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Electronics IV (04_XCELE)

  • Coefficient : 4
  • Hourly Volume: 100h (including 45h supervised)
    CTD : 36h supervised (and 6h unsupervised)
    Labo : 9h supervised (and 1.5h unsupervised)
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 47.5h
  • Including project : 13.5h supervised and 27h unsupervised project

AATs Lists


  • Second order linear systems
    • Pole and zero diagram – principle of stability.
    • Concepts of damping and own pulsation.
    • Standardized transfer functions.
    • Index response of 2nd order circuits.
    • Frequency response.
    • Principle of determining the initial conditions of temporal responses.
  • Configurable filters (Butterworth, Chebishev, others…):
    • Concept of template, order calculation.
    • Comparison of different approximations and their qualities/defects.
    • Use of coefficient, pole or Q/FSF tables.
    • Change of variable to move from one low pass filter to another.
  • Oscillators: - Transfer function of a closed loop system. - Oscillation conditions – Stabilization. - Examples of high frequency oscillators.

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures: 15, B2] (Study of electronic circuits of order 2): At the end of the 4th semester of electronics, the student will be able to determine in analytical or numerical form the characteristic parameters of a circuit of the 2nd order according to the value of its components by first determining its transfer function.

  • AAv2 [heures: 30, B3, C3, D3, E3] (Modeling and representations of order 1 and 2 LTI systems): At the end of the 4th semester of electronics, the student will be able to determine, for an LTI system describes in a given formalism, the index and frequency response using the resolution of the differential equation or the Laplace transform, and to represent these responses in appropriate form.

  • AAv3 [heures: 25, D3] ((Characterization and identification): At the end of the 4th semester of electronics, the student will be able to characterize the behavior of an LTI system represented by its index response, its frequency response or its diagram of poles and zeros.

  • AAv4 [heures: 30, A3, B1, B3, C2, C3, D1, D3] (Design): At the end of the 4th semester of electronics, the student will be able to propose a circuit respecting specifications. The specifications will be specified in the form either of several parameters characteristic of a cell of order 2 (type, amplification coefficient, natural frequency, damping coefficient) or by a frequency template. The student will be able to check the conformity of his proposal with the specifications using simulation software (Python/Numpy/Scipy and LTspice).

Assessment methods

One long test (coefficient 1), average of several short tests from CTD (coefficient 1) and Lab (coefficient 1)

Key Words

Poles and Zeros – Stability – Filter – Transfer function – Damping – Resonance – Oscillators – Oscillation conditions – Closed loop


Study of 1st order linear systems: concept of low-pass filters; high pass. Complex transfer function in harmonic regime. Frequency response (Bode diagram), temporal response (index). 1st and 2nd order differential equations.


  • Précis d'Electronique, cours et exercices résolus, tomes 1 & 2, Azan, édition Bréal
  • Circuits fondamentaux de l'électronique, Tran Tien Lang.
  • Électronique tome 1 et 2, Chatelain-Dessoulavy.