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Humanities (05_XASHI)

  • Coefficient : 1.5
  • Hourly Volume: 40h (including 18h supervised)
    Labo : 18h supervised (and 3h unsupervised)
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 19h
  • Including project : 9h supervised and 19h unsupervised project

AATs Lists


Guidance: - History of technology: place and role of the engineer in society - Environmental and societal issues (Sustainable Development Goals) - "Projet Ingénieur Honnête Homme" - Carrying out surveys (varied media) and oral restitution - Case studies, group and individual work - Film and textual analyzes

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [10, A1,B1] : At the end of the human sciences course in semester 5, the student must be able to identify and explain in a prescribed format a societal or environmental need included in the objectives of the sustainable development on its scale.

  • AAv2 [20, E4,B4,A3, C4] : At the end of the human sciences course in semester 5, the student must be able to fully design a feasible action that responds to a societal or environmental need previously identified and to define the conditions for its success.

  • AAv3 [10,F1,F2] : At the end of the human sciences course of semester 5, the student must be able to present with professionalism (adapted to the professional communication situation) a project with specifications to orally in a limited time and in writing in the form of a file and to express reliability indicators (dates, locations, supervision, financing, etc.)

Assessment methods

Several short evaluations (written, oral...)

Key Words

Critical thinking, engagement, listening, analysis, creativity, project management


Level of general culture specific to a second cycle student.
