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Automation (03_XDAUT)

  • Coefficient : 3.5
  • Hourly Volume: 80h (including 52.5h supervised)
    CTD : 10.5h supervised
    Labo : 42h supervised
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 27.5h
  • Including project : 18h supervised and 9h unsupervised project

AATs Lists


The S3 industrial automation course enables students to implement a methodology for specifying and programming an automated industrial machine. The specification is based on the GRAFCET standard and the GEMMA methodology (Guide d'étude des modes de marche et d'arrêt).

  • The M340 PLC is programmed in SFC and ADDER (or ST) using Unitypro software.
  • The HMI is programmed using Vijeodesigner software.
  • Supervision is programmed using PcVue software. Within the framework of a SAGE UE: Collaboration with the IT and database course enables the development of real-time production indicators.

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures: 16, C2] (mode of operation): Starting from the “user” requirements of an existing machine in which the GEMMA is given, the student must be able to correctly structure the functional specifications of the control system using GRAFCET. GEMMA: guide d'étude des modes de marches et d'arrêtes (formalized document briefly describing the content and links between the different modes of operation).

  • AAv2 [heures: 16, D1, D3, D4] (operating mode programming): Starting from an operating part and a hierarchical structure of grafcets specifying the operation of a programmed control system and complying with a pre-established CoP, the student group must be able to program the PLC and test its operation in relation to the operating part.

  • AAv3 [heures: 4, D3, D4] : using an automated machine with hard-wired safety devices and its own program, the student group must be able to demonstrate compliance with hard-wired and programmed procedures for handling any faults.Non-compliance with these procedures must be corrected.

  • AAv4 [heures: 12, C2, D1, D3, D4] (HMI): Based on an operating part controlled by a PLC with an existing program, the student team must be able to propose a functional HMI.

  • AAv5 [heures: 16, D2, D3, D4] (Supervision) : Starting from an operating part controlled by a PLC with an existing program, the student team must be able to propose a functional supervision:

  • AAv6 [heures: 8, D3, D4] (UE SAGE AUTO-PRG-BDD): Based on a PLC-controlled operating part with an existing program, including HMI and supervision, the student group must be able to create and display real-time production indicators on a PC.

  • AAv7 [heures: 8, E3, E4, F1] (Teamwork integration):The student will be able to integrate and participate in the collective work required of the team. He/she will motivate, take the initiative and discuss with all team members to move the project forward according to the milestones set by the teacher.

Assessment methods

  • 1 individual moodle test in CTD to assess AAv1.
  • The reporter for each team is chosen at random and presents the team's collective work during the scheduled interviews: 2 formative interviews on didactic benches (mixer) and 2 summative interviews on operative parts (machines).

Key Words

industrial programmable controller, GRAFCET, Ethernet network, start and stop modes, GEMMA, security, MODICON M340 PLC, UNITY PRO


  • Basic knowledge of electrical engineering and pneumatics.
  • Description of automation specifications by GRAFCET.
  • Programming of the SCHNEIDER M340 automaton using UNITY PRO software.


  • UNITY PRO software implementation handout;
  • GEMMA sheet;
  • technical files of the themes studied;
  • extracts from standards concerning the security of automated systems.