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Automation (02_XDAUT)

  • Coefficient : 4
  • Hourly Volume: 81h (including 54h supervised)
    CTD : 18h supervised
    Labo : 36h supervised
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 27h
  • Including project : 21h supervised and 10.5h unsupervised project

AATs Lists


The S2 industrial automation course familiarizes students with the structure of an automated system and its main components in electrical and pneumatic technologies. The interaction between the power circuit and the hard-wired control circuit is studied, including the basic safety features of power-up and safety shutdown. The discovery of sequential control systems begins with the design and construction of a wired logic control box, followed by the functional specification, wiring and programming of cycles controlled by a PLC. The engineering approach to design and the industrial standards of specification (GRAFCET), schematic and programming languages are put to concrete use in a team-based project context. 2/3 of teaching activities take place in the automation laboratory, in contact with industrial hardware, software and design and implementation methods.

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures:12, C1, C2, G2] : The student masters the vocabulary associated with the field of automation, and has a global vision of the structure of a system. They understand the problems specific to pneumatic and electrical technologies, and can solve them in simple cases. Master the use of the GRAFCET language to specify the sequential operation of a programmed control system as part of a team

  • AAv2 [heures:10 , C2, G2] : Based on given specifications, the student will be able to compile technical documentation relating to the project. This documentation will include a pneumatic and electrical power diagram, an electrical control diagram in wired control section whose logic will be justified by the preactuator control equations derived from the actuator cycle diagram. These control and power diagrams should be produced in a single editsab file or on plain paper.

  • AAv3 [heures:10 , C2, G2] : The student will be able to validate correctly* the performance of his cycle by simulating the wiring diagrams he has previously drawn up. They will also correctly* integrate the safety aspect (taking into account the Kas safety relay and its associated contacts).

  • AAv4 [heures:15 , D1, C3, D3, D4] : Using the wiring diagrams and/or PLC program previously developed, the student will be able to validate* the control system's performance by experimenting. He/she will connect the inputs/outputs of his/her control system to the sensors and preactuators on the trainer, so as to test compliance with the specifications. They will also correctly* integrate the safety aspect (taking into account the Kas safety relay and its associated contacts).

  • AAv5 [heures: 10, A3] : From a given set of specifications, the student will be able to write a hierarchical grafcet structure*, either on free paper or on dedicated software (editsab), from a programmed control point of view, with the subsequent aim of programming a PLC.

  • AAv6 [heures: 16, D1, D4, G2] : Using automation software and a PC grafcet, the student will be able to correctly* create the PLC program using industrial languages (LD, SFC, ST), making sure it is consistent with the grafcet.

  • AAv7 [heures: 8, E3, E4, F1, F2] : The student will be able to integrate and participate correctly in the collective work required of the team within the framework of the two automation projects (one on the wired control part, one on the programmed control part). He/she will motivate, take the initiative and discuss with all team members to move the project forward in line with the milestones set by the teacher.

Assessment methods

  • 5 individual moodle tests maximum in CTD to assess purely technical individual AAvs.
  • 4 oral interviews per team in the lab to assess collective AAvs through group work.
  • Each team's reporter is chosen at random and presents the team's collective work at the interviews.
  • A formative interview on wired PC and a summative interview on wired PC.
  • A formative interview on a programmed PC and a summative interview on a programmed PC.
  • AAV4 will be assessed 2 times, the first time formatively on a wired PC and the second time summatively on a programmed PC. Validation of AAV4 is based exclusively on the student's own experimentation.

Key Words

Automated system structure, power circuit, control circuit, pneumatic technology, electrical technology, wired safety devices, electropneumatic simulation, GRAFCET, hierarchical structure, programmed control part, Schneider M340 PLC, Unity Pro software, LADDER language, SFC, structured literal, cycle time.


Boolean algebra


  • handout of the course on grafcet;
  • laboratory handout;
  • technical files of the themes studied;
  • Unity Pro software implementation handout.