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Object Oriented Programming Languages (05_XCOBJ)

  • Coefficient : 5
  • Hourly Volume: 108h (including 63h supervised)
    CTD : 27h supervised (and 4.5h unsupervised)
    Labo : 36h supervised (and 6h unsupervised)
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 34.5h

AATs Lists


The object paradigm, basic concepts in object-oriented languages ​​(such as Python and Rust):

  1. classes, attributes, methods, instances
  2. encapsulation
  3. collaborations
    • association
    • aggregation
    • composition
  4. legacy
  5. polymorphism
  6. Object Model in UML (classes, use cases, interactions)
  7. Rust programming language

Acquis d'Apprentissage visés (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures: 20, D1, D2] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to manipulate in a programming language and within a framework of guided exercises, the basic concepts of oriented programming object : class, object attribute, method, encapsulation.

  • AAv2 [heures: 20, D1, D2] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to manipulate the concepts of collaboration in object-oriented programming in a programming language and through guided exercises. : addiction, simple association, composition.

  • AAv3 [heures: 20, D1, D2] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to manipulate the following concepts of object-oriented programming in a programming language, within the framework of guided exercises: legacy, polymorphism, abstract class, interface

  • AAv4 [heures: 20, C1, C2, D1, D2, F1, G2] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to create a UML class diagram which models an explained problem (described in detail or already implemented) involving the main notions of object-oriented programming, within the framework of guided exercises.

  • AAv5 [heures: 4, A1, A3] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to describe software functions using a use case diagram, within the framework of guided exercises .

  • AAv6 [heures: 12, C1, C2, F1] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to describe the interactions between objects implemented during the realization of a use case using of a sequence and/or communication diagram, as part of guided exercises.

  • AAv7 [heures: 12, D1, D2, D3] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to produce a program that respects good practices and implements the main concepts of object-oriented programming, as part of guided exercises.

Modalités d'évaluation

The evaluation is done by a long continuous monitoring evaluation (coefficient 1), the average of several short CTD (coefficient 1) and lab evaluations (coefficient 1)

Mots clés

Objects, Classes, Polymorphism, UML, Rust


Algorithmic, Python, Rust
