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Electronics Construction (04_XCCEL)

  • Coefficient : 3
  • Hourly Volume: 70h (including 36h supervised)
    Labo : 36h supervised (and 6h unsupervised)
    Out-of-schedule personal work : 28h
  • Including project : 24h supervised and 18h unsupervised project

AATs Lists


Find and validate a solution meeting specifications using an arduino uno. The program is structured around the realization of a succession of mini projects, of which here are some examples:

  • detection of the amplification value of a bipolar transistor in linear
  • measurement of the time constant of a first order system
  • creation of a variable frequency signal and variable duty cycle
  • creation of a signal evolving in stages with different configurations of the number of stages
  • detection of signal ripple and frequency
  • creation of a triangular signal with adjustable frequency

Learning Outcomes AAv (AAv)

  • AAv1 [heures:17, C1,G2] : At the end of the fourth week the student is able, using an LTSpice diagram provided, to create the structural and routing diagram on KiCad software allowing the creation of a double printed circuit face.

  • AAv2 [heures: 53,B3,B4,C1,C3,D3,D4] : At the end of the semester the student has created from a microcontroller and elementary electronic components (resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, LEDs, potentiometers) at least one multitasking project described by specifications.

Assessment methods

A long evaluation (coefficient 1) and the average of several Lab evaluations (coefficient 1).

Key Words

Specifications ; research and analysis of a solution; simulation ; arduino program; production on a test plate.


Electronics and computer science courses for semesters S1 to S3


Handout and preliminary electronic construction project