Humanities (03_XASHI)
- Coefficient : 2
- Hourly Volume: 50h (including 27h supervised)
- Labo : 27h supervised (and 4.5h unsupervised)
- Out-of-schedule personal work : 18.5h
- Including project : 20h supervised and 13h unsupervised project
AATs Lists
The distant gaze
- Themes:
- some major intercultural differences (birth, death, commerce, work)
- a critical reading of the news media
- introduction to the ethnological method for the worker internship
- Terms:
- production of texts (transfer of experience, elaboration of thought)
- analysis and synthesis work (textual, audio-visual supports on the professional sphere)
- group and individual work
Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)
AAv1 [heures: 15, E2, E3, E4] : At the end of the fourteen weeks of course, students will be individually able to connect through different logical links the main cultural concepts of the geographical areas to which the countries eligible for their mobility belong: Scandinavian countries / Latin American countries / (China? &) South Korea / Maghreb
AAv2 [heures: 15, G1 ] : At the end of the course, students will be able to define the conceptual pair nature/culture, identify its historical origins and contemporary uses, and compare it with other conceptions of the relationship between humans and the ecosystem, notably through technical objects.
AAv3 [heures: 20, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2] : At the end of the fourteen weeks of courses, students will be able to imagine in small groups (3-4) ordinary professional situations taking into account the meaning given to work and life by future colleagues from a culture different from theirs. This imaginative story will take the form of short fiction (short story or comic strip of four to ten pages, videos of 3 to 5 minutes).
Assessment methods
Average of several short continuous monitoring tests
Key Words
write, transcribe, listen, express yourself, debate, negotiate
- Human sciences department of the documentary resources center.
- Periodical press available at the documentary resources center.