Computing the maximum flow at minimum cost
- Algorithmic implementation on large-scale problems
Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)
- AAv1 [heures: 15, B2,B3] : By the end of the course, all students will be able to apply the relevant mathematical tools correctly to solve problems involving the calculation of optimal paths (depth, width, shortest path via Ford or Dijkstra) in directed or undirected, valuated or valueless graphs. Correctly means here:
- The student is able to implement simple graph traversal algorithms.
- The student can recognise, correct if necessary, choose and use algorithms already provided to solve a specific problem.
- AAv2 [heures: 15, B2,B3] : At the end of the course, each student will be able to correctly apply the relevant mathematical tools to solve flow maximisation problems in a transport network, taking possible costs into account. Correctly means here:
- The student will be able to recognise, correct if necessary, choose and use the algorithms already provided to solve a specific flow maximisation problem (possibly at minimum cost).
- The student can represent the problem graphically in order to explain and justify the proposed method.
Assessment methods
One long continuous assessment (coefficient 1) and an average of several short continuous assessments (coefficient 1)
Key Words
Graphs, graph traversal, operational research
Recherche opérationnelle pour l’ingénieur I et II, J.F. Heche et al., Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.