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Electronics I (01_XCELE)

  • Coefficient : 6
  • Hourly Volume: 150h (including 67.75h supervised)
    CTD : 31.75h supervised (and 5h unsupervised)
    Labo : 36h supervised (and 6h unsupervised)
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 71.25h
  • Including project : 13.5h supervised and 25.5h unsupervised project

AATs Lists


Know the fundamental ideal dipoles used in electronics as well as the ideal operational amplifier. Use the tools and implement the methods of analyzing electrical circuits. Determine the response of a circuit comprising fundamental dipoles and ideal operational amplifiers, in the case of simple excitations.

1- Electrical circuits:

* Linear passive dipoles, voltage source and current source, convention
* Dipole associations
* Kirchhoff's laws
* General theorem: Superposition, Thevenin and Norton
* Analytical and graphic study methods

2- The operational amplifier and its applications.

All these concepts are covered in the form of courses, simulations and practical work. A project allows the student to apply his knowledge through sizing, simulation, the practical creation of an electrical assembly comprising several amplifiers and its experimental characterization.

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures: 23, C3,G2]: At the end of Semester 1, students will be able to measure an electrical quantity (current or voltage, continuous or time-varying) identifiable on a schematic diagram with the required precision, regardless of the representation standards used to present the diagram.

  • AAv2 [heures: 16, B3, C2,G2]: At the end of semester 1, the student will be able to determine the characteristics of an arrowed electrical quantity on any electrical schematic, using the different types of simulation (continuous operating point, time-based) of the LTSpice simulation software. They will be able to plot the voltage-current characteristic of an unknown dipole and the input-output characteristic of a circuit, interpreting the results.

  • AAv3 [heures: 72, B2, B3, B4, G2]: At the end of semester 1, students will be able to solve a given problem on a diagram they have never seen before, using the method of their choice if it is not imposed. The student will be able to determine the literal expression of any electrical quantity in a circuit as a function of its components. The student will be able to determine the operating point of a combination of dipoles operating in continuous operation, both graphically and analytically. To adapt to complex dipole structures not previously seen, they will use Thevenin/Norton modeling to represent the active dipole(s) of the combination before putting it into an equation. They will be able to evaluate power exchanges between receivers and generators, explaining their reasoning and justifying their results.

  • AAv4 [heures: 32, C2, C3, E3]: At the end of semester 1, the student will be able to size an unknown system for which they will only be provided with the electrical diagram and specifications. To do this, he will mobilize his knowledge and work in a team while managing his time. He will be able to provide proof of compliance with the specifications through experimental characterization and discuss the performance of the prototype developed.

  • AAv5 [heures: 7, F1]: At the end of semester 1, the student will be able to reproduce in writing work carried out in pairs while respecting the instructions given for the structuring and presentation of the report. It will present the different stages of the approach used to respond to the expressed need.

Assessment methods

The AAVs will be validated by:

  • continuous assessments (long and short);
  • practical tests;
  • the realization of a project.

Key Words

Electrical circuits, linear dipoles, ideal operational amplifier.


Scientific secondary school diploma


  • Course handouts.
  • Electricité, cours et exercices résolus, H. Ouslimani et A. Ouslimani, Collection A. Capliez, Editions Casteilla.
  • Exercices sur les circuits électriques - 111 exercices et problèmes corrigés avec rappels de cours, Y. Granjon, Editions Masson