Loading lang_cpp_tr_05...
template<typename T, typename Fnct> inline bool // stop pre_order(const BinaryNode<T> &node, Fnct fnct, int depth=0) { return fnct(node, depth) ||(node.left()&&pre_order(*node.left(), fnct, depth+1)) ||(node.right()&&pre_order(*node.right(), fnct, depth+1)); }
using Clade = alloc::BinaryNode<std::string>;
Mammalia ├── Monotremata └── Theria ├── Marsupiala └── Placentalia ├── Atlantogeneta │ ├── Afrotheria │ └── Xenarthra └── Boreoeutheria ├── Euarchontoglires │ ├── Euarchonta │ │ ├── Scandentia │ │ └── Primatomorpha │ │ ├── Dermoptera │ │ └── Primates │ └── Glires └── Laurasiatheria ├── Eulipotyphla └── Scrotifera ├── Chiroptera └── Fereuungulata ├── Euungulata │ ├── Cetartiodactyla │ └── Perissodactyla └── Ferae ├── Pholidota └── Carnivora(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammal)
Primates ├── Strepsirrhini │ └── Lemuriformes │ ├── Lorisoidea │ └── Lemuroidea └── Haplorhini ├── Tarsiiformes │ └── Tarsioidea └── Simiiformes ├── Parvorder Platyrrhini └── Catarrhini ├── Cercopithecidae └── Homonoidea ├── Hylobatidae └── Hominidae ├── Ponginae └── Homininae ├── Gorillini │ └── Gorilla └── Hominini ├── Pan └── Homo(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primate)
template<typename T>afin de représenter par T (ou un autre nom de votre choix) le nom du type de la valeur mémorisée.
std::unique_ptr<BinaryNode>; ainsi ils peuvent éventuellement ne désigner aucun nœud (ils valent nullptr) ou être propriétaires d'un nœud alloué dynamiquement.
{}comme valeur par défaut afin qu'ils soient optionnels. La fonction membre value() doit renvoyer une référence constante sur le membre correspondant.
Clade root{"Root", std::make_unique<Clade>("Child1", std::make_unique<Clade>("SubChild1", std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf1"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf2")), std::make_unique<Clade>("SubChild2", std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf3"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf4"))), std::make_unique<Clade>("Child2", std::make_unique<Clade>("SubChild3", std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf5"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf6")), std::make_unique<Clade>("SubChild4", std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf7"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Leaf8"))));
[&](const auto &node, const auto &depth) { for(int i=0; i<depth; ++i) { std::cout << "| "; } std::cout << node.value() << '\n'; return false; }
Clade root1{ ... }; ... Clade root2{ ... std::make_unique<Clade>(root1), ... };
Clade root1{ ... }; ... Clade root2{ ... std::make_unique<Clade>(std::move(root1)), ... };
template<typename Compare = std::less<T>> bool // inserted sorted_insert(T value, Compare compare={}) { // ... }
template<typename T, typename Compare = std::less<T>> inline std::vector<const BinaryNode<T> *> sorted_find(const BinaryNode<T> &node, const T &value, Compare compare={}) { // ... }
#include <memory> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <functional>
namespace alloc {
template<typename T> class BinaryNode { public:
BinaryNode(T value, std::unique_ptr<BinaryNode> left={}, std::unique_ptr<BinaryNode> right={}) : value_{std::move(value)} , left_{std::move(left)} , right_{std::move(right)} { // nothing more to be done }
//-- provide copy -- BinaryNode(const BinaryNode &rhs) : value_{rhs.value_} // copy , left_{} , right_{} { if(rhs.left_) { left_=std::make_unique<BinaryNode>(*rhs.left_); // copy } if(rhs.right_) { right_=std::make_unique<BinaryNode>(*rhs.right_); // copy } }
BinaryNode& operator=(const BinaryNode &rhs) { value_=rhs.value_; // copy if(rhs.left_) { left_=std::make_unique<BinaryNode>(*rhs.left_); // copy } else { left_.reset(); } if(rhs.right_) { right_=std::make_unique<BinaryNode>(*rhs.right_); // copy } else { right_.reset(); } return *this; }
//-- default move is suitable -- BinaryNode(BinaryNode &&) =default; BinaryNode & operator=(BinaryNode &&) =default;
//-- default destruction is suitable -- ~BinaryNode() =default;
const T & value() const { return value_; }
const BinaryNode * left() const { return left_.get(); }
const BinaryNode * right() const { return right_.get(); }
template<typename Compare = std::less<T>> bool // inserted sorted_insert(T value, Compare compare={}) { if(compare(value, value_)) // value is less than current { if(left_) { return left_->sorted_insert(std::move(value), compare); } else { left_=std::make_unique<BinaryNode>(std::move(value)); return true; } } if(compare(value_, value)) // current is less than value { if(right_) { return right_->sorted_insert(std::move(value), compare); } else { right_=std::make_unique<BinaryNode>(std::move(value)); return true; } } return false; // current is value }
private: T value_; std::unique_ptr<BinaryNode> left_; std::unique_ptr<BinaryNode> right_; };
template<typename T, typename Fnct> inline bool // stop pre_order(const BinaryNode<T> &node, Fnct fnct, int depth=0) { return fnct(node, depth) ||(node.left()&&pre_order(*node.left(), fnct, depth+1)) ||(node.right()&&pre_order(*node.right(), fnct, depth+1)); }
template<typename T, typename Fnct> inline bool // stop in_order(const BinaryNode<T> &node, Fnct fnct, int depth=0) { return (node.left()&&in_order(*node.left(), fnct, depth+1)) ||fnct(node, depth) ||(node.right()&&in_order(*node.right(), fnct, depth+1)); }
template<typename T, typename Fnct> inline bool // stop post_order(const BinaryNode<T> &node, Fnct fnct, int depth=0) { return (node.left()&&post_order(*node.left(), fnct, depth+1)) ||(node.right()&&post_order(*node.right(), fnct, depth+1)) ||fnct(node, depth); }
template<typename T, typename Fnct> inline bool // stop breadth_first(const BinaryNode<T> &node, Fnct fnct) { std::queue<const BinaryNode<T> *> pending; pending.emplace(&node); int depth=0; int next_depth=1; for(int done=0; !empty(pending); ++done) { if(done==next_depth) { ++depth; next_depth+=int(size(pending)); } const auto ¤t=*pending.front(); pending.pop(); if(fnct(current, depth)) { return true; } if(current.left()) { pending.emplace(current.left()); } if(current.right()) { pending.emplace(current.right()); } } return false; }
template<typename T, typename Predicate> inline std::vector<const BinaryNode<T> *> find_if(const BinaryNode<T> &node, Predicate predicate) { std::vector<const BinaryNode<T> *> result; const bool found=pre_order(node, [&](const auto &elem, const auto &depth) { if(depth<int(size(result))) { result.resize(depth); } result.emplace_back(&elem); return predicate(elem); }); if(!found) { result.clear(); } return result; }
template<typename T> inline std::vector<const BinaryNode<T> *> find(const BinaryNode<T> &node, const T &value) { return find_if(node, [&](const auto &elem) { return elem.value()==value; }); }
template<typename T, typename Compare = std::less<T>> inline std::vector<const BinaryNode<T> *> sorted_find(const BinaryNode<T> &node, const T &value, Compare compare={}) { std::vector<const BinaryNode<T> *> result; result.emplace_back(&node); while(!empty(result)) { const auto current=result.back(); if(compare(value, current->value())) // value is less than current { const auto next=current->left(); if(next) { result.emplace_back(next); } else { result.clear(); // not found } } else if(compare(current->value(), value)) // current is less than value { const auto next=current->right(); if(next) { result.emplace_back(next); } else { result.clear(); // not found } } else // current is value { break; } } return result; }
} // namespace alloc
#include "binary_tree.hpp"
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm>
#include <random>
const auto display= [](const auto &node, const auto &depth) { for(int i=0; i<depth; ++i) { std::cout << "| "; } std::cout << node.value() << '\n'; return false; };
void test_clades() { std::cout << "\n~~~~ " << __func__ << "() ~~~~\n"; using Clade = alloc::BinaryNode<std::string>; Clade primates{"Primates", std::make_unique<Clade>("Strepsirrhini", std::make_unique<Clade>("Lemuriformes", std::make_unique<Clade>("Lorisoidea"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Lemuroidea"))), std::make_unique<Clade>("Haplorhini", std::make_unique<Clade>("Tarsiiformes", std::make_unique<Clade>("Tarsioidea")), std::make_unique<Clade>("Simiiformes", std::make_unique<Clade>("Parvorder Platyrrhini"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Catarrhini", std::make_unique<Clade>("Cercopithecidae"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Homonoidea", std::make_unique<Clade>("Hylobatidae"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Hominidae", std::make_unique<Clade>("Ponginae"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Homininae", std::make_unique<Clade>("Gorillini", std::make_unique<Clade>("Gorilla")), std::make_unique<Clade>("Hominini", std::make_unique<Clade>("Pan"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Homo"))))))))}; Clade mammalia{"Mammalia", std::make_unique<Clade>("Monotremata"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Theria", std::make_unique<Clade>("Marsupiala"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Placentalia", std::make_unique<Clade>("Atlantogeneta", std::make_unique<Clade>("Afrotheria"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Xenarthra")), std::make_unique<Clade>("Boreoeutheria", std::make_unique<Clade>("Euarchontoglires", std::make_unique<Clade>("Euarchonta", std::make_unique<Clade>("Scandentia"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Primatomorpha", std::make_unique<Clade>("Dermoptera"), #if 0 std::make_unique<Clade>(std::move(primates)))), #else std::make_unique<Clade>(primates))), #endif std::make_unique<Clade>("Glires")), std::make_unique<Clade>("Laurasiatheria", std::make_unique<Clade>("Eulipotyphla"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Scrotifera", std::make_unique<Clade>("Chiroptera"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Fereuungulata", std::make_unique<Clade>("Euungulata", std::make_unique<Clade>("Cetartiodactyla"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Perissodactyla")), std::make_unique<Clade>("Ferae", std::make_unique<Clade>("Pholidota"), std::make_unique<Clade>("Carnivora"))))))))}; std::cout << "~~ in_order ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; in_order(mammalia, display); std::cout << "~~ pre_order ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; pre_order(mammalia, display); std::cout << "~~ post_order ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; post_order(mammalia, display); std::cout << "~~ breadth_first ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; breadth_first(mammalia, display); std::cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; const auto show_ancestors= [&](const auto &ancestors_begin, const auto &ancestors_end) { std::string result; std::for_each(ancestors_begin, ancestors_end, [&](const auto &elem) { if(!empty(result)) { result+=", "; } result+=elem->value(); }); return result; }; const std::string a="Homo"; const std::string b="Chiroptera"; const auto a_ancestors=find(mammalia, a); const auto b_ancestors=find(mammalia, b); std::cout << a << " --> " << show_ancestors(cbegin(a_ancestors), cend(a_ancestors)) << '\n'; std::cout << b << " --> " << show_ancestors(cbegin(b_ancestors), cend(b_ancestors)) << '\n'; const auto m=std::mismatch(cbegin(a_ancestors), cend(a_ancestors), cbegin(b_ancestors)); std::cout << a << " & " << b << " --> " << show_ancestors(cbegin(a_ancestors), m.first) << '\n'; }
void test_sorted() { std::cout << "\n~~~~ " << __func__ << "() ~~~~\n"; std::default_random_engine rnd_gen{std::random_device{}()}; const int max_value=50; std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uni_dist{0, max_value}; alloc::BinaryNode<int> numbers{uni_dist(rnd_gen)}; for(int i=0; i<max_value; ++i) { const int value=uni_dist(rnd_gen); if(!numbers.sorted_insert(value)) { std::cout << value << " already present\n"; } } in_order(numbers, display); for(int i=0; i<=max_value; ++i) { const auto path=sorted_find(numbers, i); if(!empty(path)) { std::cout << i << " -->"; for(const auto &elem: path) { std::cout << ' ' << elem->value(); } std::cout << '\n'; } } }
int main() { test_clades(); test_sorted(); return 0; }