Object-oriented language & ULM(05AODOBJ)
- Coefficient : 4
- Hourly Volume: 108h (including 36h supervised)
- CTD : 18h supervised (and 3h unsupervised)
- Labo : 18h supervised (and 3h unsupervised)
- Out-of-schedule personal work : 66h
AATs Lists
- Classes, attributes, methods, instances
- Encapsulation
- Collaborations — simple association — composition
- Legacy
- Polymorphism
- Classes
- Attributes/methods
- Use Case
- State machines
- Activities
Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)
AAv1 [heures: 20, D1, D2] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to manipulate in a programming language and within a framework of guided exercises, the basic concepts of programming object-oriented:
- class,
- object
- attribute,
- method,
- encapsulation.
AAv2 [heures: 20, D1, D2] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to manipulate in a programming language and within the framework of guided exercises the concepts of collaborations of oriented programming object :
- addiction
- simple association,
- composition.
AAv3 [heures: 20, D1, D2] : At the end of the OBJ course, a fifth semester student will be able to manipulate the following concepts of object-oriented programming in a programming language, within the framework of guided exercises :
- legacy *polymorphism
- abstract class
- interface
AAv4 [heures: 20, C1, C2, D1, D2, F1, G2] : At the end of the UML course, a fifth semester student will be able to create a UML class diagram which models an explained problem (described in detail or already implemented) involving the main notions of object-oriented programming, within the framework of guided exercises.
AAv5 [heures: 4, A1, A3] : At the end of the UML course, a fifth semester student will be able to describe software functions using a use case diagram, as part of exercises guided.
AAv6 [heures: 12, C1, C2, F1] : At the end of the UML course, a fifth semester student will be able to describe the interactions between objects implemented during the realization of a use case in using a sequence and/or communication diagram, as part of guided exercises.
AAv7 [heures: 12, D1, D2, D3] : At the end of the UML course, a fifth semester student will be able to produce a program that respects good practices and implements the main concepts of object-oriented programming , as part of guided exercises.
Assessment methods
average of several short continuous assessment evaluations in CTD and Lab
Key Words
Class, Object, Class, Object, Use case, State machine, Activity
Algorithmic and C.