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Programming (04_XCPRG)

  • Coefficient : 2.5
  • Hourly Volume: 48h (including 36h supervised)
    Labo : 36h supervised
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 12h

AATs Lists


  • This course aims to reinforce programming practice in general (data allocation, lifetime, and sharing, generics, functional style...).
  • Classic algorithms (searching, sorting, filtering, tree and graph traversals...) serve as a basis for these activities and are implemented in the Rust language.
  • Testing, performance measurement, and code documentation are part of the systematic approaches.

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAV1 [heures: 24, B2, G2]: At the end of this course, a student is able to follow programming rules and practices imposed on them.

  • AAV2 [heures: 24, C3, D3, D4]: At the end of this course, a student is able to perform unit tests and measure performance.

Assessment methods

The assessment is individual. It is based on practical tests in which a task must be implemented, tested, performance measured, and documentation produced.

Key Words

Programming, Rust language, algorithms, testing, performance


Understanding of instructions and explanations written in natural language.
Basic knowledge of algorithms (variables, statements/expressions, control structures, functions)
