I also teach the class "Serious Games" for the Master in Psychology CAER
I like to investigate the application of tools, models and
paradigms from computer science (and logic, from a
Curry-Howard perspective) to new media.
Lately, I have been investigating the use of Linear Logic as a conceptual
model for Computational Narratives, aka a Proof is a
I am interested in using narratives to represent human understanding.
I am also interested in using them for conveying meaning in an engaging manner as part of interactive applications.
Linear Logic for Non-Linear
Storytelling. In Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2010.
(ECAI 2010). Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Marc Cavazza,
Ronan Champagnat.
Supporting Social Skills Rehabilitation with Virtual Storytelling. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Flairs Conference.
(FLAIRS 2016). Cindy Even, Anne-Gwenn Bosser, João F. Ferreira, Cédric Buche, Florian Stéphan, Marc
Cavazza and Christine Lisetti.
Introducing Temporal Stable Models for Linear Dynamic Logic. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Oct 2018, Tempe, Arizona,
(KR 2018). Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Pedro Cabalar, Martin Dieguez and Torsten Schaub. (authors in alphabetical order)
Co-constructing Subjective Narratives for Understanding Interactive Simulation Sessions. In Proceedings of the Joint INT - WICED Workshop, Oct 2018, Edmonton, Canada.
Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Martin Dieguez, Ariane Bitoun, and Francois Legras.
Towards Narrative-Driven Atmosphere for Virtual Classroom. To Appear. Extended Abstract, in Proceedings of the 38th ACM CHI conference (Late Breaking Work Track). May 2019, Glasgow.
Jean-Luc Lugrin, Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Mathieu Chollet, Marc Erich Latoshik, Birgit Lugrin and Yann Glemarec.
Timing Interactive Narratives. To Appear. In Conference on Games (CoG) August 2019, London, UK.
Thomas Cabioch, Ronan Champagnat, Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Jean-Noel Chiganne and Martin Dieguez
I used to like to think about how best to build online persistent multi-user
games. This was the topic of my PhD
thesis which I defended as a member of the PPS lab,
Paris 7 - Denis Diderot University (supervised by Emmanuel Chailloux).
R&D engineer (in training), Renault SA (embedded software)
I have studied Mathematics as an undergrad, then went on to study
Logic, both from the Philosophical and Mathematical point of views. I
studied programming languages design with Emmanuel Chailloux (type
systems for CAML-like languages), then trained as a Software Engineer,
in embedded software for Renault SA. After some time in the computer games industry I did a PhD in Computer Science.
Licence (BSc) in Mathematics,
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
PhD in
Computer Science, Paris 7, Denis Diderot, PPS lab.
I have three daughters born in 2008, 2011 and 2014.
I am working on a fractional basis since 2008. It may cause delays of a couple of days in answering e-mails.
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