Cédric BUCHE

Links : HAL Google Scholar Rank from Journals / Conferences Q from SJR

international Journals

2025 [] M. Neau, P. Santos, A.G Bosser; A. Macvicar and C. Buche
Mining Informativeness in Scene Graphs: Prioritizing Informative Relations in Scene Graph Generation for Enhanced Performance in Applications.
Pattern Recognition Letters. 189, 64-70, 2025 [http]
2024 [] Y. Habib, P. Papadakis, C. Le Barz, A. Fagette, T. Gonçalves. and C. Buche
Real-time, Dense UAV Mapping by Leveraging Monocular Depth Prediction with Monocular-Inertial SLAM.
Advanced Robotics. 38(21), 1555-1566, 2024. [http]
2023 [] C. Buche, F. Lasson and S. Kerdelo
Conditional autoencoder pre-training and optimization algorithms for personalized care of hemophiliac patients.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.
6, 2023 [http]
2022 [] Y. Glémarec, J-L. Lugrin, A-G. Bosser, C. Buche and M. Latoschik
Controlling the STAGE: A High-Level Control System for Virtual Audiences In Virtual Reality.
Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
3, 2022 [http]
[Q2, Impact Factor = 5.1]
2021 [] C. Even, A-G. Bosser and C. Buche
Assessing the Believability of Computer Players in Video Games : a new Protocol and Computer Tool.
Frontiers in Computer Science.
3, 121, 2021. [http]
[Q2, Impact Factor = 2.4]
[] Y. Glémarec, J-L. Lugrin, A-G. Bosser, A. Collins-Jackson, C. Buche and M. Latoschik
Indifferent or Enthusiastic? Virtual Audiences Animation and Perception in Virtual Reality
Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
2, 2021. [http]
[Q2, Impact Factor = 5.1]
[] A. Delamarre E. Shernoff, C. Buche, S. Frazier, J. Gabbard and C. Lisetti
The Interactive Virtual Training for Teachers (IVT-T) to Practice Classroom Behavior Management.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
152, 2021. [http]
[Q1,Impact Factor = 3.1, rank:A]
[] S.M. Nguyen, N. Duminy, A. Manoury, D. Duhaut and C. Buche
Robots Learn Increasingly Complex Tasks with Intrinsic Motivation and Automatic Curriculum Learning : Domain Knowledge by Emergence of Affordances, Hierarchical Reinforcement and Active Imitation Learning.
Künstliche Intelligenz
35, 81-90, 2021 [http]
2020 [] E.S. Shernoff, K.V. Schalscha, J. Gabbard, A. Delamarre, S.L. Frazier, C. Buche and C. Lisetti.
Evaluating the Usability and Instructional Design Quality of Interactive Virtual Training for Teachers (IVT-T)
Educational Technology Research and Development
68, 3235–3262 2020 [http]
[5-year impact factor = 2.75]
[] C. Buche, C. Even and J. Soler.
ORION : A Generic Model and Tool for Data Mining
Transactions on Computational Science (TCSC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
vol 12060: 1-25, 2020 [http]
2018 [] E.S. Shernoff, S.L. Frazier, C. Lisetti, C. Buche, S. Lunn, C. Brown, A. Delamarre, T. Chou, J. Gabbard and E. Morgan.
Bridging Simulation Technology with Evidence-Based Behavior Management Practices to Support Early Career Teachers: An Interdisciplinary Approach.
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
26 (2), 299-326, 2018 [http]
[Acceptance rate : 15%]
2017 [] C. Hoareau, R. Querrec, C. Buche and F. Ganier.
Evaluation of internal and external validity of a virtual environment for learning a long procedure.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI) ,
33(10), 786-798, 2017 [http]
2016 [] M. Polceanu and C. Buche.
Computational mental simulation: a review.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW) ,
28(5),2016 [http ]
[] C. Buche , N. Le Bigot and M. Polceanu.
Simulation within Simulation for Agent Decision-Making: Theoretical Foundations from Cognitive Science to Operational Computer Model.
Cognitive Systems Research,
40:46-58, 2016. [ bib | http ]
Impact factor = 1.3]
2015 [] S. Richir, F. Fuchs, D. Lourdeaux, D. Millet, C. Buche and R. Querrec.
How to design compelling Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality experience?
International Journal of Virtual Reality (IJVR),
15(1):35-47, 2015 [http ]
2013 [] F. Tence, L. Gaubert, J. Soler, P. De Loor, and C. Buche.
CHAMELEON: Online Learning for Believable Behaviors based on Humans Imitation in Computer Games.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW),
24(5):477-495, 2013. [ bib | http ]
[] F. Tence, L. Gaubert, J. Soler, P. De Loor, and C. Buche.
Stable Growing Neural Gas: a Topology Learning Algorithm based on Player Tracking in Video Games.
Applied Soft Computing (ASC),
13(10):4174-4184, 2013. [ bib  | http ]
[Q1,Impact factor = 2.6].
[] C. Buche and P. De Loor.
Anticipatory behavior in virtual universe, application to a virtual juggler.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW),
24(2):111-125, 2013 [ bib | http ]
2011 [] C. Buche and R. Querrec.
An expert system manipulating knowledge to help human learners into virtual environment.
Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA),
38(7):8446-8457, 2011 [ bib | PDF  | http ]
[Q1,Impact factor = 2.9].
[] C. Buche, A. Jeannin-Girardon, and P. De Loor.
Simulation theory and anticipation as a basis for interactive virtual character in an uncertain world. Application to a human-virtual characters interaction for juggling.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW), Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA'11) Special Issue,
22(2-3):133-139, 2011. [ bib | PDF | http ]
[Acceptance rate: 18%
(28/154 papers),
[] D. Pasco, C. Bossard, C. Buche, and G. Kermarrec.
Using Exergames to Promote Physical Activity: A Literature Review.
Sport Science Review,
1, 77-93. 2011. [ bib | PDF | http ]
2010 [] C. Buche, C. Bossard, R. Querrec, and P. Chevaillier.
PEGASE: A generic and adaptable intelligent system for virtual reality learning environments.
International Journal of Virtual Reality (IJVR),
9(2):73-85, 2010. [ bib | PDF  ]
[] C. Buche, P. Chevaillier, A. Nédélec, M. Parenthoën, and J. Tisseau.
Fuzzy cognitive maps for the simulation of individual adaptive behaviors.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW),
21(6):573-587, 2010. [ bib | PDF | http ]
2009 [] T. Thanh Hai, C. Buche, R. Querrec, and J. Tisseau.
Modeling of errors realized by a human learner in virtual environment for training.
International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC),
4(1):73-81, 2009. [ bib | PDF | http ]
Impact factor = 0.373,
Immediacy index = 0.205]
2008 [] C. Bossard, G. Kermarrec, C. Buche, and J. Tisseau.
Transfer of training in virtual environments: A new challenge.
Virtual Reality,
(12):151-161, 2008. [ bib | PDF | http ]
2006 [] C. Buche, R. Querrec, P. Chevaillier, and G. Kermarrec.
Apports des systemes tutoriaux intelligents et de la realite virtuelle a l'apprentissage de competences.
In Cognito - Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives (CRSC),
2(2):51-83, 2006. [ bib | PDF ]
2004 [] C. Buche, R. Querrec, P. De Loor, and P. Chevaillier.
MASCARET : A pedagogical multi-agent system for virtual environment for training.
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (JDET),
2(4):41-61, 2004. [ bib | PDF ]
[] R. Querrec, C. Buche, E. Maffre, and P. Chevaillier.
Multiagents systems for virtual environment for training. application to fire-fighting.
International Journal of Computers and Applications (IJCA),
1(1):25-34, 2004. [ bib | PDF ]

international Conferences

2024 [] H. Lechene, B. Clement, K. Sammut, P. Santos, A. Cunningham, G. Coppin and C. Buche
LOTUS: Learning from Operational Teaming with Unmanned Systems.
2024. [ http ]
[] J.V. Autran, V. Kuhn, J.P. Diguet, M. Dubois and C. Buche
AI4I-PMDI: Predictive maintenance datasets with complex industrial settings' irregularities.
28th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES).
Procedia Computer Science,1201-1209, 2024.
[] J.V. Autran, V. Kuhn, J.P. Diguet, M. Dubois and C. Buche
Discretization Strategies for Improved Health State Labeling in Multivariable Predictive Maintenance Systems.
13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA).
434-441, 2024.
[] A. Dizet, U. Visser and C. Buche
A Mental Simulation Based Decision-Making Algorithm for the RoboCupSoccer Goalkeeper.
RoboCup International Symposium.
Accepted. 2024.
2023 [] M. Neau, P. Santos, A.G. Bosser and C. Buche
Fine-Grained is Too Coarse: A Novel Data-Centric Approach for Efficient Scene Graph Generation.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
Workshop on Scene Graphs and Graph Representation Learning (SG2RL).

2023. [ http ]
[] C. Buche, M. Neau, T. Ung, L. Li, S. Wang and C. Le Bono
RoboCup@Home SSPL Champion 2023: RoboBreizh, a fully embedded approach.
RoboCup International Symposium.
LNCS 14140 Springer. 374-385, 2023. [ http ]
[] N. Wondimu, M. Neau, A. Dizet, U. Visser and C. Buche
Anthropomorphic Human-Robot Interaction Framework: Attention Based Approach.
RoboCup International Symposium.
LNCS 14140 Springer. 262-274, 2023. [ http ]
[] L. Li, M. Neau, T. Ung and C. Buche
Crossing Real and Virtual : Pepper Robot as an Interactive Digital Twin.
RoboCup International Symposium.
LNCS 14140 Springer. 275-286, 2023. [ http ]
[] M. Neau, P. Santos, AG. Bossser and C. Buche
In Defense of Scene Graph Generation for Human-Robot Open-Ended Interaction in Service Robotics.
RoboCup International Symposium.
LNCS 14140 Springer. 229-310, 2023. [ http ]
[] S. Wang, M. Neau and C. Buche
RoboNLU: Advancing Command Understanding with a Novel Lightweight BERT-based Approach for Service Robotics.
RoboCup International Symposium.
LNCS 14140 Springer. 29-41, 2023. [ http ]
[] Y. Habib, P. Papadakis, A. Fagette, C. Le Barz, T. Gonçalves and C. Buche
From sparse SLAM to dense mapping for UAV autonomous navigation.
SPIE 12525, Geospatial Informatics XIII , 125250C.
2023. [ http ]
[] Y. Glémarec, J.L. Lugrin, A. Hörmann, A.G. Bosser, C. Buche, M. E. Latoschik and N. Lauer
Towards Virtual Audience Simulation For Speech Therapy.
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) .
ACM. 2023. [ http ]
[] Y. Habib, P. Papadakis, C. Le Barz, A. Fagette, T. Goncalves and C. Buche
Densifying SLAM for UAV navigation using volumetric fusion of monocular depth prediction.
9th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA).
pages 225-229. 2023. [ http ]
[] N. Wondimu, U. Visser and C. Buche
Interactive Video Saliency Prediction: The Stacked-convLSTM Approach.
15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART).
vol 2, pages 152-168, 2023. [ http ]
[] N. Wondimu, U. Visser and C. Buche
A New Approach to Moving Object Detection and Segmentation: The XY-shift Frame Differencing.
15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART).
vol 3, pages 309-318,2023. [ http ]
2022 [] C. Buche, M. Neau, T. Ung, L. Li, T. Jiang, M. Barange and M. Bouabdelli
RoboBreizh, RoboCup@Home SSPL Champion 2022.
RoboCup Symposium.
13561, LNCS Springer.
pages 203-214, 2022. [ http ]
[] R. Cazorla, L. Pionel, P. Papadakis and C. Buche
Reducing domain shift in synthetic data augmentation for semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
pages 1198-1205, 2022. [ http ]
[] J. Donjat, A. Legeleux, C. Buche and D. Duhaut
Temporal Alignment and Demonstration Selection as Pre-processing Phase for Learning by Demonstration.
35th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS)
2022. [ http ]
[] A. Legeleux, C. Buche and D. Duhaut
Gaussian Mixture Model with Weighted Data for Learning by Demonstration.
35th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS)
2022. [ http ]
[] M. Neau, P. Santos, A-G. Bosser, N. Beu and C. Buche
Commonsense Reasoning for Identifying and Understanding the Implicit Need of Help and Synthesizing Assistive Actions.
AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium on Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering for Hybrid Intelligence (AAAI-MAKE).
2202.11337. 2022. [ http ]
2021 [] Y. Glémarec, J-L. Lugrin, A-G. Bosser, C. Buche and M. Latoschik
Conference Talk Training With a Virtual Audience System.
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)
58:1-3. 2021. [ http ]
[Poster, rank:A]
[] R. Cazorla, L. Poinel, P. Papadakis and C. Buche
Bottleneck Identification to Semantic Segmentation of Industrial 3D Point Cloud Scene via Deep Learning
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) ,
pages 4877-4878, 2021. [ http ]
[Doctorial Consortium, rank:A*]
2020 [] C. Le Bono, P. Papadakis and C. Buche
Assessment of conformal use of personal protective equipment by object and human pose recognition.
IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR) ,
[] Y. Glémarec, J.L. Lugrin, A.G. Bosser, P. Cagniat, C. Buche and M.E. Latoschik
Pushing Out the Classroom Walls: A Scalability Benchmark for a Virtual Audience Behaviour Model in Virtual Reality
Mensch und Computer 2020 - Workshopband,
2020. [ http ]
[] A. Delamarre, C. Buche and C. Lisetti
Modeling Emotions for Training in Immersive Simulations (METIS): a Cross-Platform Virtual Classroom Study
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) ,
pages 78-83, 2020. [ http ]
[] A. Delamarre, C. Buche and C. Lisetti
A Cross-Platform Classroom Training Simulator: Interaction Design and Evaluation.
International Conference on Cyberworlds,
IEEE, pages 86-93, 2020. [ http ]
2019 [] Y. Glemarec, A.G Bosser, C. Buche, J.L. Lugrin, M. Landeck, M.E. Latoschik, M. Chollet
A Scalability Benchmark for a Virtual Audience Perception Model in Virtual Reality
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) ,
[Poster, rank:A]
[] A. Manoury, M. Nguyen and C. Buche
Hierarchical Affordance Discovery using Intrinsic Motivation.
International Conference Human-Agent Interaction (HAI) ,
pages 186-193, 2019.
[] F. Lasson, A. Delamarre, P. Redou and C. Buche
A Clinical Decision Support System to Help the Interpretation of Laboratory Results and to Elaborate a Clinical Diagnosis in Blood Coagulation.
International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN) ,
pages 109-122, 2019.
[] A. Delamarre, C. Buche and C. Lisetti
AIMER: Appraisal Interpersonal Model of Emotion Regulation, Affective Virtual Students to Support Teachers Training.
Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) ,
pages 182-184, 2019.
[short paper, rank:B]
[] A. Delamarre, S. Lunn, C. Buche and C. Lisetti
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Establishment of Requirements for a 3D Interactive Virtual Training for Teachers.
Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) ,
pages 185-187, 2019.
[short paper, rank:B]
[] S. Wallelign, M. Polceanu, T. Jemal and C. Buche
Coffee Grading with Convolutional Neural Networks using Small Datasets with High Variance.
International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG) ,
pages 113-120, 2019.
[Acceptance rate :
[] A. Manoury, S.M. Nguyen and C. Buche
CHIME: an Adaptive Hierarchical Representation for Continuous Intrinsically Motivated Exploration.
IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing,
pages 167-170, 2019.
2018 [] C. Even, A.G. Bosser and C. Buche
Bot Believability Assessment : a Novel Protocol & Analysis of Judge Expertise.
International Conference on Cyberworlds,
pages 96-101, IEEE, 2018.
[Acceptance rate :
[] C. Buche, C. Even and J. Soler
Autonomous virtual player in a video game imitating human players: the ORION framework.
International Conference on Cyberworlds,
pages 108-113, IEEE, 2018.
[Acceptance rate :
[] C. Buche and N. Le Bigot
REVAM: a virtual reality application for inducing body size perception modifications.
International Conference on Cyberworlds,
pages 229-236, IEEE, 2018.
[Acceptance rate :
[] M. Polceanu, F. Harrouet and C. Buche
Fast Multi-Scale fHOG Feature Extraction Using Histogram Downsampling.
RoboCup'2018 Symposium,
11374, LNCS Springer, pages 57-69. 2018.
[Acceptance rate :
[] S. Wallelign, M. Polceanu and C. Buche
Soybean Plant Disease Identification Using Convolutional Neural Network.
31th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) ,
pages 146-151, AAAI Press, 2018.
[ Acceptance rate :
(24/61 papers)
[] M. Polceanu, A. Petac, H. Ben Lebsir, B. Fiter and C. Buche
Real Time Tennis Match Tracking With Low Cost Equipment
31th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) ,
pages 197-200, AAAI Press, 2018.
[ short paper,
2017 [] C. Even, A-G Bosser and C Buche.
Analysis of the Protocols Used to Assess Virtual Players in Multi-player Computer Games.
14th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2017) ,
pages 657-668, LNCS, 2017. [ http ]
[] A. Delamarre, C. Buche, M. Polceanu, S. Lunn, G. Ruiz, S. Bolivar, E. Shernoff and C. Lisetti
An Interactive Virtual Training (IVT) Simulation for Early Career Teachers to Practice in 3D Classrooms with Student Avatars
30th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) ,
pages 400-403, AAAI Press, 2017. [ http ]
[short paper,
[] F. Lasson, M. Polceanu, C. Buche and P. De Loor
Temporal Deep Belief Network for Online Human Motion Recognition
30th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) ,
pages 80-85, AAAI Press, 2017. [ http ]
[Acceptance rate :
(101/199 papers)
2016 [] C. Even, A-G. Bosser, J. F. Ferreira, C. Buche, F. Stephan, M. Cavazza and C. Lisetti
Supporting Social Skills Rehabilitation with Virtual Storytelling
29th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) ,
pages 329-334, AAAI Press, 2016. [ bib | PDF | http ]
[Acceptance rate :
(77/151 papers)
[] M. Polceanu, A.M. Mora, J.L. Jimenez, C. Buche, A. Fernadez-Leiva
The Believability Gene in Virtual Bots
29th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) ,
pages 346-349, AAAI Press, 2016. [ bib | PDF | http ]
[short paper,
2015 [] J. Masterjohn, M. Polceanu, J. Jarrett, A. Seekircher, C. Buche and U. Visser.
Regression and Mental Models for Decision Making on Robotic Biped Goalkeepers.
RoboCup'2015 Symposium, LNCS 9513, pages 177-189,
Accepted in Main Track. Springer, 2015. [  bib | http ]
[] M. Polceanu, M. Parenthoen and C. Buche.
ORPHEUS: Mental Simulation as Support for Decision-Making in a Virtual Agent
28th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) ,
pages 73-78, AAAI Press, 2015. [ bib | http ]
[Acceptance rate
(main session):
(18/58 papers),
2014 [] F. Le Corre, C. Hoareau, F. Ganier, C. Buche. and R. Querrec,
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Environment for Learning based on UML Meta-model. Application to Blood Analysis Instrument.
International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) ,
pages 301-308, 2014. [ bib | PDF ]
[ATIEF rank:B]
2013 [] M. Polceanu and C. Buche.
Towards A Theory-Of-Mind-Inspired Generic Decision-Making Framework
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Symposium on AI in Angry Birds,
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.5048
- IJCAI competition finalist -[PDF  | http ]
[] J. Soler, L. Gaubert, F. Tence and C. Buche.
Data Clustering and Similarity
26th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS),
pages 492-495, AAAI Press, 2013. [ bib | PDF | http ]
[short paper,
[] C. Hoareau, F. Ganier, R. Querrec, F. Le Corre, and C. Buche.
Evolution of cognitive load when learning a procedure in a virtual environment for training
6th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference,
pages 130-132, 2013. [ bib ]
[] Y. Cardin, C. Bossard, and C. Buche.
Investigate naturalistic decision-making of a workgroup in dynamic situation. From the modelling to the design of a training virtual environment.
International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM'13),
pages 271-278, 2013. [ bib ]
[Doctorial consorsium]
[] Y. Cardin, C. Bossard, C. Buche and G. Kermarrec.
Investigate Naturalistic Decision-Making of Football. Players in Virtual Environment: Influence of Viewpoints in Recognition
International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM'13),
pages 109-117, 2013. [ bib ]
[Acceptance rate: 64%]
[] R. Querrec, P. Vallejo and C. Buche.
MASCARET: create virtual learning environments from system modelling.
Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality (ERVR'13),
pages 8649-04, SPIE, 2013. [ bib | PDF | http ]
[] S. Richir, F. Fuchs, D. Lourdeaux, C. Buche and R. Querrec.
An industrial approach to design compelling VR and AR experience
Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality (ERVR'13),
pages 8649-07, SPIE, 2013. [ bib | http ]
2012 [] F. Tence, L. Gaubert, P. De Loor and C. Buche.
CHAMELEON: A Learning Virtual Bot For Believable Behaviors In Video Game.
International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAMEON'12) ,
pages 64-70, Eurosis, 2012. [ bib | PDF ]
- Best Paper Award - [PDF ]
[Acceptance rate (Extended Papers): 9%, 21 submissions,
[] F. Le Corre, C. Fauvel, C. Hoareau, R. Querrec and C. Buche.
CHRYSAOR : an agent-based intelligent tutoring system in virtual environment.
International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL'12) ,
pages 39-45, 2012. [ bib | PDF ]
- Excellence Award - [PDF ]
[Acceptance rate: 40%,
141 submissions,
2011 [] R. Querrec, C. Buche, F. Le Corre, and F. Harrouet.
Agent metamodel for virtual reality applications.
19th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'11),
volume 369, pages 81-90. Springer, 2011. [ bib | PDF | http ]
2010 [] F. Tence, C. Buche, P. De Loor, and O. Marc.
Learning a representation of a believable virtual character's environment with an imitation algorithm.
First annual Pan-Arabic International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAMEON-ARABIA'10),
pages 141-145. Eurosis, 2010. [ bib | PDF  | http ]
[] C. Buche and P. De Loor.
Generic model for experimenting and using a family of classifiers systems: description and basic applications.
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC'10), Part I, LNCS/LNAI 6113,
pages 299-306. Springer, 2010. [ bib | PDF  | http ]
[Acceptance rate: 44%,
385 submissions,
44 countries,
[] F. Tence, C. Buche, P. De Loor, and O. Marc.
The challenge of believability in video games: Definitions, agents models and imitation learning.
2nd Asian Conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games (GAMEON-ASIA'10),
pages 38-45. Eurosis, 2010. [ bib | PDF ]
2008 [] F. Tence and C. Buche.
Automatable evaluation method oriented toward behaviour believability for video games.
International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAMEON'08) ,
pages 39-43, 2008. [ bib | PDF ]
[] T. Thanh Hai, C. Buche, and J. Tisseau.
Modeling of errors realized by a learner in virtual environment for training.
International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL'08),
pages 71-80, 2008. [ bib | PDF ]
2005 [] C. Buche and R. Querrec.
Simulate pedagogical reasoning in a virtual environment for training.
International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology for Education (CATE'05),
pages 183-187, 2005. [ bib | PDF ]
[] C. Buche, R. Querrec, and C. Le Gall.
Intelligent tutoring system for procedural and collaborative training.
8th World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE'05),
University of Stellenbosch, 2005. [ bib | PDF ]
[] C. Buche, R. Querrec, and P. De Loor.
Système tutoriel intelligent pour l'apprentissage de travail procedural et collaboratif.
Troisièmes journées francophones Modèle Formels de l'Interaction (MFI'05),
pages 205-210. Cépadués, 2005. [ bib | PDF ]
[] C. Buche and R. Querrec.
Intelligent tutoring system for MASCARET.
7th virtual reality international conference (VRIC'05),
pages 105-108, 2005. [ bib | PDF ]
2004 [] D. M. Popovici, C. Buche, R. Querrec, and F. Harrouet.
An interactive agent-based learning environment for children.
International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW'04),
pages 233-240. IEEE Computer Society, 2004. [ bib | PDF ]
Acceptance rate: 53%,
105 submissions].
2003 [] C. Buche, R. Querrec, P. De Loor, and P. Chevaillier.
MASCARET : Pedagogical multi-agents system for virtual environment for training.
International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW'03),
pages 423-430, IEEE Computer Society, 2003. [ bib | PDF ]
[] C. Buche, R. Querrec, E. Maffre, P. Chevaillier, and P. De Loor.
MASCARET: multiagent system for virtual environment for training.
5th virtual reality international conference (VRIC'03),
pages 159-164, 2003. [ bib | PDF ]
[] R. Querrec, C. Buche, E. Maffre, and P. Chevaillier.
SécuRéVi : virtual environments for fire-fighting training.
5th virtual reality international conference (VRIC'03),
pages 169-175, 2003. [ bib | PDF ]
[] R. Querrec, C. Buche, E. Maffre, and P. Chevaillier.
Multiagents systems for virtual environnement for training.
International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE'03),
pages 647-652. ACTA Press, 2003. [ bib | PDF ]
2002 [] C. Buche, M. Parenthoën, and J. Tisseau.
Learning by imitation of behaviors for autonomous agents.
3rd International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAME-ON'02),
pages 89-93, 2002. [ bib | PDF ]
[] M. Parenthoën, C. Buche, and J. Tisseau.
Action learning for autonomous virtual actors.
3rd International Symposium on Robotics and Automation (ISRA'02),
pages 549-554, 2002. [ bib | PDF ]


2024 [] M. Neau, P. Santos, AG Bosser and C. Buche
Real-Time Scene Graph Generation.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.16116
2024 [ http ]
2023 [] M. Neau, P. Santos, AG Bosser and C. Buche
Fine-Grained is Too Coarse: A Novel Data-Centric Approach for Efficient Scene Graph Generation
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18668
2023 [ http ]
[] A. Dizet, U. Visser and C. Buche
RoboCupSoccer Review: The Goalkeeper, a Distinctive Player.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12635
2023 [ http ]
2022 [] N. Wondimu, C. Buche and U. Visser
Interactive machine learning: A state of the art review
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.06196
2022. [ http ]
2021 [] A. Dizet, C. Le Bono, A. Legeleux, M. Neau and C. Buche
RoboCup@Home Education 2020 Best Performance: RoboBreizh, a modular approach
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.02978
2021. [ http ]

Articles in national Journals

2009 [] C. Buche, R. Querrec, P. De Loor, P. Chevaillier, and J. Tisseau.
PEGASE: un système tutoriel intelligent générique et adaptatif en environnement virtuel.
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information, série Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (RSTI-TSI),
28(8):1051-1076, 2009. [ bib | PDF ]
2006 [] C. Buche, C. Septseault, and P. De Loor.
Les systèmes de classeurs. une présentation générale.
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information, série Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (RSTI-TSI),
25:963-990, December 2006. [ bib | PDF ]
[] C. Buche, C. Septseault, and P. De Loor.
Proposition d'un modèle générique pour l'implémentation d'une famille de systèmes de classeurs.
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information, série Intelligence Artificielle (RSTI-RIA),
20(1):63-88, February 2006. [ bib | PDF ]
2005 [] J. Tisseau, M. Parenthoën, C. Buche, and P. Reignier.
Comportements perceptifs d'acteurs virtuels autonomes. une application aux cartes cognitives floues.
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information, série Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (RSTI-TSI),
24(10):1259-1293, 2005. [ bib | PDF ]