Page personnelle de
Stéphane Azou

Recherche / Publications
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Revues à comité de lecture
Z. Baydoun, R. Youssef, E. Radoi, S. Azou and T. Yaacoub, "CFAR Compressed Detection in Heavy-Cluttered Indoor Environments Using IR-UWB Radar: New Experimentally Supported Results," in IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems, vol. 2, pp. 991-1006, 2024.
M. Kasmi, P. Morel, M. Telescu, V. Choqueuse, N. Tanguy and S. Azou, "Experimental demonstration of the effect of frequency mapping on performance in an SOA-based C-RAN architecture based on the AIFoF technology for 5G communications," in IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 42, no. 16, pp. 5485-5491, 15 Aug.15, 2024.
A. Frunza, V. Choqueuse, P. Morel, and S. Azou, "Robust Estimation of the Channel Parameters in the Presence of Transmitter and Receiver IQ Impairments", Journal of Military Technology, DOI: 10.32754/JMT.2022.2.03, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 19-28, 2022.
A. Frunza, V. Choqueuse, P. Morel, A. Serbanescu, and S. Azou, "An Experimental Demonstration of Joint Linear Impairments Compensation in Coherent Optical Systems Using a Parametric Network", Journal of Military Technology, DOI: 10.32754/JMT.2022.2.03, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 15-18, 2022.
A. Frunza, V. Choqueuse, P. Morel, and S. Azou, "A Parametric Network for the Global Compensation of Physical Layer Linear Impairments in Coherent Optical Communications", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Accepted (2022-08-21).
F. Khan, S. Azou, R. Youssef, P. Morel, E. Radoi, "IR-UWB Radar-Based Robust Heart Rate Detection Using a Deep Learning Technique Intended for Vehicular Applications", Electronics, 2022, 11, 2505.
F. Khan, S. Azou, R. Youssef, P. Morel, E. Radoi, and O. Dobre, "An IR-UWB multi-sensor approach for collision avoidance in indoor environments", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-13, 2022.
A. Frunza, V. Choqueuse, P. Morel, and S. Azou, "Global Estimation and Compensation of Linear Effects in Coherent Optical Systems based on Nonlinear Least Squares", IEEE Systems Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3111777, sept. 2021.
J. E. Sime, P. Morel, M. Younes, I. S. Stievano, M. Telescu, N. Tanguy,
and S. Azou, "The effects of digital predistortion in a CO-OFDM system - a stochastic approach", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 32, no. 13, July 2020.
M. Younes, M. Telescu, S. Azou, P. Morel, N. Tanguy, "A very low-complexity filter lookup-table design with non-uniform spacing for SOA linearization", IET Optoelectronics, vol. 14, no. 5, Oct. 2020.
H. Taki, A. Mansour, S. Azou, A. Nasser, K. Yao, "Pulse Parity Modulation for Impulse Radio UWB Transmission based on Non-Coherent Detection", Physical Communication, vol. 40, June 2020.
J. C. Ortiz-Cornejo, P. Morel, S. Azou, J. A. Pardinas-Mir, "A Numerical Assessment of an Effective Envelope-Tracking Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Design for Coherent-Optical OFDM Transmission", Optics Communications, vol. 454, no. 1, 2020.
H. Taki, S. Azou, A. Hamie, P. Morel, A. Al Housseini, A. Alaeddine, and
A. Sharaiha, "Chirping Techniques for Enhancing the Performance of SOA-based UWB over Fiber Systems: An Experimental Demonstration", Elsevier AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 94, pp. 221-225, 2018.
N. Q. Nhan, P. Morel, S. Azou, M. Morvan, P. Gravey, E. Pincemin, "Sparse preamble design for polarization division multiplexed CO-OFDM/OQAM channel estimation," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36 (13), pp.2737-2745, 2018. (+ Erratum, IEEE/OSA JLT, 36 (22), pp.5316-5316, 2018.)
C. Diouf, M. Younes, A. Noaja, S. Azou, M. Telescu, P. Morel, N. Tanguy, "Robustness analysis of a parallel two-box digital polynomial predistorter for an SOA-based CO-OFDM system", Optics Communications, vol. 402, pp. 442-452, nov 2017.
H. Taki, S. Azou, A. Hamie, A. Al Housseini, A.
Alaeddine and A. Sharaiha, "On Phaser-Based Processing of Impulse Radio
UWB over Fiber Systems Employing SOA", Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 36, pp. 33-40, july 2017.
H. Taki, S. Azou, A. Hamie, A. Al Housseini, A.
Alaeddine and A. Sharaiha, "Simple pre-distortion schemes for improving the power efficiency of SOA-based IR-UWB over fiber systems", Optics Communications, vol. 382, pp. 225-231, jan. 2017.
H. Taki, S. Azou, A. Hamie, A. Al Housseini, A.
Alaeddine and A. Sharaiha, "Improving the Power Efficiency of SOA-based UWB over Fiber Systems via Pulse Shape Randomization", Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 31, pp. 161-167, sept. 2016.
S. Bejan, S. Azou, P. Morel, C. Diouf, M. Telescu,
N. Tanguy, A. Sharaiha, "A joint Linearization/Companding Approach for
Improving a CO-OFDM Transmitter", IEEE
Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 27, no. 20, oct. 2015.
S. Azou, S. Bejan, P. Morel, A. Sharaiha,
"Performance Improvement of a SOA-based Coherent Optical-OFDM
Transmission System via Nonlinear Companding Transforms", Optics Communications, vol. 336,
pp. 177–183, feb. 2015.
M. I. Stanciu, S. Azou, E. Rădoi,
A. Şerbănescu, "A Statistical Analysis of Multipath Interference
for Impulse Radio UWB Systems", Journal of The
Franklin Institute, Vol. 352, Issue 12, pp. 5952-5967, dec. 2015.
Akbar, E. Radoi, S. Azou, M. Najam-ul-Islam, "Low-complexity
synchronization algorithms for orthogonally modulated IR-UWB systems", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
and Networking, 2013, 2013:199 (23 July 2013).
R. Akbar, E. Radoi, S. Azou, "A Non-Data-Aided
Rapid Synchronization Method for UWB Impulse Radio", IEEE Comm. Letters, vol. 16, No. 8,
Aug. 2012.
R. Akbar, E. Radoi, S. Azou, “Comparative Analysis
of some Low-Complexity Blind Synchronization Algorithms for IR-UWB
Systems”, Journal of communications
(ISSN 1796-2021), Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 374-381, 2012.
Stanciu, S. Azou, A. Serbanescu, “On the Blind Estimation of Chip Time
of Time-Hopping Signals Through Minimization of a Multimodal Cost
Function”, IEEE Trans. on Signal
Processing, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 842-847, Feb 2011.
Akbar, E. Radoi, S. Azou, "Performance Evaluation of Impulse Based UWB
System in AWGN and Indoor Multipath Channel", Military Technical
Academy Review, Vol. XIX, No. 2, ISSN 1843-3391, Bucharest, Romania,
June 2009.

Choqueuse, S. Azou, K. Yao, L. Collin, G. Burel, “Modulation
Recognition for MIMO Communications”, Military Technical Academy
Review, 2009, XIX
(2), pp.183-196.
Stanciu, S. Azou, “Time of Chip Estimation for an Ultra Wideband System
with Pulse Position Modulation” , Military Technical Academy Review
(ISSN 1843-3391), Vol. XVIII, No. 8, Bucharest, Roumania, 2008, June

M. B. Luca, S. Azou, G. Burel, A. Serbanescu, "On
Exact Kalman Filtering of Polynomial Systems", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. - Part I,
Vol. 53, No. 6, june 2006.

C. Bouder, S. Azou, G. Burel, "Performance
analysis of a spreading sequence estimator for spread spectrum
transmissions", Journal of The
Franklin Institute, Vol. 341, Issue 7, pp. 595-614, Oct. 2004.

Burel and S. Azou, “A New Receiver for Chaotic Digital Transmissions:
The Symbolic Matching Approach”, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and
Systems, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2003, pp. 638-642, ISSN 1109-273.

Bouder, S. Azou, G. Burel, “ Estimation, en contexte non coopératif,
des paramètres d’une transmission à spectre étalé par séquence
“, Traitement du Signal, Vol.
20, No. 4, 2003.

S. Azou, P. Bréhonnet, P. Vilbé, L.C. Calvez, "A
new discrete impulse response Gramian and its application to model
reduction", IEEE Trans. Automat.
Contr., Vol. 45, No. 3, 2000.

P. Vilbé, S. Azou, P. Bréhonnet, L.C. Calvez, "The
L2-optimal time-delay rational Laplace model revisited", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. - Part I,
Vol. 46, No. 4, Apr. 1999.

S. Azou, P. Vilbé, L. C. Calvez, “Balanced
realization using an orthogonalization procedure and modular polynomial
arithmetic”, Journal of the Franklin
Institute, Vol. 335B, No 8, pp. 1507-1518, 1998.

C. Calvez, S. Azou, P. Vilbé, “Variation on
Euclid’s algorithm for polynomials”, Electronics
Letters, Vol. 33, No 11, pp. 939-940, May 1997.

V. Choqueuse, A. Frunza, S. Azou, P. Morel, "PhyCOM: A Multi-Layer Parametric Network for Joint Linear Impairments Compensation and Symbol Detection",, submitted on 1 Mar. 2022.
Communications avec actes dans un congrès
international (ACTI)
Z. Baydoun, R. Youssef, E. Radoi, S. Azou, T. Yaacoub, D. Espes, "Experimental approach for IR-UWB Radar-Based people detection in Industry 4.0 environments", 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lyon, France, Aug. 26-30, 2024.
M. Kasmi, P. Morel, M. Telescu, V. Choqueuse, N. Tanguy, S. Azou, "Influence of frequency mapping on intermodulation distortion in an SOA-based optical fronthaul C-RAN architecture for 5G communications", in 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-6, 2023.
V. Choqueuse, A. Frunza, A. Belouchrani, S. Azou, P. Morel, "ParamNet: A Multi-Layer Parametric Network for Joint Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection", in 24th European Signal Processing Conference 2022 (EUSIPCO 2022), Belgrade, Serbia, 29 Aug.-2 Sept. 2022.
A. Frunza, V. Choqueuse, P. Morel, A. Serbanescu and S. Azou, "A Comparative Study on Global Compensation Techniques for Coherent Optical Communications", The 14th International Conference on Communications (COMM2022), June 16-18, Bucharest, Romania, 2022.
A. Frunza, J. E. Sime, V. Choqueuse, P. Morel, and S. Azou, "Joint Estimation and Compensation of Transmitter IQ Imbalance and Laser Phase Noise in Coherent Optical Systems
", IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Oct. 18-22, 2021.
J. E. Sime, P. Morel, M. Telescu, N. Tanguy, and S. Azou, "Experimental Investigation of the Linearization of an SOA based CO-OFDM System", IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Oct. 18-22, 2021.
J. E. Sime, P. Morel, I. S. Stievano, M. Telescu, N. Tanguy, and S. Azou, "SOAs and Digital Linearization in Optical Networks - A Stochastic Investigation", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), May 2021.
J. E. Sime, P. Morel, M. Telescu, N. Tanguy, S. Azou , "Digital Predistortion for CO-OFDM Systems Using Generalized Memory Polynomials", 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications and Electronics (IEEE ICCE 2020), Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam, Jan 13th - 15th 2021.
J. C. Ortiz-Cornejo, S. Azou, J. A. Pardinas Mir , P. Morel, "An Improved Envelope Tracking SOA Amplifier for CO-OFDM Transmission by using PSO", 10th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2018), Guadalajara, Mexico, 14-16 nov. 2018.
C. Chen, K. Batselier, M. Telescu, S. Azou, N. Tanguy, N. Wong, "Tensor-Network-Based Predistorter Design for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Nonlinear Systems", IEEE 12th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON), Oct 2017, Guiyang, China. 2017. Invited paper.
M. Younes, M. Telescu, N. Tanguy C. Diouf, P. Morel, S. Azou, "Robustness Improvement of Compact Predistorters in a CO-OFDM System Using Semiconductor Optical
Amplifiers", 29th IEEE Int. Conf. On Microelectronics (ICM), Lebanon, dec. 2017.

J. C. Ortiz-Cornejo, S. Bejan, S. Azou, J. A. Pardinas Mir , P. Morel, "On Envelope-Tracking for SOA Amplification of Multicarrier Signals", IEEE Int. Symp. On Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Baltimore, USA, 2017.
H. Taki, S. Azou, A. Hamie, A. Al Housseini, A.
Alaeddine and A. Sharaiha, "Pulse Shape Pre-distortion for Improving the Power Efficiency of SOA-based IR-UWB over Fiber Systems", 23rd IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2016), 16-18 may 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.
S. Azou, S. Bejan, P.
Morel, C. Diouf, M. Telescu, N. Tanguy, A. Sharaiha, "On the use of digital predistortion to compensate the nonlinear effects of Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers", 20th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), 8-11 may 2016, Turin, Italy.

H. Taki, S. Azou, A. Hamie, A. Al Housseini, A.
Alaeddine and A. Sharaiha, "On Optimizing the Operating Conditions of a
Mach-Zehnder Modulator for IR-UWB over Fiber Transmission", IEEE Int.
Conf. on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its
Applications, Lebanon, April 29 - May 1, 2015 (accepted).
H. Taki, S. Azou, A. Hamie, A. Al Housseini, A.
Alaeddine and A. Sharaiha, "Reach Extension of an IR-UWB over Fiber
System via OOK Randomization and SOA Amplification", IEEE European
Conf. on Networks and Communications (EUCNC), June 29/July 2,
Paris, France, 2015 (accepted).
S. Azou, S. Bejan, P. Morel, A. Sharaiha, "A comparative study of
nonlinear companding schemes for CO-OFDM transmissions", 13th Int.
Conf. on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), nov. 2014,
Suzhou, China.
G. Lucius, F. Le Roy, D. Aulagnier, S. Azou, "An
algorithm for extremal eigenvectors computation of
Hermitian matrices and its FPGA implementation", IEEE International
Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), August 4-7, 2013,
in Columbus, OH, USA.

S. Azou and E. Radoi, “Blind Algorithms for Timing Acquisition of Impulse
Radio UWB Communications”, IEEE-Communications 2012, June 21-23, 2012,
Bucharest, Romania. Invited paper.
Akbar, E. Radoi, S. Azou, “Energy Detection based Blind Synchronization
for Pulse Shape Modulated IR-UWB Systems”, in Proc. 22nd IEEE Symposium
on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications (PIMRC 2011),
Canada (2011).
Pennec, G. Touin, S. Azou, L. Collin, “Experimental results of a joint
communication and positioning system based on MFSK signals”,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Underwater Acoustics - ECUA
2010, Turquie (2010).
Pennec, G. Touin, S. Azou, L. Collin, “On joint acoustic communication
and positioning through MFSK-modulated signals and Costas arrays”,
Proceedings of The IEEE OCEANS Conference - IEEE OCEANS’10, Australie
Akbar, E. Radoi, S. Azou, “Maximum Likelihood and Orthogonal Subspace
based approach for Improved IR-UWB Channel Estimation”, Proceedings of
EUSIPCO 2010 - EUSIPCO 2010, Danemark (2010).
Choqueuse, S. Azou, K. Yao, L. Collin, G. Burel, “Modulation
Recognition for MIMO Communications”, IEEE-Communications’2008, June
5-7, 2008, Bucharest, Romania.
Stanciu, S. Azou, “On blind estimation of the parameters for an
UltraWideband communication signal”, Proc. IEEE Communications Conf.,
Bucharest, Romania, 2008.
B. Luca, S. Azou, E. Hodina, A. Serbanescu and G. Burel, “Pseudo-blind
demodulation of chaotic DS-SS signals through Exact Kalman Filtering”,
IEEE Communications Conf., June 2006, Bucharest, Romania.
S. Azou, M. B. Luca, G. Burel and A. Serbanescu, “Multipath Combining in
Chaotic Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Communications through Dual
Estimation”, Proc. IEEE-Oceans’05, Brest, June 2005.
B. Luca, S. Azou, G. Burel and A. Serbanescu, “A Complete Receiver
Solution for a Chaotic Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Communication
System”, IEEE Int. Symp. on Circ. and Syst. (IEEE ISCAS), Kobe, Japan,
May 2005.
S. Azou, M. B. Luca, G. Burel, “Automatic Gain Control in a Kalman Filter
Based Synchronization Chaotic Receiver”, IEEE-Communications 2004, June
3-5, 2004, Bucharest, Romania.

B. Luca, A. Serbanescu, S. Azou, G. Burel, “A New Compression Method
using a Chaotic Symbolic Approach”, IEEE-Communications 2004, June 3-5,
2004, Bucharest, Romania.
S. Azou, C. Pistre, L. Le Duff, G. Burel, “Sea trial results of a chaotic
direct-sequence spread spectrum underwater communication system”,
IEEE-OCEANS’03, San Diego, Sept. 2003.
Burel, S. Azou, “A New Receiver for Chaotic Digital Transmissions: The
Symbolic Matching Approach”, WSEAS Int. Conf. On Telecommunications and
Informatics, New York, USA, Sept. 15-17, 2003.
Madre, E.H. Baghious, S. Azou and G. Burel, “Fast pitch modelling for
CS-ACELP coder using Fermat Number Transforms”, IEEE International
Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT),
Darmstadt, Germany, December 2003.
Madre, E. H. Baghious, S. Azou and G. Burel, “Linear Predictive Speech
Coding using Fermat Number Transform”, EURASIP Conf. on Multimedia
Communications and Speech Processing, Zagreb, Croatia, July 2003.
Madre, E. H. Baghious, S. Azou and G. Burel, “Design of a variable rate
algorithm for CS-ACELP coder”, IEEE Int. Conf. Communications (ICC),
Anchorage, AK, USA, May 2003.

Burel, S. Azou, A. Quinquis, “Interception and furtivity of digital
transmissions”, IEEE-Communications 2002, Dec. 5-7, 2002, Bucharest,
Romania. Invited paper.
S. Azou, C. Pistre, G. Burel, “A chaotic direct sequence spread-spectrum
system for underwater communication”, IEEE-Oceans’02, Biloxi,
Mississippi, October 29-31, 2002.
S. Azou and G. Burel, “Design of a demodulator in a chaos-based spread
spectrum communication system using dual Unscented Kalman Filters”,
IEEE-Communications 2002, Dec. 5-7, 2002, Bucharest, Romania.
Bouder, S. Azou, G. Burel, “A robust synchronisation procedure for
blind estimation of the symbol period and the timing offset in spread
spectrum transmissions”, IEEE International Symposium on Spread
Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA2002), Prague, Czech
Republic, September 2-5, 2002.
Collin, S. Azou, K. Yao, G. Burel , “On spatial uncertainty in a
surface long baseline positioning system”, 5th European Conf. on
Underwater Acoustics (ECUA), Lyon, France, July 2000.
Communications avec actes dans un congrès national
M. Kasmi, P. Morel, M. Telescu, V. Choqueuse, N. Tanguy, S. Azou, "Performance analysis of UFMC waveform in an SOA-based analog IF over fiber fronthaul link for the C-RAN architecture", Journées du Club Optique Micro-ondes (JCOM2023), Online, 19 Juin 2023.
J. E. Sime, P. Morel, I. S. Stievano, M. Telescu, N. Tanguy,
S. Azou, "Analyse stochastique de la linéarisation en bande de base des SOAs dans les réseaux optiques", Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG), Limoges, France, juillet 2021.

A. Sharaiha, T. Rampone, S. Azou, "Fonctions et systèmes à base de SOA pour la conversion de fréquences et la transmission IR-UWB sur fibre", Journées du Club Optique Micro-ondes (JCOM2017), Limoges, France, juillet 2017. Article Invité.
A. Sharaiha, P. Morel, S. Azou, J. D. Sierra Beltran, "Performances d'un SOA à gain bloqué (GC-SOA) dans un système de transmission optique CO-OFDM", Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG), Limoges, France, juillet 2017.
J. C. Ortiz Cornejo, S. Bejan, S. Azou, J. A. Pardinas Mir, P. Morel, "Apport du suivi d'enveloppe pour la linéarisation d'amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteurs", Journées du Club Optique Micro-ondes (JCOM2017), Limoges, France, juillet 2017.
M. Younes, S. Azou, N. Tanguy, M. Telescu, P. Morel, C. Diouf, "Utilisation conjointe d'une réduction de PAPR via une loi ยต et d'un modèle comportemental pour la linéarisation d'un transmetteur optique", Journées du Club Optique Micro-ondes (JCOM2016), Nice, France, juin 2016.
M. Younes, S. Azou, N. Tanguy, M. Telescu, P. Morel, C. Diouf, "Sur la robustesse de pré-distorseurs numériques statiques pour la compensation de non-linéarités au sein de transmetteurs optiques multi-porteuses", Journées du Club Optique Micro-ondes (JCOM2016), Nice, France, juin 2016.
M. Younes, S. Azou, N. Tanguy, P. Morel, M. Telescu, C. Diouf, "Pré-distorsion numérique à très faible complexité
pour la compensation d'effets non-linéaires au sein d'un transmetteur optique CO-OFDM", Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG), Bordeaux, France,
juillet 2016.
S. Azou, S. Bejan, P.
Morel, C. Diouf, M. Telescu,
N. Tanguy, A. Sharaiha, "Compensation d'effets non-linéaires au sein
d'un transmetteur optique CO-OFDM par pré-distorsion numérique en bande
de base", Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG'35), Rennes, 6-9
juillet 2015.
Akbar, E. Radoi, S. Azou, “Conception d’une forme d’onde IR-UWB
optimisée et analyse de ses performances dans le canal IEEE 802.15.3a”,
MajecSTIC 2010, Bordeaux, France, 13-15 oct. 2010.
S. Azou, G. Burel, “Transmissions acoustiques sous marines furtives basées
sur un étalement de spectre à codes chaotiques”, Journées
Sous-Marine (JASM’04), Brest, France, 19-20 octobre 2004.
C. Bouder, G. Burel, S. Azou, “Analyse automatique
d’une transmission numérique”, Colloque GRETSI, Vannes, Sept. 1999.
S. Azou, P. Vilbé, L. C. Calvez, “Réalisation équilibrée de systèmes
linéaires à l’aide de fonctions d’entrée orthogonalisées”,
Automatique Génie Informatique et Signal (AGIS), Angers, Dec. 1997.
Communications orales sans actes dans un congrès
international ou national (COM)
S. Azou, S. Le Goff, E. H. Baghious, G. Burel, “Synchronisation d’un
récepteur Chaos Shift Keying par filtrage Unscented Kalman”, Réunion
des Théoriciens des Circuits de Langue Française (RTCLF), Supélec,
Paris, Sept. 2001.
Collin, S. Azou, K. Yao, G. Burel, “Application de l’estimateur de
Julier à la constellation d’une communication numérique”, Réunion
Théoriciens des Circuits de Langue Française (RTCLF), Université Libre
de Bruxelles, Belgique, Oct 2000.
Collin, S. Azou, K. Yao, G. Burel, "Pré-étude d’un système de
localisation de sources en milieu sous-marin", RTCLF, Supélec, Metz,
Oct. 1999.
S. Azou, P. Bréhonnet, P. Vilbé, L.C. Calvez, "Grammiens pour
l’approximation des réponses de circuits et systèmes", RTCLF,
Université de Brest (LEST), Sept. 1998.
Vilbé, S. Azou, P. Bréhonnet, N. Tanguy, R. Morvan, L.C. Calvez,
"Retour sur la modélisation L2-optimale du retard pur", RTCLF,
Université de Brest (LEST), Sept. 1998.
Bouder, G. Burel, S. Azou, "Détermination automatique des paramètres
d’une transmission numérique", RTCLF, Université de Brest (LEST), Sept.
Autres productions (AP)
S. Azou, “Transmisions furtives et estimateurs d’état”, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, mai
S. Azou, "Réalisation équilibrée de systèmes par
orthogonalisation de fonctions d’entrée - Grammiens et approximations",
Thèse de Doctorat, Spécialité Electronique, Université de Bretagne
Occidentale, Brest, déc. 1997.