Humanities (06_XASHI)
- Coefficient : 2
- Hourly Volume: 40h (including 18h supervised)
- Labo : 18h supervised
- Out-of-schedule personal work : 22h
- Including project : 9h supervised and 19h unsupervised project
AATs Lists
Description Critical thinking and ecology
- Themes:
- Political ecologies (currents, approaches, responses)
- Environmental fallacies
- Management and group dynamics
- Terms:
- Honest Man Engineer Project (defense and forum)
- Multidisciplinary project
- Group and individual work
Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)
Lister les AAv comme écrits dans l'exemple ci dessous:
AAv1 [heures: 10,E1, D4]: At the end of the Humanities course in semester 6, students must be able to identify the presuppositions in an argument, analyse the validity of a line of reasoning and identify logical errors.
AAv2 [heures:10,F2]: At the end of the Humanities course in semester 6, students should be able to construct a reasoned and logically correct argument to present an opinion or a project within a communication framework chosen by the teacher.
AAv3 [heures:10,E1, B4]: At the end of the Humanities course in semester 6, students should be able to think critically to evaluate solutions (by seeking alternatives to proposed choices, comparing documents and/or points of view, producing different representations of a problem, and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a solution) and to position/choose using epistemological and ethical tools.
AAv4 [heures:10, F2]: At the end of the humanities course in semester 6, students must have implemented their project of commitment to a positive impact on the environment and society, and be able to present their work in a forum (pitch), leave a record of it for future students (website) and evaluate their success.
Assessment methods
Average of several short continuous assessment tests
Key Words
Critical thinking, ecology, environment, politics, argumentation, management
Level of general knowledge appropriate for a second cycle student.
Resources updated via the Moodle platform