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Programming in C Language (03_XCPRC)

  • Coefficient : 2.5
  • Hourly Volume: 60h (including 36h supervised)
    Labo : 36h supervised
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 24h

AATs Lists


The aim of the course is to introduce the elements of the C language needed for programming on a hardware target (software/hardware interaction).

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures: 9, D1] : At the end of the semester, an S4 student will be able to describe the essential elements of a simple microprocessor.

  • AAv2 [heures: 40, D1, D2, D3, D4, G2] : At the end of the semester, students will be able to write a program in C using functions, variables including pointers, and control structures.

  • AAv3 [heures: 9, D1, D2, D3, D4, G2] : At the end of the semester, S4 students will be able to write a program that manipulates the peripheral registers visible in the addressable space of a microcontroller, and performs masking operations.

  • AAv4 [heures: 2, D4, G2] : At the end of the semester, S4 students will be able to use the microcontroller development chain to compile, download and debug a program on a hardware target.

Assessment methods

  • MCQs / exercise
  • Computing assessment

Key Words

Programming, C language


  • Basic algorithmic concepts (variables, instructions/expressions, control structures, functions)
  • Digital circuits


Handouts, STM32F411 development board, manufacturer's documentation