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Intersemester 1-a (01_XAIS1)

  • Coefficient : V/Nv
  • Hourly Volume: 60h (including 60h supervised)
    Labo : 60h supervised
  • Including project : 60h supervised

AATs Lists


Learn how to develop interpersonal communication skills, cooperation, creativity, intellectual postures of criticism. “Learn differently, Outside the walls, With professionals”

Program: Writing workshop, theater workshop and radio workshop

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures: 25, E3, E4, E1, F1, F2] (theatre workshop 1): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to speak individually in front of a small audience a written text not previously known, while being aware of their emotions, their voice and their body in space.

  • AAv2 [heures: 7, A1, E3, E4, E1, F1, F2] (radio workshop): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to receive with an open mind and collect on an audio medium the point point of view of a person different from them on an imposed subject.

  • AAv3 [heures: 12, E4, E1, F1, F2] (writing workshop): At the end of IS1a, students will be able to produce short written materials offering imaginary scenarios and/or using new formal codes as sources of inspiration.

Assessment methods

Reflexive portfolio

Key Words

Otherness, critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, responsibility, ethics

