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Mokhtari, N., Nédélec, A., Gilles, M., & De Loor, P. Human Activity Recognition : Online Human Activity Recognition using Efficient Neural Architecture Search With Low Environmental Impact. In the **19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP)**, 2024.
**Conference proceedings**
Mokhtari, N., Fer, V., Nédélec, A., Gilles, M., & De Loor, P. Enhanced Spatio-
Temporal Image Encoding for Online Human Activity Recognition. In **22nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)** 2023
Mokhtari, N., Outlouhou, M., Nédélec, A., & De Loor, P. Deep learning for graph analysis : application to online human activity recognition, **IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) ** 2023.
Corentin Boidot, Olivier Augereau, Pierre De Loor, Riwal Lefort,Benefits of using multiple post-hoc explanations for Machine Learning **International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) Dec 2023, Jacksonville, United States**
Mireille Gagnon-Roy, Marlène Gilles, Sylvain Giroux, Hélène Pigot, Éric Maisel, Pierre de Loor, Nathalie Bier, Carolina Bottari, Development of a recommendation interface to personalise the assistance provided through a cognitive orthosis during meal preparation: A user-centred design, abrégé présenté à **IBIA, 14th World Congress on Brain Injury**, Avril 2023.
Vincent Fer, Daniel Lafond, Gilles Coppin, Matthias Bollaert, Olivier Grisvard, P De Loor,Trust in Automation: Analysis and Model of Operator Trust in Decision Aid AI Over Time, **Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense**, 2023.
Hugo Le Tarnec, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Olivier Augereau, Pierre De Loor, Effect of Avatar Facial Expressiveness on Team Collaboration in Virtual Reality **Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agent**, 2023.
**Conference proceedings**
Hugo Le Tarnec , Olivier Augereau , Elisabetta Bevacqua , Pierre de Loor, Improving Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality With Facial Expressions **ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (UbiComp), Sep 2022, Atlanta, United States.**
Corentin Boidot, Olivier Augereau, Pierre de Loor, Riwal Lefort, Limits of XAI application-grounded evaluation: an e-sport prediction example **XKDD 2022: 4th International Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining, Sep 2022, Grenoble, France**.
Nassim Mokhtari, Alexis Nédélec and Pierre De Loor, Human Activity Recognition : A Spatio-Temporal Image Encoding of 3D Skeleton Data for Online Action Detection **17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2022)**.
Menore Tekeba Mengitsu, Getachew Alemu, Pierre Chevaillier and Pierre De Loor (2022), Unsupervised Learning of State Representation using Balanced View Spatial Deep InfoMax: Evaluation on Atari Games **14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022).**.
Nassim Mokhtari, Alexis Nédélec, Marlène Gilles, Pierre De Loor:
Improving Neural Architecture Search by Mixing a FireFly algorithm with a Training Free Evaluation. **IJCNN 2022: 1-8**.
Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Liana Ermakova, Florence Dupin de Saint Cyr - Bannay, Pierre de Loor, Victor Charpenay, et al.. Poetic or Humorous Text Generation: Jam Event at PFIA2022. **13th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2022)**, Sep 2022, Bologna, Italy. pp.1719-1726.
Aryana Collins Jackson, Marlène Gilles, Eimear Wall, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Pierre De Loor, Ronan Querrec (2022). Simulations of a Computational Model for a Virtual Medical Assistant, **14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022).**.
Collins Jackson, A., Glemarec, Y., Bevacqua, E., De Loor, P., and Querrec, R.,
"Speech perception and implementation in a virtual medical assistant", in Proceedings of the **14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence**, ICAART, Online: SCITEPRESS, 2022.
**Conference proceedings**
Aryana Collins Jackson, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Pierre De Loor, and Ronan Querrec
(2021) A Computational Interaction Model for a Virtual Medical Assistant Using
Situational Leadership, **The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2021)**.
Collins Jackson, A., Bevacqua, E., De Loor, P., and Querrec, R. (2021) Designing speech with computational linguistics for a virtual medical assistant that uses situational leadership, **Proceedings of the International Junior Researcher Conference on Human Perspectives on Spoken Human-Machine Interaction**, SpoHuMa, Online: FRIAS, Nov. 15-17, 2021.
**Conference proceedings:**
Petac, A-O., Bosser, A-G., Charles, F., De Loor, P. and Cavazza, M (2020). A Pragmatics-based Model for Narrative Dialogue Generation. **11th International Conference on Computational Creativity**, Coimbra, Portugal.
Collins Jackson Aryana, Bevacqua Elisabetta, De Loor Pierre, Querrec Ronan. *A Taxonomy of Behavior for a Medical Coordinator by Utilizing Leadership Styles*, **International Conference on Human Behaviour and Scientific Analysis**, Miami, 2020, pp 532-543. ISSN : 1307-6892.
**Article :**
Rajaonarivo, L., Maisel, E., & De Loor, P. (2019). An evolving museum metaphor applied to cultural heritage for personalized content delivery. **User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction**, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp 161–200, 2019. (IF: 2.8, SJR:Q1, H.Index 61). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-019-09222-x
**Conference proceedings:**
Mathieu Jégou, Pierre Chevaillier, Pierre De Loor, *Hierarchical Temporal Memories prediction performances and robustness to faults on multivariate time series*, International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2019.
Collins Jackson, Aryana, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Pierre De Loor, et Ronan Querrec. *Modelling an Embodied Conversational Agent for Remote and Isolated Caregivers on Leadership Styles*. **In Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents - IVA ’19, 256‑59**. Paris, France: ACM Press, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1145/3308532.3329411.
**Article :**
De Loor, Pierre, *Three other challenges for artificial constructivist agent from an enactive perspective*, **Constructivist Foundations**, (SJR: Q2, H.Index 12) vol:13, number:2, pages:298--300, 2018.
**Articles :**
Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Richard, Romain and De Loor, Pierre, *Believability and Co-presence in Human-Virtual Character Interaction*, **IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications**, (SJR:Q3, H.Index 81) vol:37, number:4, pages:17--29, 2017.
**Conference proceedings:**
Rajaonarivo, Landy and De Loor, Pierre and Maisel, Eric and Courgeon, Matthieu, *Using the enaction paradigm as a basis for database exploration to favor users sensemaking*, Computational Creativity and Cognition and Ontologie, joint symposium of the AISB annual convention, pages:224--227, 2017.
Rajaonarivo, Landy and Courgeon, Matthieu and Maisel, Eric and Loor, Pierre De, *Inline Co-Evolution between Users and Information Presentation for Data Exploration*, 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interface, pages:215--219, 2017.
François Lasson, Mihai Polceanu, Cédric Buche, Pierre De Loor, *Temporal Deep Belief Network for Online Human Action Recognition*, 30th International Florida Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Press, pp. 80-85, 2017.
Benbouriche, M. and Renaud, P. and Pelletier, J.-F. and De Loor, P., *Applications de la réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie légale : la perspective de l'autorégulation comme cadre théorique*, **L'Encéphale**, pages:1--7, 2016.
**Conference proceedings:**
Marisnel Carolina Olivares Amaro, Sylvain Giroux, Pierre De Loor, André Thépaut, Hélène Pigot, Stephanie Pinard, Carolina Bottari, Guylaine Le Dorze and Nathalie BierMarisnel Carolina Olivares Amaro, Sylvain Giroux, Pierre De Loor, André ThÉpaut, Hélène P, Guylaine Le Dorze and Nathalie Bier, *An ontology model for a context-aware preventive assistance system: reducing exposition of individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury to dangerous situation during meal preparation*, 2nd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living, 2016.
Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Richard, Romain and Soler, Julien and Pierre, De Loor, *Ingredible: Une plateforme dédiée à l'interaction corporelle entre humain(s) et/ou agent(s) virtuel(s) basée sur la notion de couplage*, Worshop on Affect Compagnon Artificiel Interaction, 2016.
De Loor, Pierre and Richard, Romain and Soler, Julien and Bevacqua, Elisabetta, *Aliveness metaphor for an evolutive gesture interaction based on coupling between a human and a virtual agent*, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents - CASA '16, ACM Press, pages:147--155, 2016.
Rajaonarivo, Landy and Maisel, Eric and De Loor, Pierre, *An enactive based realtime 3D self-organization system for the exploration of a cultural heritage data base*, 20th International Conference Information Visualisation, pages:100--105, 2016.
Rajaonarivo, Landy and Maisel, Eric and De Loor, Pierre, *La marche pour chemin : un principe d'exploration de bases de données*, 23ème Journées de Rochebrune: Qu'est-ce que la donnée, pages:1--15, 2016.
Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Richard, Romain and Soler, Julien and De Loor, Pierre, *INGREDIBLE: A platform for full doby interaction between human and virtual agent that improves co-presence*, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing - MOCO '16, ACM Press, 2016.
Jost, Céline and Stankovic, Igor and De Loor, Pierre and Nédélec, Alexis and Bevacqua, Elisabetta, *Real-Time Gesture Recognition Based On Motion Quality Analysis*, **\ICST\ Trans. e-Education e-Learning**, vol:2, number:8, pages:e5, 2015.
De Loor, Pierre and Mille, Alain and Khamassi, Mehdi, *Intelligence artificielle: l'apport des paradigmes incarnés*, **Intellectica**, vol:2, number:64, pages:27--52, 2015.
**Invitations :**
De Loor, Pierre, *From interactive to coupled systems : positionning and studies*, humain dans la boucle, séminaire du pôle CoGITE du LIRIS, 27 Novembre, Lyon, France, 2015.
De Loor, Pierre, *Objectivity and Human-Machine Interaction : does it fit ?*, invited speaker of the Workshop "Evaluation Methods Standardization in Human-Robot Interaction" on the 7th Seventh International Conference on Social Robotics, Paris (France), 2015.
De Loor, Pierre, *How could the enactive paradigm inspire computer science ?*, keynote on BICA 2015, International Conference on Cognitive Architectures, sub-event Enaction, 2015.
**Conference proceedings:**
Giroux, Sylvain and Bier, Nathalie and Pigot, Hélène and Bouchard, Bru and Bouzouane, Abdenour and Levasseur, Mélanie and Couture, Mélanie and Bottari, Carolina and Swaine, Bonnie and Therriault, Pierre-Yves and Bouchard, Kevin and Le Morellec, Fanny and Pinard, Stéphanie and Azzi, Sabrina and Olivares, Marisnel and Zayani, Taoufik and Le Dorze, Guylaine and De Loor, Pierre and THÉPAUT, André and Le Pévédic, Brigitte, *Cognitive Assistance to Meal Preparation: Design, Implementation, and Assessment in a Living Lab*, AAAI2015-AIHCE AAAI 2015 Spring Symposium - Ambient Intelligence for Health and Cognitive Enhancement, 2015.
De Loor, Pierre, *From interactive to coupled systems : positionning and studies*, humain dans la boucle, séminaire du pôle CoGITE du LIRIS, 27 Novembre, Lyon, France, 2015.
Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Jost, Céline and Nédélec, Alexis and De Loor, Pierre, *Gestural coupling between humans and virtual characters in an artistic context of imitation*, 15th International Conference of Intelligent Virtual Agents, Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence, pages:194--19, 2015.
Jost, Céline and De Loor, Pierre and Nédélec, Alexis and Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Stankovic, Igor, *Real-Time Gesture Recognition Based On Motion Quality Analysis*, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment - INTETAIN 2015, 2015.
Giroux, Sylvain and Bier, Nathalie and Pigot, Hélène and Couture, Mélanie and Levasseur, Mélanie and Bottari, Carolina and Bouchard, Kevin and Le Morellec, Fanny and Azzi, Sabrina and Olivares, Marisnel and Pinard, Stéphanie and Zayani, Taoufik and Le Dorze, Guylaine and Bouchard, Bru and Swaine, Bonnie and Bouzouane, Abdenour and Therriault, Pierre-Yves and De Loor, Pierre and THÉPAUT, André and Le Pévédic, Brigitte and Carbonneau, M, *Milieu d'hébergement domotisé pour la clientèle ayant une déficience cognitive : de l'implantation à l'évaluation*, 1 er congrès québécois de Recherche en adaptation-réadaptation 2015 - Repar 2015, 2015.
De Loor, Pierre, *Objectivity and Human-Machine Interaction : does it fit ?*, invited speaker of the Workshop "Evaluation Methods Standardization in Human-Robot Interaction" on the 7th Seventh International Conference on Social Robotics, Paris (France), 2015.
De Loor, Pierre, *How could the enactive paradigm inspire computer science ?*, keynote on BICA 2015, International Conference on Cognitive Architectures, sub-event Enaction, 2015.
**Book Chapters :**
Pierre De Loor, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Igor Stankovic, Ayoub Maatallaoui, Alexis Nédélec, Cédric Buche, *Le couplage d'agents virtuels interactifs socialement présents*, Vers une communication Homme-Animal-Machine ?: Contribution interdisciplinaire, EME, 2015.
De Loor, Pierre and Manac'h, Kristen and Windelschmidt, Charlie and Devillers, Frédéric and Chevaillier, Pierre and Tisseau, Jacques, *Connecting Interactive Arts and Virtual Reality with Enaction*, **Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting**, vol:11, number:2, 2014.
De Loor, Pierre and Manac'h, Kristen and Chevaillier, Pierre, *The memorization of in-line sensorimotor invariants: toward behavioral ontogeny and enactive agents*, **Artificial Life and Robotics**, (SJR:Q3, H. Index 16) vol:9, number:2, pages:127--135, 2014.
De Loor, Pierre, *Approche énactive de l'interaction humain environnement, perspective en intelligence artificielle.*, Journée Réalité virtuelle et Intelligence Artificelle (AFRV-AFIA)., 2014.
**Conference proceedings:**
Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Stankovi, Igor and Maatallaoui, Ayoub and Nédélec, Alexis and De Loor, Pierre, *Effects of Coupling in Human-virtual Agent Body Interaction*, Intelligent Virtual Agents, 2014.
De Loor, Pierre, *Approche énactive de l'interaction humain environnement, perspective en intelligence artificielle.*, Journée Réalité virtuelle et Intelligence Artificelle (AFRV-AFIA)., 2014.
Demulier, Virginie and Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Focone, Florian and Giraud, Tom and Carreno-Medrano, Pamela and Isableu, Brice and Gibet, Sylvie and De Loor, Pierre and Martin, Jean-Claude, *A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores*, proceeding of: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'14), 2014.
De Keukelaere, Camille and Kermarrec, Gilles and Bossard, Cyril and Pasco, Denis and De Loor, Pierre, *Formes, contenus et évolution du partage au sein d'une équipe de sport de haut niveau*, **Le travail humain**, vol:76, number:3, pages:227, 2013.
Tence, F. and Gaubert, L. and Soler, J. and De Loor, P. and Buche, C., *Stable growing neural gas: A topology learning algorithm based on player tracking in video games*, **Applied Soft Computing**, (SJR:Q1, H.Index 97), vol:13, number:10, pages:4174--4184, 2013.
Tence, F. and Gaubert, L. and Soler, J. and De Loor, P. and Buche, C., *Chameleon : online learning for believable behaviors based on humans imitation in computer games*, **Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds**, vol:24, number:5, pages:477--495, 2013.
Buche, C and De Loor, Pierre, *Anticipatory behavior in virtual universe , application to a virtual juggler*, **Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW)**, vol:24, number:October 2012, pages:111--125, 2013.
**Invitations :**
De Loor, Pierre, *Illustration des travaux du Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle autour de la notion de couplage*, Séminaire Réalité Virtuelle et Psychiatrie, Inauguration de l'ARViPL, 2013.
**Conference proceedings:**
Stankovic, Igor and De Loor, Pierre and Demulier, Virginie and Nédélec, Alexis and Bevacqua, Elisabetta, *The INGREDIBLE database: A first step toward dynamic coupling in human-virtual agent body interaction*, Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 2013.
De Loor, Pierre, *Codage neural et énaction : Oxymore ou complémentarités.*, Séminaire codage neural, Télécom Bretagne, 2013.
De Loor, Pierre and Bevacqua, Elisabetta and Stankovic, Igor and Maatallaoui, Ayoub and Nédélec, Alexis and Buche, Cédric, *Utilisation de la notion de couplage pour la modélisation d'agents virtuels interactifs socialement présents*, Congrés III: Intercompréhension, de l'Intraspécifique à l'Interspécifique, pages:34--40, 2013.
De Loor, Pierre, *Illustration des travaux du Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle autour de la notion de couplage*, Séminaire Réalité Virtuelle et Psychiatrie, Inauguration de l'ARViPL, 2013.
**Book chapter:**
De Loor, Pierre and Manac'h, Kristen and Bossard, Cyril and Tisseau, Jacques, *L'intercompréhension humain-système: Phénoménologie, Enaction et Systèmes Dynamiques Autonomes*, Interactions et Intercompréhension : une approche comparative, 2013.
**Invitations :**
De Loor, Pierre, *Artists and Virtual Reality for Cognitive Science*, The 3rd Sino-French Symposium on Virtual Reality, 2012.
**Conference proceedings:**
Tencé, Fabien and Gaubert, Laurent and Loor, Pierre De and Buche., Cédric, *Chameleon : A learning virtual bot for believable behaviors in video game*, International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAMEON'12), pages:64--70, 2012.
De Loor, Pierre, *Artists and Virtual Reality for Cognitive Science*, The 3rd Sino-French Symposium on Virtual Reality, 2012.
Tencé, Fabien and Gaubert, Laurent and De Loor, Pierre and Buche, Cédric, *CHAMELEON : a learning virtual bot for believable behaviors in video game*, International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAMEON'12), pages:64--70, 2012.
De Loor Pierre and Tisseau Jacques, *Réalité Virtuelle et Enaction*, **Journal de l'Assocation Francaise de Réalité Virtuelle**, vol:10, pages:1--4, 2011.
Buche, Cédric and Jeannin-Girardon, Anne and De Loor, Pierre, *Simulation theory and anticipation for interactive virtual character in an uncertain world*, **Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds**, vol:22, number:2-3, pages:133--139, 2011.
De Loor, Pierre and Bénard, Romain and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Real-time retrieval for case-based reasoning in interactive multiagent-based simulations*, **Expert Systems with Applications**, (SJR: Q1, H.Index 145), vol:38, number:5, pages:5145--5153, 2011.
De Loor, Pierre, *Mettre en interaction le théâtre, la réalité virtuelle et la recherche en science cognitive*, Forum sur les interactions tactiles et gestuelles + ARTLAB : Images numériques et art contemporain, 2011.
**Conference proceedings:**
De Loor, Pierre and Manac'h, Kristen and Bossard, Cyril and Tisseau, Jaques, *Considération phénoménologique et énactive de l'intercompréhension humain-système: La piste des systèmes dynamiques autonomes*, Congrés III: Intercompréhension, de l'Intraspécifique à l'Interspécifique, pages:34--40, 2011.
De Loor, Pierre, *Mettre en interaction le théâtre, la réalité virtuelle et la recherche en science cognitive*, Forum sur les interactions tactiles et gestuelles + ARTLAB : Images numériques et art contemporain, 2011.
Chevaillier, Pierre and Trinh, Thanh-Hai and Barange, Mukesh and Devillers, Frédéric and Soler, Julien and De Loor, Pierre and Querrec, Ronan, *Semantic Modelling of Virtual Environments Using \MASCARET\*, Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems SEARIS, IEEE VR 2011, 2011.
Barange, Mukesh and De loor, Pierre and Louis, Vincent and Querrec, Ronan and Soler, Julien and Trinh, Thanh-Hai and Maisel, Éric and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Get Involved in an Interactive Virtual Tour of Brest Harbour: Follow the Guide and Participate*, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA'11, Springer-Verlag, vol:6895, pages:93--99, 2011.
Trinh, Thanh-Hai and Chevaillier, Pierre and Barange, Mukeh and Soler, Julien and De Loor, Pierre and Querrec, Ronan, *Integrating Semantic Directional Relationships into Virtual Environments: A Meta-modelling Approach,*, Proceedings of the Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - EuroVR, JVRC'11, pages:67--74, 2011.
Manac'h, Kristen and De Loor, Pierre, *Guiding for Associative Learning: How to Shape Artificial Dynamic Cognition*, Advances in Artificial Life. Darwin Meets von Neumann Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5777, proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, number:5777, pages:189--196, 2011.
Bossard, Cyril and Kermarrec, Gilles and De Loor, Pierre and Bénard, Romain and Tisseau, Jacques, *Sport, réalité virtuelle et conception de simulations participatives Illustration dans le domaine du football avec le simulateur CoPeFoot*, **Intellectica**, vol:52, pages:97--117, 2010.
De Loor, Pierre, *Panel Member of the round-table conference "serious games " of the video game fair, Brest*, 2010.
De Loor, Pierre and Windelschmidt, Charlie and Martinaud, Karen and Cabioch, Vincent, *Enactive Artificial Intelligence and Art : What Links ?*, invited conference to the First France-Russia Seminar, pages:273--283, 2010.
**Conference proceedings:**
Pierre De Loor, *Virtuel et autonomie*, GTAS : Groupe de Travail Animation et Simulation., 2010.
De Loor, Pierre, *Realité Virtuelle et Sens: de l'autonomie à la créativité*, Séminaire Phiteco (Philosophie et Technologie Cognitive), 2010.
De Loor, Pierre and Windelschmidt, Charlie and Martinaud, Karen and Cabioch, Vincent, *Enactive Artificial Intelligence and Art : What Links ?*, invited conference to the First France-Russia Seminar, pages:273--283, 2010.
Trinh, Thanh-Hai and Querrec, Ronan and De Loor, Pierre and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Ensuring semantic spatial constraints in virtual environments using UML/OCL*, Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, ACM, pages:219--226, 2010.
Bossard, C and Kermarrec, G and De Loor, P and Tisseau, J, *L'environnement virtuel CoPeFoot : un exemple d'articulation entre recherche en sciences humaines et nouvelles technologies appliquées au football*, Actes du 5ème Colloque International Francophone Football et Recherches : Football , Technologies et Performances, pages:N pages, 2010.
Fronville, Alexandra and Harrouet, Fabrice and Désilles, Amya and Pierre De Loor, *Simulation tool for morphological analysis*, The European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM), pages:127--132, 2010.
Tencé, Fabien and Buche, Cédric and De Loor, Pierre and Marc, Olivier, *The Challenge of Believability in Video Games: Definitions, Agents Models and Imitation Learning*, GAMEON-ASIA'2010, 2nd Asian Conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games, Eurosis, pages:38--45, 2010.
De Loor, Pierre and Windelschmidt, Charlie and Martinaud, Karen and Cabioch, Vincent, *Connecting Theater and Virtual Reality with Cognitive Sciences: Positioning from computer science and artist meeting*, Proceedings of Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC 2010), 7-9 April 2010, Laval, France. RICHIR Simon, SHIRAI Akihiko Editors. International conference organized by Laval Virtual., pages:221--225, 2010.
Aubry, Matthieu and De Loor, Pierre and Gibet, Sylvie, *Enhancing Robustness to Extrapolate Synergies Learned from Motion Capture*, CASA 2010, 23rd International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents - short paper, pages:4 pages, 2010.
De Loor, Pierre and Parenthoen, Marc and Manac'h, Kristen and Tisseau, Jacques, *Fondements énactifs de la cognition artificielle: Que devient la notion de contexte?*, Les journées de Rochebrune : Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les systèmes complexes naturels et artificiels, 2010.
Buche, C and De Loor, P, *Generic model for experimenting and using a family of classifiers systems: description and basic applications*, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC'10), Part I, LNAI 6113, Springer, pages:299--306, 2010.
Tence, F and Buche, C and De Loor, P and Marc, O, *Learning a representation of a believable virtual character's environment with an imitation algorithm*, First annual Pan-Arabic International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAMEON-ARABIA'10), Eurosis, pages:141--145, 2010.
Buche, Cédric and Querrec, Ronan and De Loor, Pierre and Chevaillier, Pierre and Tisseau, Jacques, *PEGASE : un systéme tutoriel intelligent générique et adaptatif en environnement virtue*, **Technique et Science Informatiques**, vol:8, pages:1051--1076, 2009.
De Loor, Pierre and Manac'h, Kristen and Tisseau, Jacques, *Enaction-Based Artificial Intelligence: Toward Co-evolution with Humans in the Loop*, **Minds and Machines**, (SJR:Q2, H.Index 31) vol:19, number:3, pages:319--343, 2009.
De Loor, Pierre, *Panel Member of the round-table show ETETIC , Artistic Creation and Communication Technologies" , Rennes*, 2009.
**Conference proceedings:**
De Loor, Pierre and Manac'h, Kristen and Fronville, Alexandra, *Simulation of Abstract Autopoietic Machine*, 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), 2009.
Bossard, Cyril and Kermarrec, Gilles and Bénard, Romain and Loor, Pierre De and Tisseau, Jacques, *Investigate naturalistic decision making of football players to design virtual environment.*, Proceedings of 9th bi-annual international conference on Naturalistic Decision Making : Naturalistic Decision Making and Computers- NDM9, pages:185--186, 2009.
Bossard, Cyril and Benard, Romain and De Loor, Pierre and Kermarrec, Gilles and Tisseau, Jacques, *An exploratory evaluation of virtual football player's believability*, In Richir, S. & Shirai, A. (Eds). Proceedings of 11th Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC'09), 2009.
De Loor, Pierre De and Manac, Kristen and Fronville, Alexandra, *Simulations of Abstract Autopoietic Machines*, 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), 2009.
**Book chapter :**
Bossard, Cyril and Kermarrec, Gilles and Benard, Romain and De Loor, Pierre and Tisseau, Jacques, *Handbook of Sports Psychology*, New York: Nova Science, pages:391--402, 2009.
**Invitations :**
De Loor, Pierre, *Panel member of the round table conference of the 16th workshop on Case Base Reasoning, Nancy*, 2008.
**Conference proceedings:**
Manac'h, Kristen and De Loor, Pierre, *De l'autonomie à l'apprentissage interactif appliquè à un modèle de cognition arti?cielle dynamique plastique*, ARCo'8 Colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive. Connaissances : Genèse, Nature et Fonction, pages:44--49, 2008.
De Loor, Pierre and Manac'h, Kristen and Fronville, Alexandra and Tisseau, Jacques, *Requirement for an enactive Machine: Ontogenesis, Interaction and Human in the Loop*, 5th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, ENACTIVE08, pages:136--141, 2008.
De Loor, Pierre and Bénard, Romain and Bossard, Cyril, *Interactive co-construction to study dynamical collaborative situations*, Proceedings in the International Conference on Virtual Reality, Laval Virtual, pages:85--91, 2008.
Manac'h, Kristen and De Loor, Pierre, *A study on the origin of anticipation by guidance for artificial dynamic cognition.*, fourth workshop on: Anticipatory Behaviour in Adaptive Learning Systems (ABiALS 2008), 2008.
**Conference proceedings:**
Benard, Romain and De loor, Pierre, *L'autonomisation d'Agents par Raisonnement \à\ Partir de Contexte*, Actes du s\é\minaire annuel du Laboratoire d'Informatique des Syst\è\mes Complexes, pages:20--32, 2007.
Bénard, R and De Loor, P, *Application du RàPC à la simulation de situations dynamiques collaboratives*, Actes du 15ème atelier de raisonnement à partir de cas de l'AFIA (Association Francaise d'Intelligence Artificielle)., pages:13--26, 2007.
Bénard, Romain and De Loor, Pierre, *Context-Based Decision-Making for Virtual Soccer Players*, Proceedings of the international Conference on Context: Context'07. Doctorial Consortium, pages:2--15, 2007.
Manac'h, Kristen and De Loor, Pierre, *Passage du discret au continu: identification des verrous pour la simulation de syst\è\mes autopoi\é\tiques*, ARCo'07, Colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive. Cognition-Complexit\é\-Collectif. Communications affich\é\es., 2007.
De Loor, Pierre and Lannuzel, Anthony and Manac'h, Kristen and Harrouet, Fabrice, *Cognition dynamique artificielle appliqu\é\e \à\ l'autonomisation d'un humano\"i\de virtuel*, ARCo'07, Colloque de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive. Cognition-Complexit\é\-Collectif. Communications affich\é\es, 2007.
**Book chapter :**
Buche, C and Querrec, R and De Loor, P and Chevaillier, P, *Online and Distance Learning̃: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications*, IGI Global, vol:2, pages:1137--1156, 2007.
Buche, C and Septseault, C and De Loor, P, *Les systèmes de classeurs. Une présentation générale*, **Techniques et Sciences Informatiques**, vol:9, pages:963--990, 2006.
De Loor, P and Bodic, L Le and Calvet, G and Tisseau, J, *Un simulateur d'usage pour l'évoluation des systèmes interactifs multimodaux*, **Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine**, vol:7, number:1, pages:59--91, 2006.
Buche, C and Septseault, C and De Loor, P, *Proposition d'un modèle générique pour l'implémentation d'une famille de systèmes de classeurs*, **Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information, série Intelligence Artificielle (RSTI--RIA)**, vol:20, number:1, pages:63--88, 2006.
Favier, Pierre-Alexandre and De Loor, Pierre, *From decision to action : intentionality, a guide for the specification of intelligent agents' behaviour*, **International Journal of Image and Graphics**, vol:6, number:1, pages:87--99, 2006.
**Conference proceedings:**
Benard, Romain and Aubry, Matthieu and De loor, Pierre, *Le contexte: Un vecteur d'information pour les situations dynamiques et collaboratives*, LISyC - Journ\é\es de l'Aber-Wrac'h, 2006.
Bénard, Romain and Loor, Pierre De and Tisseau, Jacques, *Understanding Dynamic Situations through Context Explanation.*, ICALT, pages:1044--1046, 2006.
Bénard, Romain and Bossard, Cyril and De Loor, Pierre, *Context's modelling for participative simulation*, 19th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-06), The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, pages:613--618, 2006.
Bénard, Romain and Aubry, Matthieu and De Loor, Pierre, *Context: An Information Medium for Dynamic and Collaborative Situations.*, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IRI - 2006, September 16 - 18, 2006, Waikoloa Village Hilton, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, pages:226--231, 2006.
**Conference proceedings:**
Benard, Romain and De loor, Pierre, *Intégration du contexte pour la résolution participative de problèmes*, LISyC - Journ\é\es de l'Aber-Wrac'h, 2005.
Le Bodic, L and De Loor, P and Kahn, J, *UMAR : A Modeling of Multimodal Artifact*, HCI International 2005, 2005.
Buche, C and Querrec, R and De Loor, P, *Système tutoriel intelligent pour l'apprentissage de travail procedural et collaboratif*, Troisièmes Journées Francophones Modèle Formels de l'Interaction (MFI 2005), Cépaduès, pages:205--210, 2005.
**Conference proceedings:**
Le Bodic, L and De Loor, P and Calvet, G and Kahn, J, *SIHMM: Simulateur de l Interaction Homme Machine Multimodale*, XVI confrence sur l'interaction Homme Machine, Annexes des actes, pages:31--34, 2004.
**Invitations :**
De Loor, Pierre and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Solving Distributed and Dynamic Constraints Using an Emotional Metaphor: Application to the Timetabling Problem*, 5th EURO/INFORM international conference, 'new opportunities for operations research', pages:144, 2003.
**Conference proceedings:**
De Loor, Pierre and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Solving Distributed and Dynamic Constraints Using an Emotional Metaphor: Application to the Timetabling Problem*, 5th EURO/INFORM international conference, 'new opportunities for operations research', pages:144, 2003.
Favier, Pierre-Alexandre and De Loor, Pierre, *Intentionality: a Needed Link Between Decision and Action for Intelligent's Agent Behaviour*, Forth International Conference on Virtual Reality and its Application in Industry Proceedings, VRAI'2003, 2003.
Buche, Cédric and Querrec, Ronan and Maffre, Éric and Chevaillier, Pierre and De Loor, Pierre, *MASCARET : multiagent system for virtual environment for training*, VRIC 2003, pages:159--164, 2003.
De Loor, Pierre and Septseault, Cyril and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Les émotions : Une métaphore pour la résolution de problèmes dynamiques distribués*, Déploiement des systèmes multi-agents, vers un passage à l'échelle, JFSMA'2003, Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information, Hermes, vol:hors série, pages:331--344, 2003.
Buche, Cédric and Querrec, Ronan and De Loor, Pierre and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Mascaret : Pedagogical Multi-Agents System for Virtual Environment for Training*, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyberworlds, IEEE Computer Society, vol:2, number:4, pages:423--445, 2003.
Le Bodic, Laurent and Kahn, J and De Loor, Pierre, *Virtual reality for multimodal HCI evaluation.*, Proceedings of the 5th Virtual Reality International Conference VRIC 2003, pages:95--98, 2003.
**Conference proceedings:**
Le Bodic, Laurent and De Loor, Pierre and Kahn, J and Harrouet, Fabrice, *Utilisation de la réalité virtuelle pour l'évaluation des interfaces multimodales*, Actes du colloque Virtual Concept 2002, pages:128--131, 2002.
Le Bodic, Laurent and De Loor, Pierre and Kahn, J, *Multimodal interfaces evaluation with virtual reality simulation*, Human Computer Interaction, Theory and Practice (Part 1), pages:661--665, 2002.
**Conference proceedings:**
Favier, P A and De Loor, P and J., Tisseau, *Programming Agent with Purposes: Application to Autonomous Shooting in Virtual Environment*, **Lecture Notes In Computer Sciences**, vol:2197, pages:40--43, 2001.
Querrec, Ronan and De Loor, Pierre and Chevaillier, Pierre, *Environnement virtuel pour la formation des officiers sapeurs-pompiers*, Fondements des systèmes multi-agents -- modèles, spécifications formelles et vérification, Actes des 9iemes Journées Francophones d'Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFIADSMA'01), Hermès Science Publications, pages:311--314, 2001.
**Conference proceedings:**
De Loor, P and Chevaillier, P, *Generation of Agent Interactions from Temporal Logic Specifications*, Proceedings of 16 th IMACS World congress 2000, on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, 2000.
**Book chapter :**
Carre-Menetrier, Véronique and De Loor, Pierre, *7 facettes du grafcet*, Cepadues, 2000.
Chevaillier, P and Harrouet, F and De Loor, P, *Application des réseaux de \Petri\ à la modélisation des systèmes multi-agents de contrôle*, **Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés**, vol:33, number:4, pages:413--437, 1999.
De Loor, P and Zaytoon, J and J. Villermain-Lecolier, G, *Abstractions and heuristics for the validation of Grafcet controlled systems*, **Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés**, vol:31, number:3, pages:561--580, 1997.
Zaytoon, J and De Loor, P and Goedel, C and Villermain-Lecolier, G, *Modélisation et vérification des systèmes hybrides à l'aide du TTM/RTTL"*, **Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés**, vol:30, number:4, pages:405--432, 1996.
**Conference proceedings:**
De Loor, P and Zaytoon, J and Villermain-Lecolier, G, *Heuristiques pour la validation des systèmes commandés par Grafcet*, Congrès Modélisation des systèmes réactifs, pages:239--247, 1996.
De Loor, P and Zaytoon, J, *On The Validation of a class of real-time properties for Grafcet controlled systems*, Symposium on Discrete Events and Manufacturing Systems, CESA'96 IMACS/IEEE Multiconference, pages:789--793, 1996.
**Conference proceedings:**
Zaytoon, J and De Loor, P and Villermain-Lecolier, G, *Giving semantics to the extended Grafcet by means of Timed Transition Model*, 7th. IFAC/IFORS/IMACS Symposium on Large Scale Systems : Theory and Applications, pages:965--970, 1995.
Zaytoon, J and De Loor, P and Villermain-Lecolier, G, *Using a real-time framework to verify the propoerties of Grafcet*, 3rd. IFAC/IFIP Workshop on algorithms and architectures for real-time control, pages:233--238, 1995.
**Conference proceedings:**
Zaytoon, J and De Loor, P and Villermain-Lecolier, G, *Extension de la logique temporelle à la conception des systèmes dynamiques hybrides*, Symposium ADPM'94 Automatisation des processus mixtes : les systèmes dynamiques hybrides, pages:57--65, 1994.
Zaytoon, J and Carre-Menetrier, V and Niclet, M and De Loor, P, *On the recent advances in Grafcet*, IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing System Modelling, pages:419--424, 1994.
Zaytoon, J and Villermain-Lecolier, G and De Loor, P, *Associating discrete part manufacturing systems semantics to SADT by means of Petri nets*, IFAC Integrated Systems Engeneering, pages:293--298, 1994.