Version Française Home Publications by dates Publication by types Supervision Projects Popularization Phd Jury Courses material French English Music # Menore # ALSP : Artificial constructivist Learning of Spatial Porperties <table> <td> - Objectives: <br> <br> - Funding : Campus France </td> <td> </td> </table> # OLiMal : On Line unsupervised spatio-temporal Machine Learning <table> <td> An MMT project : <br> <br> </td> <td> </td> </table> # Andreea <table> <td> - Objectives: <br> <br> - Funding : Orange Lab </td> <td> </td> </table> # Lenaic <table> <td> - Objectives: <br> <br> - Funding : Orange Lab </td> <td> </td> </table> #SOMBRERO : Embodying socio-communicative behaviors in humanoid robots.# <table> <td> - Objectives: proposes to train humanoid robots (Nina and Roméo) i.e. provide them with sociocommunicative abilities by immersive teleoperation i.e. “beaming” of human pilots. <br> <br> - Partners: GIPSA-Lab (coordinateur), Lab-STICC, LIG, LIP, Aldebaran Robotics. <br> <br> - Funding : ANR (2015-2018) </td> <td> <img src ="./images/Sombrero.PNG" style="width:50%" align="right"></img> <!--![sombrero](./images/Sombrero.PNG).element height="50%" width="50%" --> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Pierre De Loor François Lasson, Mihai Polceanu, Cédric Buche. Temporal Deep Belief Network for Online Human Action Recognition. In 30th International Florida Artificial Intelligence, 2017. ----- #ANTIMOINE : ANtropologIe du patriMOINE et des territoires.# <table> <td> - Objectives : create an enactive interface between cultural heritage datas and humans. <br><br> - Partners: Lab-STICC(Coordinateur), LINA, CoDIRE, Topic-Topos <br><br> - Funding : ANR (2014-2017) </td> <td> <img src = "./images/la-marche-pour.bmp" style="width:50%" align="right"></img> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Rajaonarivo, L., Maisel, E., & Loor, P. De. (2019). An evolving museum metaphor applied to cultural heritage for personalized content delivery. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction * Landy Rajaonarivo, Matthieu Courgeon, Eric Maisel, and Pierre De Loor. Inline Co-Evolution between Users and Information Presentation for Data Exploration. In 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interface, pages 215-219, 2017. * Landy Rajaonarivo, Pierre De Loor, Eric Maisel, and Matthieu Courgeon. Using the enaction paradigm as a basis for database exploration to favor users sensemaking. In Computational Creativity and Cognition and Ontologie, joint symposium of the AISB annual convention, Bath, UK, 2017. * Landy Rajaonarivo, Eric Maisel, and Pierre De Loor. An enactive based realtime 3D self-organization system for the exploration of a cultural heritage data base. In 20th International Conference Information Visualisation, pages 100-105, Lisbonne, 2016. * Landy Rajaonarivo, Eric Maisel, Pierre De Loor La marche pour chemin : un principe d'exploration de base de donnees In Journées de Rochebrunes 2016 : qu'est-ce que la donnée. ----- #INGREDIBLE : Interaction Gestuelle cREDIBLE.# <table> <td> - Objectives : create a virtual character able to regulate gesture interactions with humans <br><br> - Partners: Lab-STICC(Coordinateur), LIMSI, IRISA, Virtualys <br><br> - Funding : ANR (2013-2016) </td> <td> <img src = "./images/ingredible.PNG" style="width:50%" align="right"></img> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Elisabetta Bevacqua, Romain Richard, and Pierre De Loor. Believability and Co-presence in Human-Virtual Character Interaction. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, to appear, 2017. * Pierre De Loor, Romain Richard, Julien Soler, Elisabetta Bevacqua. Aliveness metaphor for an evolutive gesture interaction based on coupling between a human and a virtual agent. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents - CASA'16, pages 147-155, New York, New York, USA, 2016. ACM Press. * Elisabetta Bevacqua, Romain Richard, Julien Soler, and Pierre De Loor. INGREDIBLE: A platform for full doby interaction between human and virtual agent that improves co-presence. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing - MOCO'16, New York, New York, USA, 2016. ACM Press. * Pierre De Loor, Elisabetta Bevacqua, Igor Stankovic, Ayoub Maatallaoui, Alexis Nédélec, and Cédric Buche. Utilisation de la notion de couplage pour la modélisation d'agents virtuels interactifs socialement présents. In Congrés III: Intercompréhension, de l'Intraspécifique à l'Interspécifique, pages 34-40, 2013. * Elisabetta Bevacqua, Igor Stankovi, Ayoub Maatallaoui, Alexis Nédélec, and Pierre De Loor. Effects of Coupling in Human-virtual Agent Body Interaction. In Intelligent Virtual Agents, 2014. * Céline Jost, Pierre De Loor, Alexis Nédélec, Elisabetta Bevacqua, and Igor Stankovic. Real-Time Gesture Recognition Based On Motion Quality Analysis. In 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment - INTETAIN 2015, 2015. ---- #Enactive Entities# <table> <td> - Objectives : Developping models of virtual autonomous entities based on the enactive paradigm of cognitive science : learning sensorimotor invariants by interacting in an environment, without representations. Maintaining a dynamical organization able to resist to disturbances. Adressing the meaning of an interaction beetwen humans and this kind of entities. <br><br> - Funding : MESR (2009-2012) </td> <td> <img src = "./images/enactive.PNG" style="width:50%" align="right"></img> <img src = "./images/autopoieticMachine.PNG" style="width:50%" align="right"></img> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Pierre De Loor, Kristen Manac'h, and Pierre Chevaillier. The memorization of in-line sensorimotor invariants: toward behavioral ontogeny and enactive agents. Artificial Life and Robotics, 9(2):127-135, 2014. * Pierre De Loor, Kristen Manac’h, and Jacques Tisseau. Enaction-Based Artificial Intelligence: Toward Co-evolution with Humans in the Loop. Minds and Machines, 19(3):319-343, October 2009. * Pierre De Loor, Kristen Manac'h, Cyril Bossard, and Jacques Tisseau. L'intercompréhension humain-système: Phénoménologie, Enaction et Systèmes Dynamiques Autonomes. In Marine GrandGeorge, Brigitte Lepevedic, and Frédéric Pugnière-Saavedra, editors, Interactions et Intercompréhension : une approche comparative. Eme edition, 2013. * Kristen Manac'h and Pierre De Loor. Guiding for Associative Learning: How to Shape Artificial Dynamic Cognition. In Advances in Artificial Life. Darwin Meets von Neumann Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5777, proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Life, number 5777 in LNCS/LNAI, pages 189-196, Budapest, 2011. * Pierre De Loor, Kristen Manac'h, and Alexandra Fronville. Simulation of Abstract Autopoietic Machine. In 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), 2009. ------------------------ #EVODIIME# <table> <td> Évolutivité et dynamique d’interaction en immersion virtuelle (« evodiime ») : Applications de la réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie légale. - Objectif : développer une interaction humain-agent, couplée dynamiquement à l'activitée cérébrale de l'utilisateur. Le but de cette application est d'évaluer l'utilisation du neurofeedback et de la réalitée virtuelle pour la thérapie de délinquants et criminels psychiatriques, et plus particulièrement la possibilité de les entraîner à augmenter leur niveau d'empathie à la douleur. <br><br> - Partners: ARViPL(Coordinateur), Lab-STICC <br><br> - Funding : CFQCU (2014-2015) </td> <td> <img src = "./images/Evodiime.PNG" style="width:100%" align="right"></img> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * M. Benbouriche, P. Renaud, J.-F. Pelletier, and P. De Loor. Applications de la réalité virtuelle en psychiatrie légale : la perspective de l'autorégulation comme cadre théorique. L'Encéphale , pages 1-7, 2016. ------------------------ #Collaboration avec la troupe DEREZO <table> <td> - Objectif : Montrer l'enrichissement mutuel entre art et science. Exploiter les modèles d'entités autonomes dans un contexte derecherche création artistique. <br><br> - Partners: DEREZO, Lab-STICC </td> <td> <img src = "./images/Virthea.PNG" style="width:50%" align="right"></img> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Pierre De Loor, Kristen Manac'h, Charlie Windelschmidt, Frédéric Devillers, Pierre Chevaillier, and Jacques Tisseau. Connecting Interactive Arts and Virtual Reality with Enaction. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 11(2), 2014. * Pierre De Loor, Charlie Windelschmidt, Karen Martinaud, and Vincent Cabioch. Enactive Artificial Intelligence and Art : What Links ? In invited conference to the First France-Russia Seminar, pages 273-283, Moscow, 2010. -------------------------- #Imitation learning for the credibility of bots in video game# <table> <td> - Founding : Virtualys (2010-2013) </td> <td> <img src = "./images/chameleon.png" style="width:15%" align="right"></img> <img src = "./images/chameleon3.png" style="width:15%" align="right"></img> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * F. Tence, L. Gaubert, J. Soler, P. De Loor, and C. Buche. Stable growing neural gas: A topology learning algorithm based on player tracking in video games. Applied Soft Computing, 13(10):4174-4184, October 2013. * F. Tence, L. Gaubert, J. Soler, P. De Loor, and C. Buche. Chameleon : online learning for believable behaviors based on humans imitation in computer games. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 24(5):477-495, September 2013. * Fabien Tencé, Laurent Gaubert, Pierre De Loor, and Cédric Buche. Chameleon : A learning virtual bot for believable behaviors in video game. In International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (GAMEON’12), pages 64-70, 2012. ------------------------ #Participative simulation of Dynamic Situations# <table> <td> - Founding : Region Bretagne (2008-2011) </td> <td> <img src = "./images/copefoot.png" style="width:50%" align="right"></img> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Romain Bénard, Pierre De Loor, and Jacques Tisseau. Understanding Dynamic Situations through Context Explanation. In ICALT, pages 1044-1046, 2006. * Romain Bénard, Cyril Bossard, and Pierre De Loor. Context's modelling for participative simulation. In Geoff Sutcliffe and Randy Goebel, editors, 19th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-06), pages 613-618. The AAAI Press, Menlo Park, California, 2006. * Pierre De Loor, Romain Bénard, and Pierre Chevaillier. Real-time retrieval for case-based reasoning in interactive multiagent-based simulations. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5):5145-5153, May 2011. * Cyril Bossard, Gilles Kermarrec, Romain Bénard, Pierre De Loor, and Jacques Tisseau. Investigate naturalistic decision making of football players to design virtual environment. In B L W Wong et N.A. Stanton, editor, Proceedings of 9th bi-annual international conference on Naturalistic Decision Making : Naturalistic Decision Making and Computers- NDM9, pages 185-186, London, 2009. * Cyril Bossard, Gilles Kermarrec, Pierre De Loor, Romain Bénard, and Jacques Tisseau. Sport, réalité virtuelle et conception de simulations participatives Illustration dans le domaine du football avec le simulateur CoPeFoot. Intellectica, 52:97-117, 2010. * Camille De Keukelaere, Gilles Kermarrec, Cyril Bossard, Denis Pasco, and Pierre De Loor. Formes, contenus et évolution du partage au sein d'une équipe de sport de haut niveau. Le travail humain, 76(3):227, 2013. ------------------------------- #Classifier system applied to Intelligent Tutoring System# <img src = "./images/pegase.png" style="width:20%" </img> - Main publications of our work : * C Buche and P De Loor. Generic model for experimenting and using a family of classifiers systems: description and basic applications. In L Rutkowski, editor, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC'10), Part I, LNAI 6113, pages 299-306. Springer, 2010. * C Buche, R Querrec, P De Loor, and P Chevaillier. Online and Distance Learning˜: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. volume 2, chapter {MASCARET}, pages 1137-1156. IGI Global, 2007. * Cédric Buche, Ronan Querrec, Pierre De Loor, Pierre Chevaillier, and Jacques Tisseau. PEGASE : un systéme tutoriel intelligent générique et adaptatif en environnement virtue. Technique et Science Informatiques, 8:1051-1076, 2009. * Cédric Buche, Ronan Querrec, Pierre De Loor, and Pierre Chevaillier. Mascaret : Pedagogical Multi-Agents System for Virtual Environment for Training. In Tosiyasu L Kunii, Seah Hock Soon, and Alexei Sourin, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyberworlds, volume 2, pages 423-445, Singapore, 2003. IEEE Computer Society. -------------------- #Simulation of the behavior of user of multimodal interfaces# <table> <td> - Founding : France Telecom (2002-2005) </td> <td> <img src = "./images/llb1.png" style="width:50%" align="right"> </td> <td> <img src = "./images/llb2.png" style="width:50%" align="right"> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Laurent Le Bodic, Pierre De Loor, and J Kahn. Multimodal interfaces evaluation with virtual reality simulation. In Human Computer Interaction, Theory and Practice (Part 1), pages 661-665, 2002. [ bib ] * P De Loor, L Le Bodic, G Calvet, and J Tisseau. Un simulateur d'usage pour l'évoluation des systèmes interactifs multimodaux. Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine, 7(1):59-91, 2006. [ bib ] * L Le Bodic, P De Loor, and J Kahn. UMAR : A Modeling of Multimodal Artifact. In HCI International 2005, 2005. [ bib ] ---------------------- #Modelisation and simulation of intentional agents# <table> <td> - Founding : MESR (2001-2003) </td> <td> <p align="center"> <img src = "./images/paf1.png" style="width:40%"> </p> </td> <td> <img src = "./images/paf2.png" style="width:40%" align="right"> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Pierre-Alexandre Favier and Pierre De Loor. From decision to action : intentionality, a guide for the specification of intelligent agents' behaviour. International Journal of Image and Graphics, 6(1):87-99, 2006. * P A Favier, P De Loor, and Tisseau J. Programming Agent with Purposes: Application to Autonomous Shooting in Virtual Environment. Lecture Notes In Computer Sciences, 2197:40-43, 2001. --------------------- #Emotion as metaphor for a distributed and interactive constraint problem solving # <table> <td> <p align="center"> <img src = "./images/edt1.png" style="width:50%"> </p> </td> <td> <img src = "./images/edt2.png" style="width:50%" align="right"> </td> </table> - Main publications of our work : * Pierre De Loor, Cyril Septseault, and Pierre Chevaillier. Les émotions : Une métaphore pour la résolution de problèmes dynamiques distribués. In Jean-Pierre Briot and Khaled Ghédira, editors, Déploiement des systèmes multi-agents, vers un passage à l'échelle, JFSMA'2003, Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information, volume hors série, pages 331-344. Hermes, 2003. [ bib ] * Pierre De Loor and Pierre Chevaillier. Solving Distributed and Dynamic Constraints Using an Emotional Metaphor: Application to the Timetabling Problem. In 5th EURO/INFORM international conference, 'new opportunities for operations research', page 144, Istanbul, 2003. [ bib ] ---------------------------